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Sending belongings over ahead of us


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Hi all,

We were granted our visas this week (hurrah!). We aren’t taking a lot with us but we would like to send a couple of suitcases ahead of us (I have relatives there already so we can have them delivered there). I’ve done a few online quotes and they seem extortionate.  Would we be better to pay for extra baggage on the flight and take it on the plane with us or is there a reasonable company out there for sending just a couple / few suitcases? It doesn’t matter how long it would take to ship them over, I’ll happily start packing now! This is Midlands UK to Sydney. We’d appreciate any advice.

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Hmm, we used an excess baggage service and had it collected the day before we flew out ourselves. It arrived the day after we did and was delivered to our door. Was way cheaper (think it was about £120 for a 23 kilo bag) than excess baggage on the flight with us for sure. Especially with Singapore airlines whose excess is eye watering iirc. This was a few years ago now. What sort of price are you be8ng quoted for a bag with an excess shipping company?

Do you have an unvalidated PR visa? If so check out IOM for migrant flights as they offer extra baggage with the deal iirc. Or check and ask Singapore airlines if they offer an extra 10 kilos per person with an unvalidated PR visa still. 

Also some airlines let you ship an extra 20kg bag for a set fee I think. However, if they do, you may pay more  as their flights possibly wont be on the cheaper end of the scale so it’ll cost you that way. 


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Guest The Pom Queen
3 hours ago, Yelverton said:

I shipped 3 boxes totalling 90kg to Adelaide in 2015 with Voovit and paid £155

They came by ship though and took 3 months

That’s a good price who did you use @Yelverton . Hubby uses parcel monkey and it’s £100 for 25kg

Oops just seen you used voovit I’ve never heard of them.

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Thanks all for the advice. We’ve priced up a few an Voovit and PSS seem to be the cheapest although they are both a bit vague on charges in Australia (destination / port handling / customs / quarantine charges etc). Voovit say there is a charge of 215 AusD on top of their fee for ‘port handling’ whereas PSS say there is no port handling charge for them because they deliver to your door. However Voovit seem to think PSS would still have a similar port handling charge to them! I don’t think I’ll get anywhere near a final fee until it’s all in Australia!

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Yes you are right. After reading your post, I checked my documents and I can see that I paid a Port Service Charge of $214.50 - I had to go to the port and collect the boxes myself but that wasn't a problem.

I also paid $107 to the Department of Agriculture for a quarantine inspection - I think this was because we had some camping gear and shoes in the boxes

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10 hours ago, Kelbelski said:

Thanks all for the advice. We’ve priced up a few an Voovit and PSS seem to be the cheapest although they are both a bit vague on charges in Australia (destination / port handling / customs / quarantine charges etc). Voovit say there is a charge of 215 AusD on top of their fee for ‘port handling’ whereas PSS say there is no port handling charge for them because they deliver to your door. However Voovit seem to think PSS would still have a similar port handling charge to them! I don’t think I’ll get anywhere near a final fee until it’s all in Australia!

So you are looking at shipping some boxes via sea I would think. Then there is usually be a fee on top to clear customs. And it will take a few months to arrive. 

An excess baggage service is exactly that, it will ship via a flight and be where you want it to be within a few days generally. If you compare the two services then the ship by sea will most likely be cheaper but much slower. A few suitcases worth packed into boxes to ship by sea will most likely be the cheapest. But actual suitcases you want in a hurry, you of course expect to pay that premium for the quick turnaround. 

Have you checked IOM and their migrant deals and how much excess baggage you can take? It could be enough you can take the lot with you when you fly. Read the drop downs. 




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