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Applying for first UK Passport for Son


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Hi all,

A quick question. My family are all British nationals returning to the UK around June time. We still need to apply for a first passport for my one year old son (he already has his Australian passport). Can we bring him in under a visitor visa and apply for his passport when in the UK or do we have to apply for it while in Oz. Would be much easier to just do it when back home.

Thanks everyone.

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It would, actually be much easier for you to get it now so he enters on his UK passport. If he enters on a visitor visa you could be in for a hard time at the border and he would be stamped with a 6 month visa and no access to any services in the interim. I wouldn't risk it.

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35 minutes ago, Pixie77 said:

So have I completely overlooked this?? I have a 3&1 year old both with Australian passports- do I need to get UK ones (we're both citizens of UK) or can they travel on Australian??

Is it just a holiday or are you moving back to the UK to live? if its a holiday, Aus passports will be fine. If you are moving back, UK passports would be easier ahead of time and entering on those as per the reasons Quoll gave above. 

Applying for UK passports is pretty straightforward to do from overseas. Costs the same as if in the UK and back within a few weeks usually. 

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15 minutes ago, Pixie77 said:

OK thanks. We're moving back so sounds like its worth it! Something I hadn't though of, I thought as they're automatically dual citizens they would be OK on Australian passports!

Well they are citizens by descent if born in Aus. And only need a UK passport not a citizenship certificate then passport like Aus has. 

It can be questioned upon entering the UK as to their status and they would be on a 6 month tourist visa on their Aus passports. And yes, while your kids may be UK citizens, getting access to services and other things could be problematic. It shouldn't be but it could be.

Honestly, I'd say to anyone with kids who are eligible for UK passports and who are planning on moving back to the UK, get them before you go. Its easy to do and costs the same as if in the UK applying. 




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31 minutes ago, Pixie77 said:

OK thanks. We're moving back so sounds like its worth it! Something I hadn't though of, I thought as they're automatically dual citizens they would be OK on Australian passports!

But if they enter UK on A foreign passport the bureaucracy has no way of knowing that they are British, do they? Foreign birth certificate, foreign passport .......

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1 hour ago, Quoll said:

But if they enter UK on A foreign passport the bureaucracy has no way of knowing that they are British, do they? Foreign birth certificate, foreign passport .......

I think you are giving the bureaucracy more credit than they are due. She will still need to go and register for everything. But agree having a UK passport will speed everything up.

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Quoll is right.

If you just present an Australian passport at the British border they have no way of knowing the person is a UK citizen.

Your child may automatically be a British Citizen by Descent but if you haven't registered them as such or got them a passport how would anyone know ?

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