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Why cant a child born in Australia of UK parents not access HECS for uni?

Ollie Ollie

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My 18 year old friend studied hard last year and this year has been offered a uni place. She was born in Australia of UK born parents. This disqualifies her from accessing HECS loan for uni like other Aussies can, apparently. It doesnt sound right or seem fair. Especially in light of the hundreds of Aussie politicians with dual citizenship who have served in Parliament contrary to the Constitution. Can anyone she some light on why an Aussie born girl who has lived here for all of her 18 years is not entitled to Aussie rights? Cheers.


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52 minutes ago, Ollie Ollie said:

Can anyone she some light on why an Aussie born girl who has lived here for all of her 18 years is not entitled to Aussie rights? Cheers.


From the details you have given she is an Australian citizen and is therefore entitled to HECS.  These are the relevant conditions for her eligibility and it appears the second applies to her regardless of the status of her parents.

  • born in Australia on or after 20 August 1986 and one parent was a permanent resident or Australian citizen
  • or
  • born in Australia on or after 20 August 1986 and you spent the first 10 years of your life in Australia
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Thanks for all your responses. I shall follow up and update you. Cheers



1 hour ago, Ollie Ollie said:

My 18 year old friend studied hard last year and this year has been offered a uni place. She was born in Australia of UK born parents. This disqualifies her from accessing HECS loan for uni like other Aussies can, apparently. It doesnt sound right or seem fair. Especially in light of the hundreds of Aussie politicians with dual citizenship who have served in Parliament contrary to the Constitution. Can anyone she some light on why an Aussie born girl who has lived here for all of her 18 years is not entitled to Aussie rights? Cheers.


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17 minutes ago, AJ said:

Did her parents have PR when she was born here?  If not she will not be a citizen even if she was born in Australia.

A child born in Australia  on or after 20 August 1986  - and who is not otherwise a citizen -   who continues to live in Australia automatically becomes a citizen on his/her 10th birthday.  This is irrespective of whether the parents were citizens or had PR at the time of the child's birth.  

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