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Melbourne voted 2nd most "fun" city in the World


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London-based magazine Time Out has rated the world's cities for their "fun" factor. Chicago came No. 1 with Melbourne 2nd. Sydney languished near the bottom of the list as one of the least "fun" cities. - and I would have to agree with that.


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London-based magazine Time Out has rated the world's cities for their "fun" factor. Chicago came No. 1 with Melbourne 2nd. Sydney languished near the bottom of the list as one of the least "fun" cities. - and I would have to agree with that.



Chicago no 1 ....

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There's a high chance of being killed in Chicago as a result of gun violence. Perhaps the "fun" is that element of danger?


As for Sydney being bottom of the list? No way! Canberra takes the cake if you want a boring Australian city !

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It's probably meaningless, everyone has their own idea of what "fun" is. Melbourne does have a lot of events and festivals that people seem to enjoy. Sydney has the Gay Mardi Gras that is very popular - that's if your idea of fun is watching hundreds of men cavorting in tight shorts with the bum cheeks cut out.

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Another PR stunt by Time Out which I admit I did like at one time living in London. This firm brings out or sort of guide mags to various cities from New York to Cape Town to young Sydney Town, expect they have a Melbourne edition as well.

No reason to sell Sydney, as most are aware of it.


From the world's most liveable city to the second most fun city. I expect it won't be long before it is branded the home of the most comely women and most well endowed men on the planet.

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Another PR stunt by Time Out which I admit I did like at one time living in London. This firm brings out or sort of guide mags to various cities from New York to Cape Town to young Sydney Town, expect they have a Melbourne edition as well.

No reason to sell Sydney, as most are aware of it.


From the world's most liveable city to the second most fun city. I expect it won't be long before it is branded the home of the most comely women and most well endowed men on the planet.


Oh we know that already ha ha.


Seriously though I lived in Sydney and then came to Melbourne as a young one and yes have to agree its a fun city if you are young and always has been. My daughter still thinks she is young and I must remind her she is getting up there these days and she should not stay our all night.

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Oh we know that already ha ha.


Seriously though I lived in Sydney and then came to Melbourne as a young one and yes have to agree its a fun city if you are young and always has been. My daughter still thinks she is young and I must remind her she is getting up there these days and she should not stay our all night.

I know city's far more apt than going out in than Melbourne though. Especially for the more 'mature' stopper uppers. Still I agree with Lisbon as the following choice. Always a fun city which caters for all ages.


Funny though. Melbourne Age, has just termed the city an encroaching grid locked hell. (or words to that effect) hardly endorsing of Time Out's second most fun city to be in the world. Unless playing in traffic is deemed fun by the 'Out' lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, I am interested in the short-term accommodation. I am relocating to Melbourne on 16Jan2017. Is it still available?

As far as I know Melbourne is still open for business and plenty of accommodation is available. But if you are a young person looking for "fun" you really have to stick to the vibrant, multi-cultural inner suburbs. The word "fun" can't really be applied to the sprawling, soulless outer suburbs which is the natural habitat of the average Aussie family.

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As far as I know Melbourne is still open for business and plenty of accommodation is available. But if you are a young person looking for "fun" you really have to stick to the vibrant, multi-cultural inner suburbs. The word "fun" can't really be applied to the sprawling, soulless outer suburbs which is the natural habitat of the average Aussie family.


Same all over Australia. Suburbs here by and large tend to be dormitory in nature and contrary to concepts of fun. There of course is where the vast majority of people are to be found.

One thing one needs to give Melbourne, is full points for PR. It didn't rate in the eighties. In fact few outside had heard of it. (although it had its glory days before the wars) That and some visionary inner city development that enlivened former very ordinary neighbourhoods.

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