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Rockhampton vs Townsville


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Hi all,


I am currently applying for jobs in Australia, and have had a couple of interviews, namely Townsville and Rockhampton. Has anyone got any views or experiences on either they would like to share.


We're a young couple (34 and 31) and ideally like to live on or near the coast. We like to eat out and the coffee shop culture. An opportunity for the beach, gardens and day trips etc. Is there any or much difference in affordability in the 2 areas??


We have never been to either place although we have visited Australia twice going to Cairns travelling down to Brisbane and staying at places in between. Last year we went to Sydney then went to Brisbane so have experience of the touristy areas only.


Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


Tom and Lisa

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Hi Tom and Lisa - I used to live in Central Queensland, Rockhampton and the Capricorn Coast. We left to move back to the UK about 18 months ago. Rockhampton is classified as a city, but it is really a big country town. Its main industry is the two large meat works and the university. It is about 35-45 minutes from the Capricorn Coast (Yeppoon and Emu Park) - lots of people commute from there to Rockhampton (I did it for 5 years). House prices on the coast are more expensive than in Rocky. Rocky gets very hot in the summer months and it is much cooler on the coast. Not much of a cafe culture. Days out are based on the surrounding areas including the Keppel Islands and Byfield State Forest (Waterpark Creek, etc). Since we left there has been a down turn in the economy, and house prices have dropped quite significantly. I have visited Townsville several times, but cannot comment on what it is like to live there. It is a much larger city and home of the Cowboys NRL Club! Please feel free to ask me any specific questions you may have.

Cheers :)

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Goingbacksoon - thank you for responding. Does it feel in anyway cosmopolitan? Are there many supermarkets and shops? How about eating out and public transport. Our research is making me sway to Townsville but jobs seem higher paid in Rocky. I assume cost of living is better than big cities? What are the styles of houses as we are hoping to buy a new build.


Why did you leave?

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I should change my user name to Gone Back!! We moved back, after 29 years in Oz, mostly because I reached that milestone of 50 and just couldn't see me staying there forever and realised that the time was right. Every time we came back to the UK it was more difficult to resettle into life in Oz. So good to be close to my mum and siblings, and my girls have settled in brilliantly. So for us it was a gamble that paid off. I sold the house in Rocky at the right time and bought a house here straight away. I don't miss the weather at all, after having had six months where it didn't get below 30 degrees and going through a major cyclone, with no power for 8 days and temps over 35!! Be prepared for a hike in the cost of living compared to the UK. My 12 month gas and electricity bill in the UK was roughly the same as for a quarter in Rocky (five bedroom house with an inground pool and 16 solar panels). You need to factor in the cost of private health if you earn over $80,000. Car registration for four cylinder car is about $650 a year. Food is expensive due to the Woolworths/Coles domination - it's worth having a look at their web pages. Houses are generally cheaper in regional Queensland than in the UK, but again it's all about location, location.

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Goingbacksoon - thank you for responding. Does it feel in anyway cosmopolitan? Are there many supermarkets and shops? How about eating out and public transport. Our research is making me sway to Townsville but jobs seem higher paid in Rocky. I assume cost of living is better than big cities? What are the styles of houses as we are hoping to buy a new build.


Why did you leave?

I don't think the words 'cosmopolitan' and 'Rockhampton' really belong in the same sentence.

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Can you elaborate? Is Townsville cosmopolitan?


Think of it like this. Townsville is about the size (population) of Huddersfield. Rockhampton is the same size as Wakefield. Both cities are at least 3-4 hours from the closest big city - but even then you're not even close to a major centre. They are both regional centres so will have all services you need. And if you enjoy a quiet family life, going to the beach, bbqing, exploring nature they are great. If however you crave fancy restaurants, art galleries, concerts etc you're better off looking at a major city instead.


Also, keep in mind both places are very hot for at least 6 months of the year. I could never live up there for that reason alone.

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Does it feel in anyway cosmopolitan?


I think Sydney and Melbourne are the only 2 places in Australia which could reasonably be described as cosmopolitan.


Re style of housing: have you done a Google Earth Streetview tour of Rockhampton? From my memories of travelling through it is comprised mainly of traditional "Queenslander" style houses - ie wooden weatherboards on stilts - but a Google Earth tour of new estates on the fringes may show a different style.

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I think Sydney and Melbourne are the only 2 places in Australia which could reasonably be described as cosmopolitan.


Re style of housing: have you done a Google Earth Streetview tour of Rockhampton? From my memories of travelling through it is comprised mainly of traditional "Queenslander" style houses - ie wooden weatherboards on stilts - but a Google Earth tour of new estates on the fringes may show a different style.


Brisbane is "getting there" but the more cosmopolitan you get the more expensive it gets!!


I would not move from Leeds to Rockie if I'm honest. Stick to the state capitals if you can, certainly to begin with. Never been to Townsville... big military presence there as it is a garrison town.

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.........personally I like Rockhampton .....

.........it has everything I would want in a town....

.........a hospital,schools university and airport.......

..........it has some beautiful architecture.....old world charm......with some modern buildings thrown in....

...........it doesn't have a cosmopolitan element.....IMO....

............but the CBD is improving ,

............the markets and festivals have a good feel.....

.............it's on the river but coast easily accessible.....

..............yes it does get hot in the summer......

...............but as with anywhere.......if it's too hot .....or too cold....

................you adapt life accordingly.....

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Slightly repeating someone else's post, but being a former northerner, think that the comparison with Huddersfield and Wakefield sounds about right. If you would be happy to live in either of these places, but with 'Leeds equivalent', that being Brisbane, being a flight away then you will be fine. Townsville and Rockhampton are great for some people, but wouldn't describe either as having a vibrant cosmopolitan cafe culture.

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My experience of Townsville might help you make up your mind. But it Depends on what you define as cosmopolitan.


1. I went io the Cowboy leagues club as I was told they do a good steak as I had been to a few restaurants there and wasn't impressed? I wore shorts, t shirt and trainers and felt very overdressed. Most guys were in footy shorts, singlets and thongs.

2. Nearly every time I came back from the bottle shop I was accosted by aborigines asking for smokes or some grog. A few even had plastic beakers with them. It's very sad.

3. There's a bar with a big sign outside saying cold beer, hot girls

4. The taxi had plastic covers on the seat so it was easier to wipe the vomit off.

5. The local disco had a Pink themed night playing nothing but Pink songs and videos for those who couldn't afford to go to Brisbane to see Pink

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, sorry for hijacking your thread. I am planning to move to Rockhampton from South Australia (been there 18 months originally from UK) in the next couple of months. I have been provisionally offered a position at the hospital. I will be moving with my husband and 3 Kids (9, 6 and 4) I have heard mixed reviews on Rockhampton but am looking forward to the move.


Any advice on good areas, schools etc would be great.



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