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Adelaide or sydney

Abhijeet kaur

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I am thinking of moving to Australia. But cannot decide if Sydney  would be a better option or Adelaide. 

I am going to undertake a teaching degree to be able to teach secondary and primary school kids. I don't know where the job opportunities would be better out of the two cities in this area. Adelaide is cheap and not too hectic while Sydney is expensive and  crowded. But my main concern is the job opportunities related to my area. 

Please suggest where should I go.

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Your main concern should actually be whether or not you can get a visa in the first instance.  There really isnt a shortage of teachers in Australia and if you want to live somewhere "nice" then your chances of actually getting a job should you get a visa are slim at best, unless you can teach HSC (Yr 12) level maths and physics.  No one knows, given the large oversupply of teachers in the country whether teaching will remain on the skills list or not.  The vacancies for new chums are usually far far away from places like Sydney and Adelaide anyway - out in the bush, far away from the beach.  Only go into teaching because you have a burning desire to be a teacher, not because you think it might get you a visa one day.

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Jobs that are advertised usually have someone sitting in them waiting to fill them. It’d be hard to say whether either is going to be a good option really. Probably remote NT would give you a better chance of employment as nobody really wants to live there but, realistically, any major metropolitan area is going to be well oversubscribed for teachers. I wouldn’t bother with primary, there are few states sponsoring them and, then, usually with restrictions on qualifications. You’d be better doing a Maths/Science degree then a PGCE for secondary teaching. 

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