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Considering heading bk to Newcastle U.K. For good.

Red Hot Chili Pipers

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Hi All

We are a family of five have been in Perth around 7years.

I  have fibromyalgia and sadly the heat affects me ?.. lol Not the best climate to move to.. Anyways each summer gets harder out here for me and I just couldn't hold down a job here being so ill. Hubby has a god job but I'd love to go bk to work. Obviously I'll still have the condition in the UK but from living there and holidaying in cooler climates my health is far better there. I'm feeling a little selfish considering the move back but I think I need a life as well. In my mid 30s the thought of being a hermit here in the summers is hard.. 

We would head back to Whitley Bay.

My concerns will be Schools  we have a 10/8 /4 and also my hubby getting a job back there, I have already spoken to a few companies for myself and there are options. Always being a stay at home mum just won't suit us and the older our children get the tighter money will become if I can't work here.

Anyone with information on the difference in Schooling ?? I'm concerned my children will be behind when we move bk.

We are heading to Newcastle for the first time in 7 years for a reccie we go in 2 weeks. We are all excited but I'm also extremely nervous!!

We only have ten years left on our UK mortgage and 28 here in Perth?,... doesn't help that the market in Perth is not great!!

Anyone else in the Newcastle area with any tips/info would be appreciated.

Have great evening all.






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I'm not an education expert but I don't think you need to worry about your children. It's far, far better to move now, than if they were in their teens.  

You are right, you are an equal member of your family and just as entitled to a life as everyone else.  Personally, I prefer living in Australia but don't let anyone tell you it's a "better life" in Australia and you're crazy to be moving back.   Life is different, not better or worse.  There are pro's and con's to both countries and they balance out. 

Good luck

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My cousin and a friend in the UK suffer badly with fibromyalgia and it's also affected their capacity to work also (for them the cold effects them more than heat).  I do feel for your predicament, it must be very difficult when you don't feel as if you're functioning to your best.

As Marisa says, now is the time to move if you're going to do it whilst the children are young enough - you're eldest should be able to catch up with the curriculum and it won't matter much for the younger two - it's not that they'll be behind as such, just not up to speed with the English curriculum.  If you're going back for a reccee then it may be worthwhile visiting a couple of schools and having a chat to them.

It probably hasn't helped that you've been paying both a UK and Aus mortgage (if I've read that right), we had to take out a 30 year mortgage 11 years ago (with only 15 on our UK one), but with only having one property to pay for, we've managed to only have about 9 years left now on our mortgage here.

Do look at the move realistically just as you did when you moved from the UK - plan for the eventuality that you may not get jobs right away, but if you've already got a property you own to move into that'll be half the battle.  

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I can't comment on Newcastle particularly, other than to say my aunt and uncle have just moved up that way from Hereford and absolutely love it.  We moved back to the UK with our two children (aged 9 and 11 at the time) and they have fitted into school here very well.  We moved to Scotland, where the cut-off dates are a bit different, so eldest went back a bit.  Youngest should have gone forward, but we were able to hold her back in to the year below.  It gave her time to relax a bit and spend time settling in.  They weren't behind, as such, it was more that they were ahead in some parts of the curriculum but behind in others, simply due to the different order they were taught in in Australia.  Their teachers have assured me that they will be fine.  There were other little gaps in their knowledge, for example they had little to no knowledge of British history (other than what we'd talked about at home), and they do French and German which they'd not done at school in Australia (although we did pay privately for French lessons), so they've had some catching up to do there.  It hasn't been a problem though.

Good luck with it, I hope you have a great trip back!

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Been back in the uk 7 yrs, returned with a 5 & 1 year old. Lived in Perth 5 Years, love the heat but towards the end found it too much with x2 young Kids. Both have settled well, back in uk, not just academically, it was more socially that I also felt important - we were too insular & isolated where we chose to live in Perth.

Where we chose to live in the uk, the focus was, best place to bring up kids. Got it on the button! What did people do before internet?!

In hindsight, hubby & I should have included our wants & needs - we had been away from uk for 10years & have found it hard to settle, not moved back to where we left but no connection with the people we left behind. We also didn’t do a reccie, which I think is a good idea. Decision was made 6 months after having a baby.

Come to realise, you have to plan & adapt, our kids are older now & we’re starting to plan lots of adventures around Europe.  I think the key is to build lots of good memories through all the chapters in life! Our kids are happy, grounded & settled & very social, so we’ve done what we set out to do!

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Thank you .. i really appreciate the replies everyone. 

I know we have to come back and if im honest i also want to come back. Its just hard to make that final decision.

Although we still have our house in Newcastle.  I am Scottish and most jobs for my husband seem to be in Manchester or Scotland at the moment.  Hopefully after going back on this trip we will feel more comfortable with our decision.

Sunshine 111, the thought of going somewhere new when you came back must have been hard, that is a slight worry for me, but we do miss Europe. Feel so isolated here in Perth.

LKC. Do you mind if i ask where in Scotland? Our children have only been to School here in Aus so i didnt realise Scotland /England intake may be different.  I will look into thank you. Our children have no knowledge into british history,  although they are learning about it now ready for our trip.

Lots of helpful information to look in to.


Thank you




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7 hours ago, Red Hot Chili Pipers said:



Thank you .. i really appreciate the replies everyone. 

I know we have to come back and if im honest i also want to come back. Its just hard to make that final decision.

Although we still have our house in Newcastle.  I am Scottish and most jobs for my husband seem to be in Manchester or Scotland at the moment.  Hopefully after going back on this trip we will feel more comfortable with our decision.

Sunshine 111, the thought of going somewhere new when you came back must have been hard, that is a slight worry for me, but we do miss Europe. Feel so isolated here in Perth.

LKC. Do you mind if i ask where in Scotland? Our children have only been to School here in Aus so i didnt realise Scotland /England intake may be different.  I will look into thank you. Our children have no knowledge into british history,  although they are learning about it now ready for our trip.

Lots of helpful information to look in to.


Thank you




We are near Kinross, it is a fantastic area, and I'm really happy we moved here.  

The cut off for birth dates here is 1st March, rather than 1st September as it is in England.  My April born child went from being one of the youngest in the year in Australia (cut off 1st July in NSW, most people with kids born between Jan-July hold their kids back to the next year, but we didn't), to being one of the eldest, and back to the start of her final year of primary from half way through, as she was in Aus.  Youngest has a February birthday and could have gone in to P6, but as she was only half way through the equivalent of P5 in Aus, so we opted to keep her back in P5 as you can in Scotland.

They've settled really well, and I'm pleased we chose Scotland, because eldest would already be at high school in England, which she was not ready for.

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yeah we are a family of four and returning to the UK at the end of the year. we have done nearly 5 years and simply cannot afford to live here anymore,plus work is getting harder and harder to come by, good luck with your move, PS we are in Connolly, Joondalup

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Yes kinross is lovely, so glad your children have settled well!! Makes it much easier.  We have June/July children so sadly they would be in the same year Scotland or England.


Hi Jgt.. im sorry to hear finances are making it hard for you to stay here. Are yous happy to be heading back to the UK ? Where in the UK will you go?  We are South. . In Waikiki. How old are your family.

Thank you.. hooe all of your plans are going well!! 


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