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The Push/Pull Factor


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Only my second post on this fabulous forum but I've been making lots of progress. I have finally committed to my decision to move back to the UK, after nearly 30 years in Australia! It's been a monumental decision but now I've made it, I feel a sense of relief and excitement, albeit tinged with some fear and worry. A South African friend here in Melbourne nailed my dilemma for me by talking about the push/pull factor for those of us split between two countries. For her, coming from South Africa, there was a lot of 'push' as she had many reasons to leave. However, not much 'pull' specifically to Australia for her other than it was a better option for her and her family. For me, I have no serious 'push' factors - for better or worse, I have made my home in Melbourne over many years, I have an adult daughter here, a good job, a house I love and some lifelong friends but I still feel like a round peg in a square hole. But...my 'pull' factor overrides all of that. In England I have my elderly parents, my other adult daughter, my sister and her family and also some lifelong friends who have stuck by me all this time. Also that intangible feeling that I need to be 'home' where I belong with people who get me and an environment and way of life that I love. Anyway, the push/pull factor really helped me make sense of my dilemma so maybe it might help someone else in a similar situation.

I have signed up with an estate agent and my house will be auctioned at the end of November. Yikes! The Melbourne market is strong and I have my fingers crossed for a good result. I'm aiming for a 90 day settlement to give me time to then organise the move which would be around end February/beginning March. Does this sound realistic in terms of timing to those who have done this? I am in the process of getting quotes for my two dogs from Dogtainers and Jet Pets but wondered whether I should think about shipping quotes yet? I'm thinking of waiting until after the auction which still gives me a month before Christmas but would I be better doing it earlier? The logistics of the move feel like a mountain to climb but I'm trying to break it down into manageable projects - a garage sale before the house goes up for sale, a sale of other goods I'll need to get rid of just before I move, the sale of my car, when to resign from my job, the packing up of the house, the plan of where to live (for me and the dogs!) for presumably a week or two between house settlement and flight and so on. Any advice would be hugely appreciated! 

When I get to England, things should hopefully be simpler although I am under no illusion to the stresses ahead of me. I can move in with my parents while I look for a house to buy in the same area (New Forest and surrounds) and also a job. They are beyond excited at the thought of me being with them for a couple of months! The only complication is my dogs. My parents are not that well and are very elderly so I don't think they will cope with two bouncy dogs. I can't put the pups in kennels after all they will go through with the move so thought I could keep them with me except on the days I am house hunting and job hunting when I can find a good doggy day care. Has anyone else had this situation?

Sorry for the long ramble, it's the first time I've written down that I'm really actually following my heart after so many years of wishing!! This forum has already helped me enormously and any advice readers can give me, or even just a thumbs up, would be incredibly appreciated.



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Good luck with your move. A lot has changed in Blighty (IMHO) for the better. On the flip side - there is however the current austerity Govt (pulled back somewhat), and let's not go into Brexit (there is a thread for that). A lot of dissatisfaction hence currently abounds. So it's good you are under no illusions - always best to be prepared.

Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz

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Good luck with it all. New Forest is a lovely part of the world to be heading to.

With regards to shipping quotes, I'd call a few companies up directly and see how far in advance you need to get it done and how much notice for actual booking in and shipping. No point getting quotes for a heap of stuff you may well sell off once the house is sold. Or decide now on what it is you want to ship and ensure they come and quote for those things only. 

Re the dogs, do some internet research into dog day care options in area you will be living in to begin with. Am not sure there is much demand for centres where you drop you dog off for the day in semi rural or smaller towns and its only really larger places, cities and the like you'd usually find such things. You could however find a dog sitter or walker I am sure. Either one that will come in and collect them to walk for an hour or two or who you can drop them off with for the day. Again, you'd have to research that specific to your area (suggest local FB groups where you can join and ask about that sort of thing or check search results on google for say a 'dog walker' or 'pet sitter' in the area. 




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I organised the entire move in 8 weeks but could have done it comfortably in 6. When you get your shipping quote you need to know what you will be taking with you. The quote will be valid for 3 months so no point doing it any sooner.  The companies only need a couple of weeks notice to organise the move but you do need a completed ToR. There is a separate thread on this. This was taking about 3 to 4 weeks , You can use the inventory from the quote for the ToR, so do this as soon as you have a quote.

I also moved back in with my mum and 2 dogs. I make sure they have a good long walk each day, then they sleep or watch telly with her. ?? There are plenty of dog walkers around and you will have time to sort this out when you get back as you won't be working on day 1.

The biggest logistical exercise is getting rid of your car assuming you have one. This takes time and is unpredictable if selling privately.  Best to allow 6 weeks, if you get a buyer early you will have to hire a car, if you leave it too late you will end up selling it for a lower price. This was definitely the biggest hassle. 

Good  luck with it all, it will be stressful but in a years time you will have  a new job anew house and  have forgotten  about it ?



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We made the move with a total of 4 days planning!

First, you don't need to work it around settlement. You can settle from the UK which is what we did as our place wasn't even sold when we left. It just means a trip to Australia house to have paperwork stamped.

We found selling the car easy on Gumtree. Selling furniture was also pretty good and we sold some on Gumtree, some to members of the Perth forum and most via an ad in the local IGA.

If you are concerned about your parents coping with the dogs, then I would also suggest you use a dog walker. There are loads in the UK and they can take the dogs out for long walks to get the energy out. There are lots of dog crèches as well.

I would get shipping sorted sooner rather than later. Good to hear you have started the process for the dogs as this takes time and Dogtainers were excellent and worked with us to plan the best flights for us and the dog. There can be a delay of several hours at Heathrow to process paperwork and if it is via Dubai, they also insist on having them in their kennels for several hours. So, we arranged him to go on an earlier flight so that we weren't waiting hours at Heathrow. Though the people at the ARC at Heathrow were wonderful. I will always remember them coming to ask for his lead when it was time to come out and then a chap coming out carrying him and saying he didn't put his lead on as he wanted to give him one more cuddle.

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When they came to quote I asked all 3 shippers how long they needed as I was unsure of my move date due to work commitments  and they all said 2 to 4 weeks after quote accepted. A  lot of their business is corporate moves and these require a quick turn around so they have to provide it. It took about 2 weeks to get 3 quotes.  

Your fur babies need to have a rabies injection at least 4 weeks before departure but you can get this done earlier than that so do it earlier. I think it is valid for 12 months, it is definitely valid for 6 months  but use an AQIS registered vet and they will know for certain.

Whilst VS managed it in 4 days I don't recommend that if you want to keep the stress levels down?

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Thanks so much for your super helpful comments everyone. Scottiegirl, our situations seem rather similar! How have you found adjusting back to life in the UK?

I now have quotes from Dogtainers and JetPets and I must say JetPets have been really helpful over the phone. Although more expensive, I like the whole package approach where they also take care of the vet work by having a vet come to the house for the rabies jab and so on. I guess the Dubai stopover for the dogs will change to Singapore now that Qantas are changing their route from next March which may be better from a heat point of view at least. I may get the rabies injection done this side of Christmas so that's one thing out of the way.

I think I'll wait until my auction on 25 November and then get shipping quotes once I know how long settlement is (very useful to know that the quotes are only valid for three months!) and then I can immediately apply for a ToR. May I ask which shippers people have got quotes from and who they ended up going with? I've read on here before not to accept the first quote so presumably it's reasonably negotiable?

In settling near the New Forest, I am really looking forward to some lovely long dog walks. In the initial weeks I should be around a fair bit other than house and job hunting so I'm hoping my parents will be OK. Mum has a level of dementia and is mainly in bed, Dad had a very bad fall a couple of years ago and needs to walk with a frame and is fairly doddery. The thought of my dogs charging up the hallway and bowling him over is my worst nightmare. Between me, another dog walker and some day care, I'm hoping it will work out!

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Hi Nijallo,  the biggest change for me is moving from a big city, I lived 4k from Sydney CBD, to deepest suburbia. I miss the multiple spicy food options and the stylish houses. I love the friendly people, walking the dogs in the countryside without worrying about the deadly wildlife, the papers radio and TV. 

Buying a house has been a challenge.  I had forgotten how tortuous the process is here with long chains.  The English sense of style is woeful, wood chip wallpaper, artex, garish floral wallpaper in small rooms, horrible laminate floors and recently refitted efitted kitchens which have faux wood chipboard that went out of style over a decade ago in Aus. I have realised I will have to remodel the house I buy although cost is not a problem after selling up in Sydney?

All of which means I will be with mum for longer than intended. I was worried about her and the dogs but they have got used to each other. You will get to keep the huge skykennels and these are useful for keeping the dogs out of mischief if you are out.

Re shippers i got quotes from Crown,  Chess and Pickfords.  Crown was 20% more expensive. I recommend going with the cheapest as packing and shifting stuff isn't  that technical and the guys who do it will not be the sales consultant. Re pets I recommend the opposite.  Go who you feel comfortable with as the consultant will do all the upfront leg work which is important to get right. Once the dogs are in tbe air they will be looked after by the animal officers en route and at Heathrow and they will be the same whichever  company you use. 

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On 31/08/2017 at 02:27, Nijallo said:

Only my second post on this fabulous forum but I've been making lots of progress. I have finally committed to my decision to move back to the UK, after nearly 30 years in Australia! It's been a monumental decision but now I've made it, I feel a sense of relief and excitement, albeit tinged with some fear and worry. A South African friend here in Melbourne nailed my dilemma for me by talking about the push/pull factor for those of us split between two countries. For her, coming from South Africa, there was a lot of 'push' as she had many reasons to leave. However, not much 'pull' specifically to Australia for her other than it was a better option for her and her family. For me, I have no serious 'push' factors - for better or worse, I have made my home in Melbourne over many years, I have an adult daughter here, a good job, a house I love and some lifelong friends but I still feel like a round peg in a square hole. But...my 'pull' factor overrides all of that. In England I have my elderly parents, my other adult daughter, my sister and her family and also some lifelong friends who have stuck by me all this time. Also that intangible feeling that I need to be 'home' where I belong with people who get me and an environment and way of life that I love. Anyway, the push/pull factor really helped me make sense of my dilemma so maybe it might help someone else in a similar situation.

I have signed up with an estate agent and my house will be auctioned at the end of November. Yikes! The Melbourne market is strong and I have my fingers crossed for a good result. I'm aiming for a 90 day settlement to give me time to then organise the move which would be around end February/beginning March. Does this sound realistic in terms of timing to those who have done this? I am in the process of getting quotes for my two dogs from Dogtainers and Jet Pets but wondered whether I should think about shipping quotes yet? I'm thinking of waiting until after the auction which still gives me a month before Christmas but would I be better doing it earlier? The logistics of the move feel like a mountain to climb but I'm trying to break it down into manageable projects - a garage sale before the house goes up for sale, a sale of other goods I'll need to get rid of just before I move, the sale of my car, when to resign from my job, the packing up of the house, the plan of where to live (for me and the dogs!) for presumably a week or two between house settlement and flight and so on. Any advice would be hugely appreciated! 

When I get to England, things should hopefully be simpler although I am under no illusion to the stresses ahead of me. I can move in with my parents while I look for a house to buy in the same area (New Forest and surrounds) and also a job. They are beyond excited at the thought of me being with them for a couple of months! The only complication is my dogs. My parents are not that well and are very elderly so I don't think they will cope with two bouncy dogs. I can't put the pups in kennels after all they will go through with the move so thought I could keep them with me except on the days I am house hunting and job hunting when I can find a good doggy day care. Has anyone else had this situation?

Sorry for the long ramble, it's the first time I've written down that I'm really actually following my heart after so many years of wishing!! This forum has already helped me enormously and any advice readers can give me, or even just a thumbs up, would be incredibly appreciated.



Our move was decided quickly, we asked our kids, who were about 10 at the time what they thought if the idea and as everyone was in favour we put the house on the market and the process began. Unfortunately although the house 'sold' next day the whole process dragged on and on with a few frustrating delays by the buyer. Buying this end was super quick and painless, less than 3 weeks from offer go moving in.

The New Forest is an absolutely beautiful part of the country, I envy you. Although we have settled in Herefordshire which is another wonderful part of the country and couldn't imagine moving.

I was in Australia for around 30 years as well and actually grew up there but like you I felt like a square peg in a round hole. We are just so much happier here and our kids start at 6th Form College next week, rated Outstanding by Ofsted and they wouldn't live anywhere else. 

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On another thread you might have seen that today is our 6th anniversary of arrival in UK - on holiday with backpacks. Within 3 days of arrival the wheels had fallen off the parental wagon and we stayed (only child!)! We squat in the aged ones' spare bedroom and still have our home in Canberra. We kept mum at home for 4 years but she had 18 months in a care home before she died earlier this year. Dad is still knocking on at 93. I also have one son and grandson here (he came for a 12 month holiday in 2002).  

Here I am most certainly a round peg in a round hole - I belong. I've loved being here, it's been a great time despite caring for olds (now just dad and aunt and uncle).  I've promised my Aussie DH that we will return when dad pops his clogs and knowing that has made it easier for him. We also have a son and 2 granddaughters back in Canberra so whichever way we jump we will miss someone.

I hope it all works out really well for you, you're heading for a lovely part of the country 

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