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189 Visa (Teacher) how we completed the visa process. info for others


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Application Process: Skilled Migration Visa - Subclass 189 (Teacher)

Kelly and I have just finished our visa application process; this has taken 10 months, countless forms, photocopies and whole load of money. It was worse than buying a house. There is little information on what to fill in and what to apply for when… I wish I could go back in time and tell myself how to do this process efficiently… Which is why I decided to write this post.

Application process in order and costs:



  1. Skills Assessment - $635 (AUD)
  2. Teacher Registration - $249.40 (AUD)
  3. EOI – None
  4. State nomination (if applicable) - $200 (AUD)
  5. Visa application - $3,600 (AUD) + $1,800 (AUD) for second applicant
  6. Medical - £290 (GBP)


After deciding that we wanted to move to Australia, we began looking at the visa application process. The government website (http://www.border.gov.au) is really good and informative for looking at the different visa routes and subclasses; you can take a quick questionnaire and find all the visas that are applicable to you. We chose both the 189 (skilled independent) and 190 (skilled nominated). This is now where information is hard to find and the process becomes complicated!

My first piece of advice is get all the documents ready and if you don’t have easy access to a scanner and printer buy one, as there is a lot of uploading of documents and printing off forms.

Certified copies (get 2!):



  • Passport
  • Passport sized photographs
  • University certificates
  • University transcripts
  • PGCE certificate
  • PGCE transcript
  • Letter from PGCE University stating how many days teaching practise you completed.
  • Driving license
  • DBS
  • ACRO police check


Other documents:



  • Passport sized photographs
  • Reference from Skilled occupation
  • Birth certificate
  • Bank statements
  • Proof of address
  • Defacto relationship evidence





While sorting out documents you can start an Expression of Interest (EOI) through http://www.border.gov.au, this is just an online form where you enter your basic details, employment and education history. But… You will need a Skills Assessment to finish off the application.

Once you have your certified documents you can simultaneously send off for your Skills Assessment and your Teacher Registration. As teachers we did our Skills Assessment through AISTL (http://www.aitsl.edu.au), this is another form to fill in and you have to post it to Australia, so all in all takes about 3-4 months. All teachers in Australia have to be registered with the state they intend to work in (for us this was Queensland: http://www.qct.edu.au). This is yet another form to fill in and is by post so takes about 3 months.


Once your EOI has been submitted you just wait for an invitation to apply for a visa. Kelly got invited for the 190 (nominated) and so we started the process of applying for a State Nomination… While in that process he also got invited for the 189 (independent)… We found out that the 189 trumps the 190 invitation (NOWHERE EXPLAINS THIS!!!) so we could no longer carry on with our 190 application (after spending 4 weeks and £200 applying for it). If you are doing this they email you and all you have to do is upload the required documents with a bit more form filling.

Once you have been invited you can set up an Immiaccount (http://www.border.gov.au/immiaccount). You then import your existing EOI application so some of this form is already filled in for you, I would check the information though. You then have the lovely job of paying for your visa!!

Using the same account you have another online portal where you upload all your documents (this is where the printer/scanner comes in handy!) we sat in bed one day with a pile of documents, laptop and the scanner and just did it all in one go. We also had to fill in a Form 80, which can be found online. We also had to provide all our ‘Defacto Relationship’ evidence, border.gov.au have a fact sheet about providing evidence which was really useful. We provided:



  • A PowerPoint of all out photos together and with our friends, we put it in a PowerPoint because it was easy to group photos and add comments on when and where they were. Then we saved it as a PDF.
  • Joint bank account statement.
  • Proof of address for both of us dating back at least 12months.
  • Council tax and utility bills addressed to us both.
  • Statements from both of us detailing our relationship
  • Form 888 filled in by friends and family.



Once on the portal you can fill in a health assessment which then produces an HAP ID number and you can book your Medical. The medical consists of: a chest x-ray (to check for TB), a urine sample, Blood test (for HIV), eye sight test (you bring your glasses/contacts), height and weight (doesn’t seem to matter if you’re overweight), listen to your chest and feel your kidneys.

Once this is done and they haven’t asked you for any more information, you’re done! And then it’s just a lovely waiting game.






Application Process: Skilled Migration Visa - Subclass 189 (Teacher)

Kelly and I have just finished our visa application process; this has taken 10 months, countless forms, photocopies and whole load of money. It was worse than buying a house. There is little information on what to fill in and what to apply for when… I wish I could go back in time and tell myself how to do this process efficiently… Which is why I decided to write this post.

Application process in order and costs:



  1. Skills Assessment - $635 (AUD)
  2. Teacher Registration - $249.40 (AUD)
  3. EOI – None
  4. State nomination (if applicable) - $200 (AUD)
  5. Visa application - $3,600 (AUD) + $1,800 (AUD) for second applicant
  6. Medical - £290 (GBP)


After deciding that we wanted to move to Australia, we began looking at the visa application process. The government website (http://www.border.gov.au) is really good and informative for looking at the different visa routes and subclasses; you can take a quick questionnaire and find all the visas that are applicable to you. We chose both the 189 (skilled independent) and 190 (skilled nominated). This is now where information is hard to find and the process becomes complicated!

My first piece of advice is get all the documents ready and if you don’t have easy access to a scanner and printer buy one, as there is a lot of uploading of documents and printing off forms.

Certified copies (get 2!):



  • Passport
  • Passport sized photographs
  • University certificates
  • University transcripts
  • PGCE certificate
  • PGCE transcript
  • Letter from PGCE University stating how many days teaching practise you completed.
  • Driving license
  • DBS
  • ACRO police check


Other documents:



  • Passport sized photographs
  • Reference from Skilled occupation
  • Birth certificate
  • Bank statements
  • Proof of address
  • Defacto relationship evidence





While sorting out documents you can start an Expression of Interest (EOI) through http://www.border.gov.au, this is just an online form where you enter your basic details, employment and education history. But… You will need a Skills Assessment to finish off the application.

Once you have your certified documents you can simultaneously send off for your Skills Assessment and your Teacher Registration. As teachers we did our Skills Assessment through AISTL (http://www.aitsl.edu.au), this is another form to fill in and you have to post it to Australia, so all in all takes about 3-4 months. All teachers in Australia have to be registered with the state they intend to work in (for us this was Queensland: http://www.qct.edu.au). This is yet another form to fill in and is by post so takes about 3 months.


Once your EOI has been submitted you just wait for an invitation to apply for a visa. Kelly got invited for the 190 (nominated) and so we started the process of applying for a State Nomination… While in that process he also got invited for the 189 (independent)… We found out that the 189 trumps the 190 invitation (NOWHERE EXPLAINS THIS!!!) so we could no longer carry on with our 190 application (after spending 4 weeks and £200 applying for it). If you are doing this they email you and all you have to do is upload the required documents with a bit more form filling.

Once you have been invited you can set up an Immiaccount (http://www.border.gov.au/immiaccount). You then import your existing EOI application so some of this form is already filled in for you, I would check the information though. You then have the lovely job of paying for your visa!!

Using the same account you have another online portal where you upload all your documents (this is where the printer/scanner comes in handy!) we sat in bed one day with a pile of documents, laptop and the scanner and just did it all in one go. We also had to fill in a Form 80, which can be found online. We also had to provide all our ‘Defacto Relationship’ evidence, border.gov.au have a fact sheet about providing evidence which was really useful. We provided:



  • A PowerPoint of all out photos together and with our friends, we put it in a PowerPoint because it was easy to group photos and add comments on when and where they were. Then we saved it as a PDF.
  • Joint bank account statement.
  • Proof of address for both of us dating back at least 12months.
  • Council tax and utility bills addressed to us both.
  • Statements from both of us detailing our relationship
  • Form 888 filled in by friends and family.



Once on the portal you can fill in a health assessment which then produces an HAP ID number and you can book your Medical. The medical consists of: a chest x-ray (to check for TB), a urine sample, Blood test (for HIV), eye sight test (you bring your glasses/contacts), height and weight (doesn’t seem to matter if you’re overweight), listen to your chest and feel your kidneys.

Once this is done and they haven’t asked you for any more information, you’re done! And then it’s just a lovely waiting game.

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I've just submitted my EOI and I am pretty confident i will be invited to apply for a visa - been through it before but circumstances got in the way and I couldn't go.


this time around I need to supply evidence of my defacto relationship. We have been together for two years but everything is in my name, no joint account, but di have evidence of transactions between our accounts....trump card is we have a 10 week old baby. I'm hoping this is enough to show we are in a defacto relationship!!


Anyone else been in this situation??

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So glad to see your response especially as you are a teacher on 189! I'm so surprised by the lack of expertise available of online too ..


I have a few questions, I hope you don't mind helping me out.




1. EOI application: Did you add your 'post graduate' PGCE qualification in the eduction section? if so, which category did you put it in (honours or degree).

2. EO1 application: I don't know what category my degree goes in? Sounds so stupid but there are so many options that all sound the same! My degree is International Fashion Marketing (BSc Hons)?

3. When you filled in the dates of employment, did you fill in the exact day and month & year?

4. After your EOI did they request payslips, if so how many?

5. After EOI, did you have to send all your original documents (proof of employment for dates, certificates, etc) to your case officer after you paid for your VISA.


Really looking forward to hearing from you!!



Application Process: Skilled Migration Visa - Subclass 189 (Teacher)

Kelly and I have just finished our visa application process; this has taken 10 months, countless forms, photocopies and whole load of money. It was worse than buying a house. There is little information on what to fill in and what to apply for when… I wish I could go back in time and tell myself how to do this process efficiently… Which is why I decided to write this post.

Application process in order and costs:



  1. Skills Assessment - $635 (AUD)
  2. Teacher Registration - $249.40 (AUD)
  3. EOI – None
  4. State nomination (if applicable) - $200 (AUD)
  5. Visa application - $3,600 (AUD) + $1,800 (AUD) for second applicant
  6. Medical - £290 (GBP)


After deciding that we wanted to move to Australia, we began looking at the visa application process. The government website (www.border.gov.au) is really good and informative for looking at the different visa routes and subclasses; you can take a quick questionnaire and find all the visas that are applicable to you. We chose both the 189 (skilled independent) and 190 (skilled nominated). This is now where information is hard to find and the process becomes complicated!

My first piece of advice is get all the documents ready and if you don’t have easy access to a scanner and printer buy one, as there is a lot of uploading of documents and printing off forms.

Certified copies (get 2!):



  • Passport
  • Passport sized photographs
  • University certificates
  • University transcripts
  • PGCE certificate
  • PGCE transcript
  • Letter from PGCE University stating how many days teaching practise you completed.
  • Driving license
  • DBS
  • ACRO police check


Other documents:



  • Passport sized photographs
  • Reference from Skilled occupation
  • Birth certificate
  • Bank statements
  • Proof of address
  • Defacto relationship evidence





While sorting out documents you can start an Expression of Interest (EOI) through www.border.gov.au, this is just an online form where you enter your basic details, employment and education history. But… You will need a Skills Assessment to finish off the application.

Once you have your certified documents you can simultaneously send off for your Skills Assessment and your Teacher Registration. As teachers we did our Skills Assessment through AISTL (www.aitsl.edu.au), this is another form to fill in and you have to post it to Australia, so all in all takes about 3-4 months. All teachers in Australia have to be registered with the state they intend to work in (for us this was Queensland: www.qct.edu.au). This is yet another form to fill in and is by post so takes about 3 months.


Once your EOI has been submitted you just wait for an invitation to apply for a visa. Kelly got invited for the 190 (nominated) and so we started the process of applying for a State Nomination… While in that process he also got invited for the 189 (independent)… We found out that the 189 trumps the 190 invitation (NOWHERE EXPLAINS THIS!!!) so we could no longer carry on with our 190 application (after spending 4 weeks and £200 applying for it). If you are doing this they email you and all you have to do is upload the required documents with a bit more form filling.

Once you have been invited you can set up an Immiaccount (www.border.gov.au/immiaccount). You then import your existing EOI application so some of this form is already filled in for you, I would check the information though. You then have the lovely job of paying for your visa!!

Using the same account you have another online portal where you upload all your documents (this is where the printer/scanner comes in handy!) we sat in bed one day with a pile of documents, laptop and the scanner and just did it all in one go. We also had to fill in a Form 80, which can be found online. We also had to provide all our ‘Defacto Relationship’ evidence, border.gov.au have a fact sheet about providing evidence which was really useful. We provided:



  • A PowerPoint of all out photos together and with our friends, we put it in a PowerPoint because it was easy to group photos and add comments on when and where they were. Then we saved it as a PDF.
  • Joint bank account statement.
  • Proof of address for both of us dating back at least 12months.
  • Council tax and utility bills addressed to us both.
  • Statements from both of us detailing our relationship
  • Form 888 filled in by friends and family.



Once on the portal you can fill in a health assessment which then produces an HAP ID number and you can book your Medical. The medical consists of: a chest x-ray (to check for TB), a urine sample, Blood test (for HIV), eye sight test (you bring your glasses/contacts), height and weight (doesn’t seem to matter if you’re overweight), listen to your chest and feel your kidneys.

Once this is done and they haven’t asked you for any more information, you’re done! And then it’s just a lovely waiting game.






Application Process: Skilled Migration Visa - Subclass 189 (Teacher)

Kelly and I have just finished our visa application process; this has taken 10 months, countless forms, photocopies and whole load of money. It was worse than buying a house. There is little information on what to fill in and what to apply for when… I wish I could go back in time and tell myself how to do this process efficiently… Which is why I decided to write this post.

Application process in order and costs:



  1. Skills Assessment - $635 (AUD)
  2. Teacher Registration - $249.40 (AUD)
  3. EOI – None
  4. State nomination (if applicable) - $200 (AUD)
  5. Visa application - $3,600 (AUD) + $1,800 (AUD) for second applicant
  6. Medical - £290 (GBP)


After deciding that we wanted to move to Australia, we began looking at the visa application process. The government website (www.border.gov.au) is really good and informative for looking at the different visa routes and subclasses; you can take a quick questionnaire and find all the visas that are applicable to you. We chose both the 189 (skilled independent) and 190 (skilled nominated). This is now where information is hard to find and the process becomes complicated!

My first piece of advice is get all the documents ready and if you don’t have easy access to a scanner and printer buy one, as there is a lot of uploading of documents and printing off forms.

Certified copies (get 2!):



  • Passport
  • Passport sized photographs
  • University certificates
  • University transcripts
  • PGCE certificate
  • PGCE transcript
  • Letter from PGCE University stating how many days teaching practise you completed.
  • Driving license
  • DBS
  • ACRO police check


Other documents:



  • Passport sized photographs
  • Reference from Skilled occupation
  • Birth certificate
  • Bank statements
  • Proof of address
  • Defacto relationship evidence





While sorting out documents you can start an Expression of Interest (EOI) through www.border.gov.au, this is just an online form where you enter your basic details, employment and education history. But… You will need a Skills Assessment to finish off the application.

Once you have your certified documents you can simultaneously send off for your Skills Assessment and your Teacher Registration. As teachers we did our Skills Assessment through AISTL (www.aitsl.edu.au), this is another form to fill in and you have to post it to Australia, so all in all takes about 3-4 months. All teachers in Australia have to be registered with the state they intend to work in (for us this was Queensland: www.qct.edu.au). This is yet another form to fill in and is by post so takes about 3 months.


Once your EOI has been submitted you just wait for an invitation to apply for a visa. Kelly got invited for the 190 (nominated) and so we started the process of applying for a State Nomination… While in that process he also got invited for the 189 (independent)… We found out that the 189 trumps the 190 invitation (NOWHERE EXPLAINS THIS!!!) so we could no longer carry on with our 190 application (after spending 4 weeks and £200 applying for it). If you are doing this they email you and all you have to do is upload the required documents with a bit more form filling.

Once you have been invited you can set up an Immiaccount (www.border.gov.au/immiaccount). You then import your existing EOI application so some of this form is already filled in for you, I would check the information though. You then have the lovely job of paying for your visa!!

Using the same account you have another online portal where you upload all your documents (this is where the printer/scanner comes in handy!) we sat in bed one day with a pile of documents, laptop and the scanner and just did it all in one go. We also had to fill in a Form 80, which can be found online. We also had to provide all our ‘Defacto Relationship’ evidence, border.gov.au have a fact sheet about providing evidence which was really useful. We provided:



  • A PowerPoint of all out photos together and with our friends, we put it in a PowerPoint because it was easy to group photos and add comments on when and where they were. Then we saved it as a PDF.
  • Joint bank account statement.
  • Proof of address for both of us dating back at least 12months.
  • Council tax and utility bills addressed to us both.
  • Statements from both of us detailing our relationship
  • Form 888 filled in by friends and family.



Once on the portal you can fill in a health assessment which then produces an HAP ID number and you can book your Medical. The medical consists of: a chest x-ray (to check for TB), a urine sample, Blood test (for HIV), eye sight test (you bring your glasses/contacts), height and weight (doesn’t seem to matter if you’re overweight), listen to your chest and feel your kidneys.

Once this is done and they haven’t asked you for any more information, you’re done! And then it’s just a lovely waiting game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys


Just quoting from helpful Bungo in another post "The secondary applicant will need to do medicals and police checks in due course. But if you have not started the process, these are not things that I would recommend you start with. In fact it is better to do them later. The immigration department advice is not to do not do them until specifically asked.


Anyway I will keep it short as this thread is about teaching not the visa application process, there is a migration section of the forum that is best place for more generic visa questions."


I want to know that is our application for our visa lodged before these other documents are uploaded/requested?

Because my visa runs out in March, I want to be ready to lodge once I get the invite and was wondering is there a need to begin collecting required documentation before we are asked?


Basically I need to submit visa application early March and transfer to a bridging visa


We do have another option if things get delayed, and that's to lodge defacto on his 457 (but hoping this won't be needed)

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Just wondering how difficult it has been to register with Queensland. Myself and my husband will need to this ahead of emigrating. My husband should be ok as he has already gone through certification with AITSL, I'm slightly worried about myself though.

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  • 4 weeks later...


thanks this is brilliant info.

Ive just had my skills assessment through and am now wondering my next step.

Begun an EOI but am waiting for my husbands skills assessment - it sure if I should register now or wait until the EOI completed?

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  • 1 year later...
On 11/16/2016 at 20:24, Perkelly said:

Application Process: Skilled Migration Visa - Subclass 189 (Teacher)

Kelly and I have just finished our visa application process; this has taken 10 months, countless forms, photocopies and whole load of money. It was worse than buying a house. There is little information on what to fill in and what to apply for when… I wish I could go back in time and tell myself how to do this process efficiently… Which is why I decided to write this post.

Application process in order and costs:



  1. Skills Assessment - $635 (AUD)
  2. Teacher Registration - $249.40 (AUD)
  3. EOI – None
  4. State nomination (if applicable) - $200 (AUD)
  5. Visa application - $3,600 (AUD) + $1,800 (AUD) for second applicant
  6. Medical - £290 (GBP)


After deciding that we wanted to move to Australia, we began looking at the visa application process. The government website (http://www.border.gov.au) is really good and informative for looking at the different visa routes and subclasses; you can take a quick questionnaire and find all the visas that are applicable to you. We chose both the 189 (skilled independent) and 190 (skilled nominated). This is now where information is hard to find and the process becomes complicated!

My first piece of advice is get all the documents ready and if you don’t have easy access to a scanner and printer buy one, as there is a lot of uploading of documents and printing off forms.

Certified copies (get 2!):



  • Passport
  • Passport sized photographs
  • University certificates
  • University transcripts
  • PGCE certificate
  • PGCE transcript
  • Letter from PGCE University stating how many days teaching practise you completed.
  • Driving license
  • DBS
  • ACRO police check


Other documents:



  • Passport sized photographs
  • Reference from Skilled occupation
  • Birth certificate
  • Bank statements
  • Proof of address
  • Defacto relationship evidence





While sorting out documents you can start an Expression of Interest (EOI) through http://www.border.gov.au, this is just an online form where you enter your basic details, employment and education history. But… You will need a Skills Assessment to finish off the application.

Once you have your certified documents you can simultaneously send off for your Skills Assessment and your Teacher Registration. As teachers we did our Skills Assessment through AISTL (http://www.aitsl.edu.au), this is another form to fill in and you have to post it to Australia, so all in all takes about 3-4 months. All teachers in Australia have to be registered with the state they intend to work in (for us this was Queensland: http://www.qct.edu.au). This is yet another form to fill in and is by post so takes about 3 months.


Once your EOI has been submitted you just wait for an invitation to apply for a visa. Kelly got invited for the 190 (nominated) and so we started the process of applying for a State Nomination… While in that process he also got invited for the 189 (independent)… We found out that the 189 trumps the 190 invitation (NOWHERE EXPLAINS THIS!!!) so we could no longer carry on with our 190 application (after spending 4 weeks and £200 applying for it). If you are doing this they email you and all you have to do is upload the required documents with a bit more form filling.

Once you have been invited you can set up an Immiaccount (http://www.border.gov.au/immiaccount). You then import your existing EOI application so some of this form is already filled in for you, I would check the information though. You then have the lovely job of paying for your visa!!

Using the same account you have another online portal where you upload all your documents (this is where the printer/scanner comes in handy!) we sat in bed one day with a pile of documents, laptop and the scanner and just did it all in one go. We also had to fill in a Form 80, which can be found online. We also had to provide all our ‘Defacto Relationship’ evidence, border.gov.au have a fact sheet about providing evidence which was really useful. We provided:



  • A PowerPoint of all out photos together and with our friends, we put it in a PowerPoint because it was easy to group photos and add comments on when and where they were. Then we saved it as a PDF.
  • Joint bank account statement.
  • Proof of address for both of us dating back at least 12months.
  • Council tax and utility bills addressed to us both.
  • Statements from both of us detailing our relationship
  • Form 888 filled in by friends and family.



Once on the portal you can fill in a health assessment which then produces an HAP ID number and you can book your Medical. The medical consists of: a chest x-ray (to check for TB), a urine sample, Blood test (for HIV), eye sight test (you bring your glasses/contacts), height and weight (doesn’t seem to matter if you’re overweight), listen to your chest and feel your kidneys.

Once this is done and they haven’t asked you for any more information, you’re done! And then it’s just a lovely waiting game.






Application Process: Skilled Migration Visa - Subclass 189 (Teacher)

Kelly and I have just finished our visa application process; this has taken 10 months, countless forms, photocopies and whole load of money. It was worse than buying a house. There is little information on what to fill in and what to apply for when… I wish I could go back in time and tell myself how to do this process efficiently… Which is why I decided to write this post.

Application process in order and costs:



  1. Skills Assessment - $635 (AUD)
  2. Teacher Registration - $249.40 (AUD)
  3. EOI – None
  4. State nomination (if applicable) - $200 (AUD)
  5. Visa application - $3,600 (AUD) + $1,800 (AUD) for second applicant
  6. Medical - £290 (GBP)


After deciding that we wanted to move to Australia, we began looking at the visa application process. The government website (http://www.border.gov.au) is really good and informative for looking at the different visa routes and subclasses; you can take a quick questionnaire and find all the visas that are applicable to you. We chose both the 189 (skilled independent) and 190 (skilled nominated). This is now where information is hard to find and the process becomes complicated!

My first piece of advice is get all the documents ready and if you don’t have easy access to a scanner and printer buy one, as there is a lot of uploading of documents and printing off forms.

Certified copies (get 2!):



  • Passport
  • Passport sized photographs
  • University certificates
  • University transcripts
  • PGCE certificate
  • PGCE transcript
  • Letter from PGCE University stating how many days teaching practise you completed.
  • Driving license
  • DBS
  • ACRO police check


Other documents:



  • Passport sized photographs
  • Reference from Skilled occupation
  • Birth certificate
  • Bank statements
  • Proof of address
  • Defacto relationship evidence





While sorting out documents you can start an Expression of Interest (EOI) through http://www.border.gov.au, this is just an online form where you enter your basic details, employment and education history. But… You will need a Skills Assessment to finish off the application.

Once you have your certified documents you can simultaneously send off for your Skills Assessment and your Teacher Registration. As teachers we did our Skills Assessment through AISTL (http://www.aitsl.edu.au), this is another form to fill in and you have to post it to Australia, so all in all takes about 3-4 months. All teachers in Australia have to be registered with the state they intend to work in (for us this was Queensland: http://www.qct.edu.au). This is yet another form to fill in and is by post so takes about 3 months.


Once your EOI has been submitted you just wait for an invitation to apply for a visa. Kelly got invited for the 190 (nominated) and so we started the process of applying for a State Nomination… While in that process he also got invited for the 189 (independent)… We found out that the 189 trumps the 190 invitation (NOWHERE EXPLAINS THIS!!!) so we could no longer carry on with our 190 application (after spending 4 weeks and £200 applying for it). If you are doing this they email you and all you have to do is upload the required documents with a bit more form filling.

Once you have been invited you can set up an Immiaccount (http://www.border.gov.au/immiaccount). You then import your existing EOI application so some of this form is already filled in for you, I would check the information though. You then have the lovely job of paying for your visa!!

Using the same account you have another online portal where you upload all your documents (this is where the printer/scanner comes in handy!) we sat in bed one day with a pile of documents, laptop and the scanner and just did it all in one go. We also had to fill in a Form 80, which can be found online. We also had to provide all our ‘Defacto Relationship’ evidence, border.gov.au have a fact sheet about providing evidence which was really useful. We provided:



  • A PowerPoint of all out photos together and with our friends, we put it in a PowerPoint because it was easy to group photos and add comments on when and where they were. Then we saved it as a PDF.
  • Joint bank account statement.
  • Proof of address for both of us dating back at least 12months.
  • Council tax and utility bills addressed to us both.
  • Statements from both of us detailing our relationship
  • Form 888 filled in by friends and family.



Once on the portal you can fill in a health assessment which then produces an HAP ID number and you can book your Medical. The medical consists of: a chest x-ray (to check for TB), a urine sample, Blood test (for HIV), eye sight test (you bring your glasses/contacts), height and weight (doesn’t seem to matter if you’re overweight), listen to your chest and feel your kidneys.

Once this is done and they haven’t asked you for any more information, you’re done! And then it’s just a lovely waiting game.

Good on you Mate !!! Happy about you... Thanks for this detailed explanation and time you spent to write for others... :) 

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