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Job market for trades


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Hi everyone,

My fiance and I are half way through our move now but I'm now starting to get a bit concerned...

I've heard that there are 100's of applicants chasing 1 position at the moment in Perth.

Can anyone give me a truthful answer on the REAL job market for WELDERS??

There are plenty of jobs advertised but as in the UK, there is alot of applicants for the 1 position.

The new premier in WA has it spot on, Australians first but...with the mining downturn I can only see position being harder to come by...i may be wrong hence why I'm asking?!

A friend of mine has come back to the UK after 9 years as work in his trade is becoming harder to come by.

So before I jump off the board with my family in my arms I'd like to find an honest response.

Cheers guys

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The work situation is Perth is tough generally at the moment. We returned last year after not being able to get work for a year.

Trades will be affected badly as a lot of those in mining were laid off, particularly the smaller mines where a common cost cutting measure is to lay off people such as welders and rely on using an external for occasional use.

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Do you have to go to Perth? Other States may be a safer option.

As for an honest response, i guess everypnes response would be honest but it's from their experience, so replies will vary. It does seem to becoming common knowleddge Perth is struggling at the moment but we did have a tradie post a few months ago who had arrived and found work within a few weeks,so to an extent its pot luck as well.

Could you try applying for jobs before you arrive? Dont really on job ad's , write up a letter and cv and email companys from the white pages, cold call them and sell yourself etc this as worked for some migrants in the past.Lots of luck with everything.

 Cal x

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On 6/7/2017 at 12:46, calNgary said:

Do you have to go to Perth? Other States may be a safer option.

As for an honest response, i guess everypnes response would be honest but it's from their experience, so replies will vary. It does seem to becoming common knowleddge Perth is struggling at the moment but we did have a tradie post a few months ago who had arrived and found work within a few weeks,so to an extent its pot luck as well.

Could you try applying for jobs before you arrive? Dont really on job ad's , write up a letter and cv and email companys from the white pages, cold call them and sell yourself etc this as worked for some migrants in the past.Lots of luck with everything.


Thanks for the replies.

I do have some contacts in Perth so I may tap them up for a job just before we leave, I've spoken to one who says 'it's picking up...but slowly'.

We are fortunate that we are staying with friends for the first 2 or so months until we get on our feet.

When you look at the ceilings for Metal Fabricator to the amount of invites that have been given there's a huge difference...im hoping that this leaves the market a bit more open. 

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On 6/7/2017 at 12:46, calNgary said:

Do you have to go to Perth? Other States may be a safer option.

As for an honest response, i guess everypnes response would be honest but it's from their experience, so replies will vary. It does seem to becoming common knowleddge Perth is struggling at the moment but we did have a tradie post a few months ago who had arrived and found work within a few weeks,so to an extent its pot luck as well.

Could you try applying for jobs before you arrive? Dont really on job ad's , write up a letter and cv and email companys from the white pages, cold call them and sell yourself etc this as worked for some migrants in the past.Lots of luck with everything.


Thanks for the replies.

I do have some contacts in Perth so I may tap them up for a job just before we leave, I've spoken to one who says 'it's picking up...but slowly'.

We are fortunate that we are staying with friends for the first 2 or so months until we get on our feet.

When you look at the ceilings for Metal Fabricator to the amount of invites that have been given there's a huge difference...im hoping that this leaves the market a bit more open. 

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4 hours ago, welder85 said:

Thanks for the replies.

I do have some contacts in Perth so I may tap them up for a job just before we leave, I've spoken to one who says 'it's picking up...but slowly'.

We are fortunate that we are staying with friends for the first 2 or so months until we get on our feet.

When you look at the ceilings for Metal Fabricator to the amount of invites that have been given there's a huge difference...im hoping that this leaves the market a bit more open. 

Yep, Perth is struggling but there are some signs of green shoots but it slow.

Have a look for the Irish families in Perth facebook page, I see posts for tradies on there a bit, I hink there is work but rates have come down.  Perth is very much a who you know town so tap up all your contacts

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Since you can always move down the line, job comes first. I have been on this forum for nearly ten years and in Australia for nearly 8. A lot of people moves fail because thy found a nice house etc but husband has a 4 hour commute or no work there. Job first then location and once settled in keep an eye on your preferred spot. Moving all the way to OZ and then having fail would be rough. I wanted to go to WA but was instead sponsored into Alice Springs NT, did my time and then moved to Bunbury, GFC meant no one was hiring until they new what was going on. Good luck with the move, look up Austral and Thiess in Perth.

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