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Transfer from airport


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8 minutes ago, DukeNinja said:

Hi guys,

I need to pick your brains about how to travel from Brisbane airport to South Brisbane when we arrive. We will have:

3 x oversized suitcases

2 x cabin luggage cases

2 x backpacks

1x infant travel cot

1 x infant buggy

Any thoughts?




Maxi taxi, you may be able to pre book, contact Yellow cabs or Black and white cabs

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We just had a hire car - NIssan Dualis / qashqai

5 large suitcases

1 cabin suitcase, 1 backpack, 2x trunkie cases plus the kids were in car seats.

it was VERY tight, almost to the point where i thought that i would need to take some stuff back to the terminal and leave it in a locker, but managed 3 suitcases in the back, wife between the kids and 2 suitcases in the front seat and hand luggage scattered wherever.

not the best, but we managed for the hours drive.

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What the others have said. Either hire a large 7 seater or large booted car or station wagon (thats an estate car in Aus) or some such or a taxi van along the same lines.


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Hi guys, thanks for all the replies. I did think of getting a station wagon for a few days, but the OH has pointed out that we won`t be using it much initially, as we`d have to stay local to sort out baby`s vaccinations/TRN/Medicare etc.

So we might go with the maxi taxi option. I did email one company, but they stated that if I wanted a baby seat for the journey, I`d have to wait for ages for a taxi with one, suggesting that we travel without.

They said I could pre-book, but it would cost me a lot more if there was any delays etc.

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Staying local could still mean a fair distance between places. And depending on the time of year, walking a few km's in heat and/or humidity might not be fun. 

For example, for us it was a 10km round trip to go get driving licence sorted. And same for Medicare at the Centrelink office. Also shops can be a fair ways away. For example, where we live now its a 40 minute walk to the local shopping area. Its not a walk, its a car drive. More so if you have kids in tow. 

TFN can be done online once you are in Aus fwiw.

I'd also give yourself some breathing room and not worry overly about the vaccinations being done straight away (give yourselves chance to get over the jetlag) unless you are both starting work asap and need to put baby into childcare. The Hep B vaccine I think it is is done in 3 stages anyways iirc and months apart. Am not sure if little one is still a baby if you'd only be having the first one anyways or at what age exactly they begin their vaccination course for it. 

Honestly, going without a car is ok if you don't have kids in tow. If you do, unless you are staying somewhere central with lots of good facilities within a 10 minute walk of your door (doctor, centrelink, shops etc), I'd look to 4 wheels of some sort. 

I'd also suggest getting your head round the car seat laws in Aus if you have a baby. They is a different style of car seat for babies here and the laws and regs etc on them different. I'd ensure you go shopping for one soon after arriving (again, needing a car would be useful as the places selling a good range of car seats is limited and perhaps a fair distance away). 


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We live in Sydney but visit Brisbane often to see friends and always hire a car from the airport. We compare prices on the skyscanner.com.au website and usually pay about $75 for 4 days rental of a hatchback. If you even just did a 1 or 2 day hire, it might work out the same price as a cab anyway



Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz


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Depends where you are staying initially, if there is parking I would look at hiring a car probably won't  cost much more for a day and it will come in  useful. If you are staying in a hotel or serviced apartment though you will get stung for parking fees.

No need to book a maxi taxi as the cab ranks at the airport are very efficient, it's  not a free for all the guys running it will sort you out a station wagon or maxi taxi without much of an extra wait. Basically you wait in line and are allocated a parking number. They then send the right type of vehicle to that number, as most people fit in a standard taxi  you should get the next available maxi taxi.

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