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Are accountants with 70 points being offered EOI & help with points please!


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Hey guys! We are just starting our visa for a 189 for management accountant and we think we have 70 points! Now when CPA assess us, are points awarded purely awarded from date you qualified as an accountant or do they also award points for experience as an actual accountant?? My husband has been in a senior management accountant role for 9 years but qualified for 5! Will he gain more points if they assess his employment? We're in such a panic as two migration agents said they wouldn't take us on with 70 points as accountants aren't being invited on 70 points?!! Is this true or just crap? We're desperate to go and feel so panicked this won't happen! Has anyone with 70 points been invited to apply of late!??

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Wow it keeps creeping up doesn't it!! Are accountants definitely staying on list now? Hopefully as we have our EOi lodged ready for new lists we should get an invite! I pray and hold my breath saying this!! We have also applied for a NSW 190 at 80 points! 

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Hi @laevans I applied for 189 (75 points) and 190 NSW (75 + 5) for general accountant on 9th June and haven't heard anything yet. Having read a few things on various forums I don't expect to hear much until July when the new year starts. Anything sooner would be a bonus! 

Which state have you applied to for the 190? Oh, just seen your reply - NSW too!

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Aw hey RavenBlue! Wow ok, well I have everything crossed for you!!! I would hope soon as July ballots get going we should surely get invites? We have applied for NSW but I'm not sure if we should have chose elsewhere- you? I would ideally love Western Australia but there skills list still hasn't been updated! X

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Yeah I (I say I - me and my husband!) have only applied to NSW for the 190. We love Sydney so its only ever been that for us! Most other states do seem to have stopped their invites for now, and maybe NSW has too, just hasn't advertised it. Not long until July though!

Like you I'm a bit on edge as to how much longer accountants will stay on the list, but hopefully no news is good news!

We will have to keep each other updated :)

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Haha I say I also but it's actually my husband the one applying and sitting the tests I'm just doing the application and stalking forums ha! 

I was under the understanding that the new list has already been released and no changes occurring and keeping 190k visas the same and the 2500 visas to accountants? The only changes were the 457 removed and the lower age limit and a new reshuffle of things for people who applied for a 190 after April??? Maybe I dreamt this but I'm sure i read this somewhere?!! Deffo keep one another updated!! We could get offers same time due to our time scales!! X 

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I would hope that if nothing else has been said by now, then the list for July would remain the same as from the April reshuffle - but if there's anything that the reshuffle and the abolishment of 457s taught me, its that anything could happen at any time! I heard that the total number of visas would stay the same, but not sure I heard that the allocation to accountants within that would stay the same? I guess it would make sense though.

Fingers crossed for us both! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Hello There,


I am also at 70 but that includes 5 point of State Sponsorship - NSW. Just wanted to know if you received any update on your respective files? Also, do you think any other state would open for Accountants to apply? Also, shall I be able to get an invite with State Sponsorship? I'm so curious about this. Any input would be highly appreciated.



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On 20/06/2017 at 06:31, RavenBlue said:

I would hope that if nothing else has been said by now, then the list for July would remain the same as from the April reshuffle - but if there's anything that the reshuffle and the abolishment of 457s taught me, its that anything could happen at any time! I heard that the total number of visas would stay the same, but not sure I heard that the allocation to accountants within that would stay the same? I guess it would make sense though.

Fingers crossed for us both! 

Hey Hun, just seen the next ballot dates are 12th & 26th July!! Fingers and toes crossed, may roll over into August but I would hope by end of August we both will have invites as there were not many 80 applicants so it will naturally filter down to the 75s!  X

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2 hours ago, The Accountant said:

Well Hello There,


I am also at 70 but that includes 5 point of State Sponsorship - NSW. Just wanted to know if you received any update on your respective files? Also, do you think any other state would open for Accountants to apply? Also, shall I be able to get an invite with State Sponsorship? I'm so curious about this. Any input would be highly appreciated.



Hey there! We were at exactly same points as you and we submitted EOI end of Feb and sadly didn't get an invite at all, I spoke to a agent and said unless you have superior English and over 70 for NSW unlikely to be invited and pushed us to ensure we got the 75 points to guarantee an invite as they have 70 pointers who have been waiting for nearly 5 months. So my husband re sat the PTE academic and for superior English and the 20 points giving us 75 for 189 and 80 for NSW!



Have you done your IELTS or PTE, what scores did you get? X

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Hey @laevans yeah I saw they had announced the dates - a bit frustrating as I was hoping the first round would be on July 5th! From what I've read about previous years I don't think NSW will pick up their sponsoring until end of July or early August either, so does look like a few weeks of wait yet.

I did also see that the number of invites they expect to give out in the first round is down to 1000 (they issued 2202 in the first round last year), so again it could stretch things out a bit.

These things are sent to test us! Like you say, hopefully there aren't too many 80+ pointers so our turn could come soon :)

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On 6/29/2017 at 12:34, RavenBlue said:

Hi @theaccountant no I've heard nothing still. Don't think I will until at least next month.

WA and Victoria have released their new lists for 17/18 and accountant isn't on either of those. Not sure how the rest will go.

Best of luck and fingers crossed!

Thank You so much :) Best of luck to you as well!! Hope your turn is the next one :)

On 6/29/2017 at 14:31, laevans said:

Hey there! We were at exactly same points as you and we submitted EOI end of Feb and sadly didn't get an invite at all, I spoke to a agent and said unless you have superior English and over 70 for NSW unlikely to be invited and pushed us to ensure we got the 75 points to guarantee an invite as they have 70 pointers who have been waiting for nearly 5 months. So my husband re sat the PTE academic and for superior English and the 20 points giving us 75 for 189 and 80 for NSW!



Have you done your IELTS or PTE, what scores did you get? X

Ohh I see... Well, I've got superior English already so I doubt if I can get more points based on it. The other area is of Experience. Actually, I've got an experience of 3 years Articleship that CA students go through. Some are claiming that experience while my agent says, we can not claim that as experience. Is there anybody who has claimed experience of Articleship? It would be great for me to collect references. 


And wish you all the very best for upcoming rounds :)



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On 29/06/2017 at 13:49, RavenBlue said:

Hey @laevans yeah I saw they had announced the dates - a bit frustrating as I was hoping the first round would be on July 5th! From what I've read about previous years I don't think NSW will pick up their sponsoring until end of July or early August either, so does look like a few weeks of wait yet.

I did also see that the number of invites they expect to give out in the first round is down to 1000 (they issued 2202 in the first round last year), so again it could stretch things out a bit.

These things are sent to test us! Like you say, hopefully there aren't too many 80+ pointers so our turn could come soon :)

Yes definitely sent to test us! I was hoping this week they would of started the ballots too, so disappointing there not! Oh well only another week! We can survive this hehehe! X

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Following this with interest. My husband and i are about to press submit on our EOI. We have 80 points for a 189 visa. We've got reservations about submitting it though as thoughts are that with 80 points for accountant general (including superior english, 10yrs post qualification experience, and a relevant year of experience working in australia) we might get an invite quite quickly, and are we mentally ready to apply for a visa?? A friend of mine submitted his EOI with 75 points as accountant general  in January and got an invite in the first possible round. 

We plan to move to Melbourne, but concerned about jobs and how quickly one or both of us would find work. Both have great jobs here and would be giving those up. This fills us with fear!! We went in 2007/08 for 18mths on 457 visas and it was all so easy then.... now its so hard. 

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Wow that's amazing points good on you! You will without a doubt get invited in the first round socif your not quite ready maybe leave it a month or two but things change so much you may want to just ensure you get that EOI And take your time with responding and then subtmitrinf everything! We now have 75 points for a 189 so hoping by end of summer we get an invite!! Roll on the 12th July! 

Such a huge process isn't it and decision to move!! X 

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It's a huge decision!  We could have got 85points but that required me to do the English test and skills assessment as well in order to get the 5 partner points and we decided for now the cost of that wasn't worth it. 


Good luck to you for 12 July. Where are you hoping to move to? And can i ask what is driving your decision to move? 

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Hi @Stayorgo Wow to possibly get 85 points is amazing! But with 80 points you would still almost certainly get invited in the first round, so like has been said if you're not sure you're ready then consider holding off a little.

But my only warning would be that you can't guarantee that accountant will still be on the skilled occupations list in 6 months time. Many of us who have already submitted EOIs spent the last few weeks biting our fingernails, with rumours abounding that it would be removed, until at the very last, on 30th June, it was confirmed that accountants would stay on the list for now. And I've seen many people who agree, if your eligible now - apply now! It still may be a few months before its granted (I think 189 stats are 75% granted in 4 months?), and then you should have a few months after that before you have to validate it (dependent on when you have police checks and medicals done). So you will still have some time to figure things out.

We're in pretty much the same boat as @laevans in that we applied with 75 points last month, so hoping for an invite in the first couple of rounds. If we do we're off to Sydney! I went travelling there several years ago and loved it! Took my other half back on a holiday a couple of years after that and he loved it too. I have a couple of friends there and so we decided we'd give it a go. If it doesn't work out at least we tried it.

Best of luck whatever you decide :)

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