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Working holiday visa

Rhys Richards

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Hi, just wanted to know if anyone knew the process a little further. 

I applied for my working class visa in July 2017 and have been waiting to hear back since, today my application changed from ‘application in process’ to ‘further process’ not sure what this means?

i have given them all the supporting documentation in August and they’ve requested nothing since? 

Does anyone know if this is a good thing or bad? Or even what it means! 


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42 minutes ago, Rhys Richards said:

Yeah it’s working holiday visa 417 not sure what to do now as I’ve been waiting months! 

It makes no sense, and I can only assume you made some kind of mistake.   The only reason people get delayed is if they have a criminal record, generally.

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5 hours ago, Rhys Richards said:

Yeah it’s working holiday visa 417 not sure what to do now as I’ve been waiting months! 

Can you cancel and re-apply? As Marisa said you may have made a mistake.

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Mine was approved within 24 hours and i think all they asked me for was my passport details. 

Where are you applying from ? 

The only reason i have herd of them not being approved (from the UK) is due to a criminal record.   

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