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Yet more investment in UK car manufacturing.


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For Toyota, the answer does seem to be clear cut:



However the FT makes the follow statement:



It also gives examples of parts being manufactured in UK, get sent to Europe for processing and then get sent back to the UK. So I would say Slean's argument has been upheld.


How is saying 85% of a Toyota is made in the EU accurate ? His argument wasn't upheld at all, it isn't even remotely close to 85%.

Let's not forget that parts are also made in the EU and sent to the UK for processing.

Also the statement about the investment was again wildly innaccurate. How can you make a valid argument if your figures are so grossly exaggerated ? This is exactly what we mean by scaremongering.

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Yes you have probably noticed we are open for business and the scaremongering and doom and gloom is coming from those who just can't accept democracy unfortunately.


Have to agree a lot of people with full order books and just want to get on with leaving EU .

i have been impressed with the amount of building going on a good sign for the economy. If construction is busy the country is on the up

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Have to agree a lot of people with full order books and just want to get on with leaving EU .

i have been impressed with the amount of building going on a good sign for the economy. If construction is busy the country is on the up

that sort of prooves my point. If that is all you see you have no idea how the GFC ripped through this country and how we are still paying for it in so many ways, many of which seems to be blamed on the EU. You wouldn't wish that on anyone. It is exactly because of the way we came out of the GFC that I want us to leave Europe. The fact that Europe is still suffering so much more than us and the USA indicates what a failed system the Euro is. But to leave the EU and put us through another near GFC? Why the hell would you want to do that when we can leave without hardship and prosper from day one.
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For Toyota, the answer does seem to be clear cut:



However the FT makes the follow statement:



It also gives examples of parts being manufactured in UK, get sent to Europe for processing and then get sent back to the UK. So I would say Slean's argument has been upheld.


Toyota Manufacturing UK has 260 parts and materials suppliers based in the UK and Europe. In addition to these parts and components supplier, we have around 800 suppliers providing supplies and site services to our two UK plants. These suppliers are predominantly UK based and many are sourced from the local areas around our plants in Derbyshire and Flintshire, North Wales.


Even this isn't actually as clear cut as it appears.

260 parts and materials suppliers in the UK and Europe. That is car components yes.


800 suppliers providing supplies and site services. That is not components. That is food, coffee, gas, electric, water, security guards, alarm systems, internet, building maintenance, toilet rolls, light bulbs, ink, fencing, payroll, banking, etc...all the non-car supply chain from the local economy. That would be the local economy that would suffer if they left.



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How is saying 85% of a Toyota is made in the EU accurate ? His argument wasn't upheld at all, it isn't even remotely close to 85%.



So what is it then?

Toyota have an engine plant in the UK. Where do the parts come from that make up that engine? Would you consider that a British engine?

Are you talking about volume of parts or value of parts, so giving the same value to a screw as a seat?


You remember Amstrad, Alan Sugar's computers with a Union Jack on them? Made abroad and then put together in the UK, they had to stick about 3 pieces together and put it in a case, made him a fortune. When it got to Europe, he was going to get tariffed as an import, so he sent them to a factory in France that added on a useless chip that did nothing. So they could then be classed as manufactured in Europe too. Same game.

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that sort of prooves my point. If that is all you see you have no idea how the GFC ripped through this country and how we are still paying for it in so many ways, many of which seems to be blamed on the EU. You wouldn't wish that on anyone. It is exactly because of the way we came out of the GFC that I want us to leave Europe. The fact that Europe is still suffering so much more than us and the USA indicates what a failed system the Euro is. But to leave the EU and put us through another near GFC? Why the hell would you want to do that when we can leave without hardship and prosper from day one.



Not it sure what you mean that I have no idea,I have lived through 3 ressions in my time of living in the uk ,I can well remember when the local steel works closed with in excesss of 25,000 men unemployed over night .i had just left school trying to get an apprenticeship

it was far tougher then than the last one,also remember the one in the 90's and caught the gfc in 2010 until I left for Australia . Having spoke to a fair number of people across many types of business they are doing well with full order books and are looking to positives of when the uk finally leaves the EU.

i know 100% if construction is on the up the country is on the up and that's the picture I have just seen over the last 3 weeks here in the uk ,which is great

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Absolutely NOTHING .Moat of the working people here ,have got **** all anyway , even less under the e.u .More zero hours contracts , more minimum wage jobs , no rights .Where was all that before the e.u took ever increasing control ,and opened the borders .


That is not the fault of the EU, that is the fault of our national govt which is dominated by the Conservatives, the most of which want more power intheir hands to expand these kinds of free market economics into every sphere of working life.

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Interesting what you have written , but speaking as a layman I hate the banks as in reality most don't live in the real word.They ( the banks ) created the GFC back in 08 and we the general public have picked up and cleaned the mess up by bailing them out.

I don't doubt that large business are feeling nervous as this situation has never been breached before.

No doubt meetings have been going on at high level with government ,maybe you are privy to such meetings but in all honesty are things going to be worse than the GFC I doubt it.

There will be winners and losers but I feel it's going to be a win for the uk overall,you say it's going to be devastating for the Irish farmers, may be its time the uk looked after its own and not other countries .

A) The banks never lose, they always win and we always lose so get over it.


B) The farmers in the UK only survive because of EU subsidies and EU trade deal protections, without them they are dead in the water.

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Yes you have probably noticed we are open for business and the scaremongering and doom and gloom is coming from those who just can't accept democracy unfortunately.


Is logic and logically processing real information rather than believing in fantasy spread by people with authoritarian ambitions to exploit everybody else outside their little group something which will have to become part of the education system.


After the 2nd WW as part of the de Nazification program they showed films of the camps to convince the German populace of the evils of the Nazi party, will that be where we will be in 10 years with the present right wing in Europe and Trumpism in the US, trying to convince people that everyone has the right to be trated as an individual with human rights.

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