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Short notice to move.... is this possible?hi all,


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Hi all, - another post seeking reassurance and opinions. Looks like husband is going to offered a job with start date of 9th January in oz (non negotiable) this gives us around 10 weeks to pack up our lives and go! Is this possible and what things would we need to consider? We have sold house and are living in rented but it still feels overwhelming! Job offer is a good job and will cover first months rent.


Im not sure if we should be singing for joy as we didn't expect to be able to secure employment from U.K.

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Hi all, - another post seeking reassurance and opinions. Looks like husband is going to offered a job with start date of 9th January in oz (non negotiable) this gives us around 10 weeks to pack up our lives and go! Is this possible and what things would we need to consider? We have sold house and are living in rented but it still feels overwhelming! Job offer is a good job and will cover first months rent.


Im not sure if we should be singing for joy as we didn't expect to be able to secure employment from U.K.


I'm sure it can be done. A member here (VeryStormy) moved the other way - from Perth to the UK in a very short time as he was offered a job - I think he had a week to move. :shocked: His wife and little dog moved after him. Sometimes it's better to do it in a short period of time - and you have nearly 3 months.


Good luck!!

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Hi all, - another post seeking reassurance and opinions. Looks like husband is going to offered a job with start date of 9th January in oz (non negotiable) this gives us around 10 weeks to pack up our lives and go! Is this possible and what things would we need to consider? We have sold house and are living in rented but it still feels overwhelming! Job offer is a good job and will cover first months rent.


Im not sure if we should be singing for joy as we didn't expect to be able to secure employment from U.K.


Ten weeks is loads of time. We had our visas but we're thinking of leaving it a couple of years, them a job came up and we packed up and moved with four weeks notice. Fortunately the cats were already vaccinated for rabies. They were the hardest thing to organise.

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10 weeks if you don't have a dog or cat to prepare for shipping is plenty of time.


TBH if you've a firm job to go to then I'd not pass it up. Half the struggle with migrating can be finding work so if you are happy with the offer, then go for it.

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10 weeks is a doddle if your visas are at the ready. I think VS gets the accolade for speedy departures although I guess we might come close - we just went on "holiday" and didn't return. When we moved in earnest I think it was 6 weeks and getting the spouse visa organised (it was a long time ago) was down to the wire with DH collecting it from the HC the morning of the day we flew.

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Hi all, - another post seeking reassurance and opinions. Looks like husband is going to offered a job with start date of 9th January in oz (non negotiable) this gives us around 10 weeks to pack up our lives and go! Is this possible and what things would we need to consider? We have sold house and are living in rented but it still feels overwhelming! Job offer is a good job and will cover first months rent.


Im not sure if we should be singing for joy as we didn't expect to be able to secure employment from U.K.


We sold and shipped our house, quit our jobs, sold the car, sorted out schools.......all in 10 weeks. Mrs H and the little one flew last week and I depart these fine shores on Weds for Brisbane........cannot lie, it was the most stressful thing we have ever done in our life, a lot of tears along the way, loads of planning, but it can be done......Good Luck!

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We put our house on the market at the end of May, sold up lots of OH's toys (motorbikes, boat, caravan, two cars) and were on the plane out here on 9th August. Probably the best way to do it, as you really don't have time for second thoughts! We didn't bring any pets - just two kids, Within two weeks of arriving here we'd bought a house, two cars and a dog.

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If you have already sold you house and its a great job offer i think you should go for it. I dont think amount of time prior to leaving ever feels like enough time anyway,lol you always end up running around like a madman those last few days.


Lots of luck with everything

Cal x

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If you have already sold you house and its a great job offer i think you should go for it. I dont think amount of time prior to leaving ever feels like enough time anyway,lol you always end up running around like a madman those last few days.


Lots of luck with everything

Cal x


Thank you everyone, you have made me feel so much better that what we are doing is quite reaalistoc. Your posts are appreciated!

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