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THE, best health service in the world.


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It's an interesting article. 11 countries included in the report. 

I appreciate you have received brilliant care, I did too on a fair few occasions over the years. I have sung the praises of the NHS staff who helped me and will continue to do so. I also experienced shocking care, disappointing care and mediocre treatment. And a system that failed me. Not just once but repeatedly.

 I won't bash the NHS as such, what I do do is lament for the loss of it, the stripping away of it and the selling off to the highest bidder that will become more commonplace. The undoing of the NHS is what saddens me. What it has stood for all these years, what it was set up for and what it has achieved is amazing. Where it goes now is what worries me and what I fear for. 

There are some good plus points and some negatives there. The outcomes aspect is worrying as it was noted back in 2014 also and you'd hope to see a turnaround in that after a few years. 

I am a strong supporter of the NHS and think it is a wonderful thing but I don't deny it's in serious trouble in certain areas. The article covers some of those too.

I hope it can withstand the coming years and remain a free at point of care and service system. I really do. Many in my family have worked in within the NHS and I've friends and family working within it now. Talking to them about it is pretty grim. Frontline staff some of them.

Its a big picture thing and far more complex than our own personal experiences of the service. 

Bloody love the NHS. That is why I fear for its future. 

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I can only compare it to another system and the difference was chalk and cheese. My wife sent home next day after giving birth to twins and fainting twice, still sent home. An operation on my knee, sent home with it bleeding profusely, the 'solution' was to wrap more bandage around. Inevitably infection followed. My eldest son broke his arm and lay on a trolley in A&E for about 8 hours, it was about 4 hours before a doctor even looked at him. He was 6 so quite hard to explain to him. His operation delayed twice so he couldnt eat anything for around 30 hours. 

No the NHS isnt perfect, no system is but it's close enough for us. Even the best system in the world can't be perfect. ?

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And yet your experiences there are what some have experienced in the UK IYKWIM. 

Personal experiences are just that and of course leave an impression, positive and negative.

I grew up in the UK, many of my family and friends over many years have received NHS care. Each of them will tell a different story. Some wonderful, some touching. Some terrible to downright shocking and disturbing. Mental health care included there. 

I've also experienced care from 3 other health care systems on the list. And not just as a tourist but as a person living in those countries. 

You know what I don't do between them, I don't compare them side by side and feel one is worse or better than the other. I am happy with the care so far here and accept it's a different system so I have adapted to how things are done. Did the same for the other countries also. They are all of them different and to compare serves no purpose. The NHS is state run, free at point of access and medication and other things subsidised. Other countries don't operate in quite the same way. Standard of care is luck of the draw wherever you are. You hope you get the best, sometimes you don't or things get missed. It does not damn the entire health care service in my eyes though. 

The NHS is unique and a much loved institution and I am one of those that love it and support it. I won't however stop acknowledging it's faults, problems or having concerns for its future. 



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I suppose it all depends on your personal experiences.  Personally I never had any problems  with the NHS but then I very rarely needed to visit a doctor and never had to go into hospital.  None of my friends or relatives have had problems with the NHS either though a few of them also have private health care now in the UK.

I had both my sons here (Medicare had just been introduced) and with my first son I was in hospital for a week - brilliant care and with the second I was in for 3 days.  Other people didn't have such positive experiences so it depends on the area and the hospital.  Much the same as the UK I would think.

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Not sustainable anymore costs blowing out left right and centre, waiting times longer than three months in some cases people dying while waiting wrong diagnosis being dished out doctors threatening to strike while nurses run around doing even more jobs that are not actually theirs to do. Moral within the NHS workforce at its lowest ever. Greatest yeah  maybe way back when but today in a modern over crowded world no way.


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2 minutes ago, Sunset said:

Not sustainable anymore costs blowing out left right and centre, waiting times longer than three months in some cases people dying while waiting wrong diagnosis being dished out doctors threatening to strike while nurses run around doing even more jobs that are not actually theirs to do. Moral within the NHS workforce at its lowest ever. Greatest yeah  maybe way back when but today in a modern over crowded world no way.


Again, it seems to depend where you live.  Most of my relatives are in Scotland and they have never been let down by the NHS.

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Depends where you live. I've had only good experiences (when I needed their services). The GP was another story though.

Still if the Tories have their way, the NHS will be a shadow of itself. It needs reform in some parts, and pvt/public partnerships are all well, but it must be done properly.

Sent from my iPhone using PomsinOz

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6 hours ago, Sunset said:

Not sustainable anymore costs blowing out left right and centre, waiting times longer than three months in some cases people dying while waiting wrong diagnosis being dished out doctors threatening to strike while nurses run around doing even more jobs that are not actually theirs to do. Moral within the NHS workforce at its lowest ever. Greatest yeah  maybe way back when but today in a modern over crowded world no way.


How sad that you couldn't find a single positive thing go say, sad but expected. 

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4 hours ago, bristolman said:

How sad that you couldn't find a single positive thing go say, sad but expected. 

My wife worked for the nhs my eldest daughter still does l have other family members who have worked all sorts of jobs within the nhs I think I understand what's wrong with it and why. As for predictable ?

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Yes how many years have people been going on about how the Tories are dismantling the NHS and how there will be nothing left. 

Exaggerate much? Read what I said please, and stop tilting at imaginary windmills. I didn't say it would become non-existent, I said it needs considered reform, which it currently isn't getting. Despite this, those Drs and nurses on the ground are doing quite a lot, with very little, but it can't be sustained indefinitely.

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On 16/08/2017 at 20:46, bristolman said:

Again. Yes our wonderful NHS has been voted the best health care system in the world which certainly comes as no surprise to me given the brilliant care we have received.


When you live in the Uk, you take the NHS for granted. it is only when you move away, you realise that it is great and how well we have it in the UK. We will for sure be returning back home with a greater appreciation of what the UK has to offer, including the fantastic NHS. There should however be far greater respect and protection to healthcare staff. 

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Just a reminder to what was posted on another thread - 

''Yet another thread with some of you spoiling it,,it's funny as the same names are popping up alot for this silly behaviour of late. Please take this as a friendly warning (you know who you are) CTF or not ,STOP spoiling threads, a few of you had numerous warnings of late so after discusiion in mod's ,you will just be infracted from now on.

If you cant agree/ disagree with each other without these petty childish, often sly comments or think a thread is boring ,, move on, stop spoiling things for everyone else .''

Cal x


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