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Another moving to Hobart!


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So I think I have a job offer to move to Hobart!

was wondering about cost of living, we are looking at a family income for 2 plus 1 of $105-110k

Not bringing much in the way of savings due to the exchange rate, probably $20k

initially thinking of a 2 bed flat to rent south of the city

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OMG I can't believe the figures quoted.   74 dollars for a visit to doctor and then only 14 minutes.   Does he put an egg timer on???

Here in France it's 23 euros (34 aud) and sometimes you can be in consultation for nearly an hour sometimes less of course but no egg timer!

You actually only pay 1 euro as the state picks up the tab.  

It doesn't do really to compare as every country is different.

 We manage fairly well here and on a reduced aussie state pension because of the exchange rate but then we do own our house .  It's always swings and roundabouts when trying to make a decision and it if weren't for the language barrier and having no family here I think we'd say bugger it and stay!  It's so scary but the clock is ticking.  My husband wouldn't be able to get a driving licence on the grounds of age and health so being near to transport is important and I feel we would become isolated which is such a shame as Tasmania looks to be soooooooo beautiful it would be a shame not to be able travel around and enjoy.   Maybe a bike!!! lol  

Life is what you make it I guess so good luck and bon courage to all those of you making the move.  Who knows we may see you one day.

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There is something called "bulk billing" so you are not forking out of your own pocket....  many GPs that subscribe to this method.  Our own GP charges the patient $12, the rest is covered by Medicare or he bulk bills. There is no egg timer at our surgery nor many that I know of! Many residents in our two major cities manage without cars and if one lives in the metropolitan areas there are adequate bus services. If is not Sydney or Melbourne and we dont have trains but the cities are doable without transportation... many concessions  are available..https://www.metrotas.com.au/fares/concessions/

Fruit & vegetables are seasonal  but in season I find the prices very reasonable unless there have been weather disasters around Australia.

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I had completely forgotten about bulk billing.  Yes of course that's what happened with us before but  do remember there being a problem in some area with finding a clinic who did bulk bill.  Few and far between I think but maybe that's changed.  Anyway thank you for pointing it out and I can relax now!!!

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On 7/20/2017 at 10:22, Toots said:

This may give you a bit of an idea of the cost of living in Hobart.  Nice place to live!! :)


The figures quoted are of course ball part. I frequent places like Shiploads for many items, deodorant 99c etc, Baby shampoo 90c. Supermarkets fleece you unless its on Special. Chemist Warehouse are far cheaper than many Pharmacies, you get to know where to go.  Petrol is up and down like a yo yo but still much cheaper than Europe.


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On 7/20/2017 at 04:30, can1983 said:

So I think I have a job offer to move to Hobart!

was wondering about cost of living, we are looking at a family income for 2 plus 1 of $105-110k

Not bringing much in the way of savings due to the exchange rate, probably $20k

initially thinking of a 2 bed flat to rent south of the city

You probably will need furniture, garage sales, op shops and second hand furniture are in abundance here in Tasmania. We dont have an Ikea here (Melbourne or Sydney)  but there are always bargains to be found. We have picked up some wonderful Huon pine/blackwood pieces along the way.  Very best wishes for your move.

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6 hours ago, Evandale said:

The figures quoted are of course ball part. I frequent places like Shiploads for many items, deodorant 99c etc, Baby shampoo 90c. Supermarkets fleece you unless its on Special. Chemist Warehouse are far cheaper than many Pharmacies, you get to know where to go.  Petrol is up and down like a yo yo but still much cheaper than Europe.


Good old Shiploads.  Such a good place for lots of stuff.  

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Thank you all for messages, we don't know Hobart that well hence the post but my wife is Tasmanian so we visit the state elsewhere regularly

Main thing is rent cost 1500 is quite manageable I think but we will be saving for house deposit as 'life savings' are rather trapped here unless I want to work 5 years longer into retirement to recover the 'buying power' lost ?

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