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Why move to Hobart from the uk?

Fleetwood Rik and Nik

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I have a possible opportunity to move to Hobart to work. I have to admit it wasnt somewhere i considered to start off.

Can someone on here tell me the pro's and Cons of moving there?

Places to live and places to avoid, i'll be on a mechanics wage of just less than $1000 a week but my soon to be wife will be working as a housekeeper for BUPA to top up the wage


Any input welcome :)


Rik & Niki

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It's a very pleasant place to live in with most of the amenities of a city, easy to get around and a more relaxed lifestyle than bigger cities (population 200,000).


Easy access to beautiful locations - beaches, mountains, waterways, walking/cycling trails.


Buzzing with community and artistic activities. It's not for people who want a new nightclub every night...but it's very easy to get involved in all sorts of clubs, groups, societies etc. to meet people.


Excellent working climate - IMO. "Mainlanders" - ie. those who live on the big island to the north - think it's too cold. It's warmer than anywhere in the UK - closest to the Channel Isles - and the 2nd driest capital in Oz (after Adelaide). It definitely has 4 seasons but without the long periods of extreme summer heat and/or humidity of other cities.


Average cost of buying a house lower than other cities.


Cons: Not for those whose idea of recreation is large shopping malls. Often misses out on large entertainment concerts/shows. But many people make the flight (i hour) to Melbourne for a weekend if they want to catch up on these.


Places to avoid: areas which were established originally as large Housing Commission areas - Bridgewater, Gagebrook, Risdon Vale, Rokeby, Clarendon Vale. I personally don't like the Glenorchy area - too industrial.

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Hobart is one of the most beautiful cities and although it is cooler than the rest of Australia it is still a lot warmer than the UK. It is fairly quiet compared with many areas of the UK but there is plenty to do and the people are friendly. Many nip up to Melbourne to shop when the urge comes and it is not that expensive to do so- flight is only about 1 hour 15 mins and there are specials from time to time.

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What do you want from a place is what I would be asking. Tasmania has a fairly small population overall, Hobart a fair chunk of those people but its still not big or perhaps will offer enough of what you want from a move to be attractive in the long term, but then again it might. Really depends what you are wanting.


Also is that wage before or after tax etc? Work out your expected costs living wise, rent, food, car, bills etc. How much do you need to live and how much do you expect or will you have.

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good question Snifter,

We don't go in for the big nightlife thing, and arn't really compulsive shoppers, we like countryside, seaside and the odd days out. we like to eat out now and then and and long as there is a decent pub nearby that will do us.

Warmer more predictable weather is something that would be an advantage, the Lancashire coast isnt exactly forgiving especially at this time of year.

The pay is after tax, im guessing almost half of that would be going on rent, i haven't had a good look at real estate yet but its a lot cheaper than say Sydneys suburbs, but the pay is more over there (swings and roundabouts i suppose) Cost of living is what i expected to be, maybe a little less.

Hobart would probably be one of the best places for us to acclimatize too due to it not being a big temperature difference

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Sounds like the way you like to live your life, Tasmania could tick your boxes. Others have given good pointers on what it may offer you in terms of lifestyle. I'd research lots and weigh up the pros and cons.


Have a look on realestate.com.au and put in Hobart and opt for the 'greater region' option perhaps and see what property comes up. I put in minimum 2 beds, maximum 3 and got a fair few results back and houses came in well under the $500 a week mark. There would be bills on top of course but I don't think you need to be forking out $500 a week for a place to live, just be prepared that rentals (least in our part of Aus) are often crappy, perhaps don't have good or any heating or air con and are just an investment for the landlord who will at some point rumble the block and sell it off or build 4 houses on it to sell on for an extortionate price. Hence them not caring or doing anything to the house while they have tenants in there.


Research pubs in Aus. They are generally nothing like UK pubs but perhaps Tasmania has more options there? Pub here can often = sports bar type place once you get inside. 10 TV screens showing sport around the world, lots of tables and a bar. Rather impersonal and remind me of the large Wetherspoons type and soulless chains in the UK that get people in the door with cheap beer and food but no atmosphere whatsoever. Wetherspoons have no music or TV's either. I'm sure Hobart and elsewhere would have something to suit you though. Our part of Aus we've found some lovely pubs that are more cosy, welcoming and without masses of TVs etc.

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Hi Fleetwood Rik and Nik. :smile: We moved to Devonport on the north coast of Tasmania nearly 3 years ago after living and working in Sydney for a lot of years. I always loved Tasmania but work wasn't easy to find so stayed in Sydney and saved for our retirement to Tassie. Hobart is a lively wee city which has retained some nice old buildings. Hobart is the 2nd oldest city in Australia after Sydney so it does have a bit of history. Yes the weather is similar-ish to the UK but can get hot and is cold in the winter. There are some real old character pubs there - the Shipwright Arms in Battery Point would be my favourite. Half the battle with coming to Tasmania is having a job to go to so in that respect you are very lucky.


I used to stay with friends in Fleetwood many years ago and have lovely memories of taking a tram into Blackpool at night for a fab girls' night out.


Just to give you an idea of what is for rent in the city or if it is just the two of you there are some nice flats too.



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good question Snifter,

We don't go in for the big nightlife thing, and arn't really compulsive shoppers, we like countryside, seaside and the odd days out. we like to eat out now and then and and long as there is a decent pub nearby that will do us.




All those are certainly very accessible here. Food is an important part of the Hobart scene - both eating out and food markets - including old style pubs with open fireplaces. (Seen a few PIO posters lamenting the lack of those elsewhere in Oz). Fewer of the sports bar type places than on the mainland.

In fact food is so important that we have a week long party - called the Taste of Tasmania - to celebrate it each year. :cute: Coincidentally it always starts on this date (28th December).




Rental costs are more expensive close to the city centre (such as the property mentioned by JockinTas). Parking in those areas can be a problem if you have a car - and often the properties are old and not well insulated - but, if you are prepared to travel a bit further out, you can get 2 bedroom rentals for much less - eg. averaging about $320 in a suburb such as Howrah




or Kingston




I'm not sure about "predictable weather" - we're used to the "4 seasons in one day" here :rolleyes: - but, on average, we're about 5 degrees warmer than your current location, with about 40% less rain and 40% more sunshine hours.

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All those are certainly very accessible here. Food is an important part of the Hobart scene - both eating out and food markets - including old style pubs with open fireplaces. (Seen a few PIO posters lamenting the lack of those elsewhere in Oz). Fewer of the sports bar type places than on the mainland.

In fact food is so important that we have a week long party - called the Taste of Tasmania - to celebrate it each year. :cute: Coincidentally it always starts on this date (28th December).




Rental costs are more expensive close to the city centre (such as the property mentioned by JockinTas). Parking in those areas can be a problem if you have a car - and often the properties are old and not well insulated - but, if you are prepared to travel a bit further out, you can get 2 bedroom rentals for much less - eg. averaging about $320 in a suburb such as Howrah




or Kingston




I'm not sure about "predictable weather" - we're used to the "4 seasons in one day" here :rolleyes: - but, on average, we're about 5 degrees warmer than your current location, with about 40% less rain and 40% more sunshine hours.


I can't wait for our Tassie life to start. Not moving to Hobart ( unless work works out like that....wouldn't be disappointed if it did!)- we're hoping to settle in Hawley Beach on the North Coast.

Good luck with your move Rik &Nik if you go for it!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I've had the job offer, which has been accepted :) and the 457 visa is now in the early stages of being collated before being sent off. Exciting times indeed.

Thanks for all the input, i've been doing a lot of research on good/ bad and indifferent areas around Hobart but seems there isn't too much by the way of current opinion, i know places change from year to year so what was considered bad in say 2010 could now be a decent place.


Any advice on good areas or areas to avoid for our search, the more info the better. I've seen a couple of decent places to rent in lindisfarne and blackmans bay, as well as sandy bay (which has had both a good and bad opinion)

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Welcome to our little island. Busy times ahead. :wubclub:


The areas I'd avoid are those which were established as broadacre social housing projects and don't have the best reputation - Bridgewater, Gagebrook, Risdon Vale, Rokeby and Clarendon Vale (all on the eastern shore) and Chigwell. Warrane (eastern shore) maybe too...although it's starting to get a bit gentrified. I personally don't like the Glenorchy - Moonah area....just a bit too industrial for my liking.


But Lindisfarne and Blackmans Bay are lovely. So is Sandy Bay: I'm really surprised that received a bad rap....it's generally considered the most salubrious area of Hobart. Sometimes I'm sure the problem is with the reviewer rather than the location. :rolleyes: Blackmans Bay will have a longer commute if you will be travelling to and from work in peak hours...but a lovely beach and coastline to make up for it when you are off work.

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Sandy Bay caught my eye early on, the commute from blackmail Bay all depends on the outlet I work at, which is uncertain until the employer knows when I'm going to arrive. I used to commute between 30mins to an hour back when I had a proper job over here. Lol.

Thanks ks for the local knowledge, it is apriciaated perhaps more than you realise :)

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Sandy Bay caught my eye early on,...


I've thought some more about this and the only negative I can think of is the cost: you will probably pay a higher rental than for an equivalent place elsewhere because it is convenient to the CBD ...plus it's a very pleasant location ...plus the University is located there so a lot of rental accommodation is in demand for student share housing.

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I've thought some more about this and the only negative I can think of is the cost: you will probably pay a higher rental than for an equivalent place elsewhere because it is convenient to the CBD ...plus it's a very pleasant location ...plus the University is located there so a lot of rental accommodation is in demand for student share housing.


yeah, i had noticed that :( the wife isn't keen on going as far out as Blackmans bay as we will most likley just have 1 car until we know what we can and can't afford. Lindisfarne and surroundings are favorite at the moment

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  • 1 month later...
now looking a little further afield, ive seen a house in new norfolk, its by the river and look beautiful, anyone have any thoughts on living in that area?


You mentioned in an earlier post that Blackmans Bay was too far out as you would probably have only 1 car initially. New Norfolk is twice as far (at least) and the bus services aren't nearly as frequent. The morning express service takes an hour from central New Norfolk to central Hobart. It's not on the main Hobart Metro bus network but has a private service - here




It tends to be a bit colder than Hobart in winter - more subject to river fog - and a bit warmer on hot days as the sea breeze doesn't reach that far.


If the house is really close to the river you need to be aware that it does occasionally flood.


However house wise you would probably get more for your money and I believe it's a well loved community by those who live there.

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When I was last looking for a rental for a friend, 2 areas which had more for the money were the Berriedale, Claremont, Austins Ferry suburbs in the north of Hobart and the Midway Point/Sorell area out to the east. That was 2 years ago though, so I don't know if the situation has changed. But, if you are prepared to go a little further out, they are worth having a look at.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2016-12-28 at 6:59 AM, Skani said:


Food is an important part of the Hobart scene - both eating out and food markets - including old style pubs with open fireplaces. 

In fact food is so important that we have a week long party - called the Taste of Tasmania - to celebrate it each year. :cute: Coincidentally it always starts on this date (28th December).

Thank you (fellow)JockInTas. I knew we liked the idea of the Tas lifestyle but this seals it as we love eating out. And hubby's birthday is 28th Dec! Fated I say, fated.

I should have read this post before I posted my own "Is $1000 a week enough" topic but we do have two kiddos to consider too which does up our costs lol. I am pleased at least that I haven't seen anyone saying nooooo stay clear you'll not survive on that yet.

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