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Moving to Brisbane - alone?


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Hi there,

I am currently in a situation where I will have to move out of my rental apartment in Sydney on the Northern Beaches. I only moved here 8 months ago (only got a 9 months lease) and the lease won't be extended as the owner needs the place for a family member. This will now be my 4th move within 2.5 years since moving to Sydney!! I had to move out from my previous rental as well (after 6 months) as the owner wanted to sell the place. Even though I really like the Northern Beaches (or Lower North Shore where I previously lived), to be honest, I am slowly starting to lose my mojo... The fact, that you can never really feel settled due to the lack of long leases, is starting to drag me down a bit. I am sure, I will find another place but then again, what happens in 12 months when the lease expires... I am 41 years old so definately not keen on a nomad lifestyle anymore and I am craving for some stability. The only way to achieve this is to buy my own place which is not realistic in Sydney with a single income (no partner). Therefore, I have been playing with the thought of moving to Brisbane. Not only because of having the option of buying at some stage but also saving more money due to lower rents and having a slower pace of life.

So apart from looking at rentals here in Sydney, I am also considering to rent a furnished studio (no fixed lease) here in Sydney, put my stuff in storage and try to look for a job in Brisbane (background is physio, currently working for an insurance company).

Apart from the obstacle of finding a job in Brisbane, my only concern would be the fact that I´d be moving on my own. I have been living in Brisbane a few years up until 2012 and while I loved the lifestyle, I found that it's very family orientated and sometimes, as a 30-something single, felt like an outsider. However, given that Brisbane seems to undergo quite a bit of transformation at the moment, I have been wondering whether this is still the case.

I´d be interested to hear from other people who moved to Brisbane without family/partner and your experience in terms of building your social life??

Would appreciate your input!


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Have you thought about Melbourne?   It's still a big city, but it has a very different vibe (much less obsessed with property, for instance).   House prices are about two-thirds of Sydney and so are rents.   Leases here are 12 months rather than 6.  The social life for someone your age would be great, and there's lots of work in the physical therapies AFAIK.  

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Have you thought about Melbourne?   It's still a big city, but it has a very different vibe (much less obsessed with property, for instance).   House prices are about two-thirds of Sydney and so are rents.   Leases here are 12 months rather than 6.  The social life for someone your age would be great, and there's lots of work in the physical therapies AFAIK. 

To be honest, I haven´t really considered Melbourne - love to visit but I never really pictured myself living there. I am actually not really a big city person - this is probably why I have been living on the Lower North Shore and the Northern Beaches in Sydney as they are quite leafy and quieter. For me, having access to lush bushland, beaches, running tracks etc. is clearly a priority over nightlife and bars (even though I love a lively community feel with cafes, restaurants etc.- and occasionally having the option to throwing myself into the action when I want to...).

I also prefer the climate in Sydney and Brisbane over Melbourne and the surrounding area.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest The Pom Queen

Have you thought of setting us as an NDIS provider and going self employed especially in the Ipswich/Toowoomba area and in between around the Lockyer Valley. I have to admit we are loners but they say people aren’t going to come to you so you basically are going to have to think of a hobby, what about a running club? Property out that way is also cheaper ie a new build for around $299k so it’s more affordable on a single income. I’ve heard St Vincent’s has the best rehab centre in Brisbane so it may be worth while asking if they have any positions. 

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Physio is very competitive in Brizzy or Qld for that matter. My son wanted to go into it but needed an OP of 1 to get in to UNI there were that many applying. He went for Human Movement in the hope of eventually getting credits towards Physio but has now shelved it as he's managing a Gym (they head hunted him).

Might sound ridiculous as I don't know what your mental attitude is but have you thought about the Defence Forces"? Physios were in demand last time my son looked and your age doesn't debar you. You might have to move about but you'd never have to worry about a roof over your head or having mates, and I believe, after training you'd be an officer with all the security that entails. Work hard and disciplined, but they play hard also.

Good luck.................. I'm an old fart and my son is a "young buck" but if you get to Brizzy and need a hand, shoot me a pm.

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I'm also in my early 40s and single and have been living in Brisbane for 7 years. It's not a bad place at all; it's quite nice but I'm really bored and am actually thinking of moving to Melbourne.

What I like about Brisbane:

* Rental prices in the inner city have come down a lot in price due to an oversupply of available apartments. You can find really nice modern 1BR apartments within 5 km from the CBD starting at about $350-$360 per week.

* Easy to get around the inner city on public transport. 

* People generally are friendly here and easy to talk to.

* Plenty of nice cafes, bars & restaurants.

What I don't like about Brisbane:

* I don't know a lot of other singles in their 40s; most people I know are coupled up. Maybe not just an issue here although I feel like this is very much a family and/or student city.

* The weather, especially the humidity. I'm uncomfortable for about 8 months every year. It doesn't often rain but when it does it's torrential. I spend a lot of time inside to avoid the humidity.

* Traffic is a nightmare (just like any other city I guess).

* Expensive public transport.

* A lot of people here have small town mentality.

* You generally only see lots of older people at cultural events (in my experience).

* Everyone is so laid back it seems like they do not care about anything at all.

* Limited work opportunities in my opinion. People often seem to find jobs through their network. Very hard to get a decent job unless you know someone in the business/industry.

Like I said, it is a nice place but I think I'm ready for a change.







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Thank you all for your replies!

First of all, I should have added that even though I am a physio, I have moved away from the clinical side and into a more corporate role - from that perspective, Sydney has more work opportunities (e.g. insurance, medical device companies etc.).

@Johndoe: Joining the Defense Force has honestly never occurred my mind and it wouldn't be possible anyway as I am not a citizen.

@Quoll: TBH, Canberra is not on my list, probably for the reason that I love the ocean and warmer climate - also, I wouldn't have any social network over there and starting all over again on my own is not something I am keen on. I have friends in both Sydney and Brisbane so it was always a choice between these 2 cities.

@Goofy2018: Thanks for your feedback, that pretty much sums up my experience/impression as well. The big pro for Brisbane is obviously cheaper rents/real estate and an overall relaxed lifestyle. But the downsides you mention (esp. lack of "mature" singles, mentality and lack of job opportunities - most of the decent paying jobs seem to be State Government - ) are exactly the ones that hold me back from making the move.


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