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Any irish on here ?


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In Ireland there is a clear difference between what people will say on the street and what they actually do in the ballot box. I very much doubt anyone would vote to leave the EU, there's too much at stake for Ireland more so than the UK.


Re work, most people seem to have it but the cost of living is huge especially in Dublin. The post-GFC crisis is over but a new housing crisis has begun with people struggling to get on the property ladder.

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I'm Irish, there is no way in hell the Irish would Vote to leave the EU - we're quiet happy in it as a nation!


Unemployment is down but youth unemployment, especially in small town Ireland is a problem.


There is a huge rental and new housing supply crisis.


The problem with Ireland, much as I love it, is that things move too sloooowwww...


Lots could have been done in the crisis but very little was.



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we were over in Ireland last august bank holiday weekend to see relatives and friends, Dublin does seem to be buzzing, but as posters above have said, small towns are struggling, as they always have. From a work point of view I think most of the density would be in and around Dublin, but from a University study/liveability and ease of living, compared to say London, my daughter was very taken with the idea of studying in Dublin, as was I given that we have got EU Passports many years ago so avoided the Brexit panic rush and can possibly make use of the EU Uni fee scheme which is lower than the standard UK one, 3K euro as opposed to 9K gap

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Ive thought about moving to ireland even just for a year but other then Dublin i wouldnt know where to live. The cost of living seems too expensive. I went around 7 years ago and it felt so expensive


Galway was lovely.

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we were over in Ireland last august bank holiday weekend to see relatives and friends, Dublin does seem to be buzzing, but as posters above have said, small towns are struggling, as they always have. From a work point of view I think most of the density would be in and around Dublin, but from a University study/liveability and ease of living, compared to say London, my daughter was very taken with the idea of studying in Dublin, as was I given that we have got EU Passports many years ago so avoided the Brexit panic rush and can possibly make use of the EU Uni fee scheme which is lower than the standard UK one, 3K euro as opposed to 9K gap


My nephew spent six months in Waterford watching telly and drinking Guinness. There was no work and very high youth unemployment. He did some volunteering on the life boats as he has a (skipper's?) Qualification, and considered joining the police, but in the end he returned to Perth where he now has two jobs.

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My nephew spent six months in Waterford watching telly and drinking Guinness. There was no work and very high youth unemployment. He did some volunteering on the life boats as he has a (skipper's?) Qualification, and considered joining the police, but in the end he returned to Perth where he now has two jobs.


Waterford was hit hard with the recession to be fair.



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