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EMF refuge planned in Australia/New Zealand


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Hello everyone,


I may or may not have posted this earlier. But because EHS(Electromagnetically Hypersensitive) and people living off the grid spend time on the computer very sparingly, I’ll again share across if not already. Some people believe ME/CFS/Fibromalgiya/Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity are closely related. These conditions do not exist in nature, they exist only in the modern day polluted environment.

There are a bunch of people from Australia who are planning to create an EMF refuge in Australia/New Zealand. This will be suitable for people who are:
a) Wanting to minimizing EMFs(radiation)
b) Wanting to minimize chemicals and moulds
c) Drink natural water(sans artificial fluoridation)
d) Have the right to vaccinate/not vaccinate open-mindedly rather than being forced.
e) Grow most of your food in a natural manner without chemicals and have fresh food within the community
f) Right to live off the grid in a safe manner(lots of people live off grid with modern solar panels thinking they’re safe when some believe that they’re being slowly killed by the dirty electricity from the panels and its ancillary equipment).
g) Distribute natural and fresh raw milk legally through a co-operative
h) Have homes made of natural materials


If this truly interests you, please feel free to message me for info on how to join our group

I will also answer all potential inquiries about the same here.

Note: I'm not claiming radiation/chemicals/moulds/fluoride/vaccination/solar panels etc. are harmful. People live with these and they're happy. I'm just providing information to the forum members about the refuge being planned. Please do not make this thread as a debate of the harmful effects of any of these. If you want to do that, please create a separate thread. Thanks!

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6 minutes ago, Pura Vida said:

Is a country of such conformity, rules and regulations  really the place to set up such an operation?

Apart from them using solar panels and having their children vaccinated, I know a few people who could tick everything else on Indianinoz's list.  

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6 hours ago, Toots said:

Apart from them using solar panels and having their children vaccinated, I know a few people who could tick everything else on Indianinoz's list.  

I have crossed paths with folk with some of the mentioned criteria. Not as many ticks as you apparently have. I do note though that all those self sufficient communes that were in place in the South West of West Australia appear to have founded , I believe in the eighties. Mostly from evidence I could locate through self implosion.

Closest I've found to such living was in Germany where alternative living is very big and awareness becoming more mainstream. I know of one German that started something of the grid, possibly similar to what is described on this thread in remote Finland. Last reports appeared some success.

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A good example of what I refer to has just been broadcast on the ABC news. A fellow living on own land, in the WA shire of Menzies , is being find $50 a day for being in breach of the building code. He lives remote. Has connected to electricity but is being persecuted.

Anyone that thinks this a land of boundless plains and just waiting for imaginative scope should look into the trials and tribulations of this fellow. As I said the onus is on conformity and control.

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14 hours ago, Pura Vida said:

I have crossed paths with folk with some of the mentioned criteria. Not as many ticks as you apparently have.

Many people  living like that in rural Tasmania since the 1970s - tick all those boxes (including non vaccination) except solar panels.  

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1 minute ago, Skani said:

Many people  living like that in rural Tasmania since the 1970s - tick all those boxes (including non vaccination) except solar panels.  

But the amount of people on solar in 1970s would be less than 10% of what it is now. Plus the solar panels and their ancillary equipment of that time were less harmful than the modern ones.

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3 hours ago, Indianinoz said:

But the amount of people on solar in 1970s would be less than 10% of what it is now. Plus the solar panels and their ancillary equipment of that time were less harmful than the modern ones.

I should clarify - living with solar panels now.  I don't recall  any solar panels in the 1970s.

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4 hours ago, Skani said:

I should clarify - living with solar panels now.  I don't recall  any solar panels in the 1970s.

That is what I'm telling. People are propogating solar as if its the best thing for nature and health. Little do they understand that all our ancestors who lived 90+ and even 100/110+ never used photovoltaic solar panels.

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Just curious, you've emigrated to a heavily developed country (and like all of us, it took several year to do so). Most of your tick list already occur in the country you left (assuming that your username is your origin?).  Why leave a country that ticks your boxes for one that surely won't tick any? Australia's public health system requires many of these things for a very important reason, civic responsibility.

Vaccination, clean drinking water, electricity, pasteurisation are all very basic public health measures none of which cause harm and the inevitable trips into civilisation would put the community and the individual at risk of diseases etc.

Aren't all houses built of natural materials? (i.e bricks, wood, metal, tiles etc?)?


How would you keep food cool in temperatures of over 45 degrees without 'dirty' electricity?


Our ancestors dies in their 30's, if they were lucky! Outliers such as the nonagenarian and above are very few compared to the billions that die far earlier, many from easily preventable conditions.  I believe the term is "hiraeth"?

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