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3 weeks to go and feeling pretty rubbish ......


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I forgot to add. Like a few others that frequent this forum , when in Europe or even UK, both I and partner over more recent years find it increasingly difficult to get on that plane and return Down Under. I have no idea if this would be the case if a longer stay or permanent was the case. All worth considering though as it is far easier to frit about in ones twenties and thirties than older. Generally the cost of moving is just so much more than in decades past as well.


I bet you will be living somewhere in Europe within the next 10 years Flag. :yes:

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I know the above is some folk's take on things. With the OP though warning lights are flashing prior to blast off. Australia is no walk in the park these days. Come as a Back packer by all means, as usually the final road is the road home. Emigrating is another kettle of fish. One is required to be mentally strong to cope with the stresses involved.

One can do such much else in life than move to another Anglo country. very far removed from the familiar at that.


I don't know that it's necessarily warning lights flag, I cried a lot those last few weeks saying goodbye to my dad, family, friends and work colleagues - I was practically inconsolable at my leaving lunch with my team yet we've not had any yearning to return.

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Thank you. I've been back to Australia every year for the last 10 years visiting family so i know what im heading towards which makes things much easier, i will walking into a large family as well over there who i get on with very well so that def helps. I think it's the sadness of leaving my Mum and dealing with the guilty feeling of taking the Grandchildren away. From reading most of the posts it's something i will have to deal with over time. Thanks again for the supportive message

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Thank you. I've been back to Australia every year for the last 10 years visiting family so i know what im heading towards which makes things much easier, i will walking into a large family as well over there who i get on with very well so that def helps. I think it's the sadness of leaving my Mum and dealing with the guilty feeling of taking the Grandchildren away. From reading most of the posts it's something i will have to deal with over time. Thanks again for the supportive message


Still do what most have advised and have the conversation now about what you as a family will do if you want to come back. You would be amazed at how many people do come back, even with very strong ties to Australia. The forum has seen many a marriage break apart which might not have happened had they had the conversation in advance.

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I bet you will be living somewhere in Europe within the next 10 years Flag. :yes:



Perhaps. The legalities around residence in EU may upset the apple cart though, if Brexit goes ahead. But I have researched locations and Portugal is a favourite. Malta was, but since declined position on the list.


Always Asia of course, a few possible candidates there. Considered every state in OZ but can't come to a satisfactory conclusion there. Actually I find a lot of limitations into possible location here.


Perhaps while remaining well, will not become a fixture in any place. Rent and spend time in varied locations?

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I don't know that it's necessarily warning lights flag, I cried a lot those last few weeks saying goodbye to my dad, family, friends and work colleagues - I was practically inconsolable at my leaving lunch with my team yet we've not had any yearning to return.


The warning lights being of course, is that a person comes onto the forum, proclaiming a degree of distress on the thought of leaving family behind. Only the individual can really know to what degree they can cope, or otherwise in their personal situation in some far off land, thus as relevant to point out or bring to attention.


I do believe modern technology can help or hinder settlement.

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