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we are grandparents over 60 s looking into the emigration mine field ....subclass 116 ...carers visa have just brushed the surface .....daughter lives Queensland with her Australian husband and our two grandchildren ...she's been diagnosed with a illness and needs help .....can anyone recommend an Agent we can ask even if it's to just see if we qualify..... appreciate any help

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I would contact @wrussell or Allan Collett from Go Matilda, both post on here and have good track records. I think this is a hard visa to obtain because it requires proof that nobody (or service) in Australia can provide same care, which is a bit daft considering it is a first world country with medicare. But maybe there are other options, perhaps even just a long term tourist visa would do. Anyway those guys could help you think through options.


good luck.

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Hello new to this


we are grandparents over 60 s looking into the emigration mine field ....subclass 116 ...carers visa have just brushed the surface .....daughter lives Queensland with her Australian husband and our two grandchildren ...she's been diagnosed with a illness and needs help .....can anyone recommend an Agent we can ask even if it's to just see if we qualify..... appreciate any help


Good luck with that one, not wishing her ill but she'll have to be pretty sick for you to get it, especially as she has a husband to care for her.

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Really ....my hope is going fast ....crikey we are so naive I found this subclass for carer and thought ...it would be simple .....my daughter has an illness brought on by huge trauma as our son took his life in uk ....and my only daughter is in Aus ...my idea was for us to be together and be their for the family is Aus ....we have no children n uk now since loosing our son ...thanks for the replies .....

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Really ....my hope is going fast ....crikey we are so naive I found this subclass for carer and thought ...it would be simple .....my daughter has an illness brought on by huge trauma as our son took his life in uk ....and my only daughter is in Aus ...my idea was for us to be together and be their for the family is Aus ....we have no children n uk now since loosing our son ...thanks for the replies .....


No this is definitely not a simple visa to get. If you are thinking that you would like the family to be reunited forever / for the long term then you need to look into parent visa options. If you are thinking shorter term then a simple tourist visa would suffice.


Sorry to hear of your loss. My sister took her own life four years ago now when I was living in Australia. I remember someone asking me about my parents on the day I got the news and I replied that it was a blessing that they were not still around to see that day.

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Thankyou Bungo ....appreciate you sharing that .....you know that pain that's forever with us ....I'm afraid we just don't have the cash for the parents visa ......will pray for a miracle think that's the only solution .....


You could get a one year tourist visa which is something at least. Are you over 65? If you are and decided you would like to stay there is the onshore non contributory parent visa which takes a very long time to process but you would be allowed to stay whilst it is im the queue. Not a route I often advocate as it is years in limbo, but in your case it might be worth it.

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Thankyou Bungo ....appreciate you sharing about your sister...my son was three yrs ago in October so .....you know that pain that's forever with us ....I'm afraid we just don't have the cash for the parents visa ......will pray for a miracle think that's the only solution .....didn't realise how difficult this emigration process was .....

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Frat, I can sympathise with your situation. I lost my brother and daughter to the same thing.


As Bungo has pointed out, the careers visa would be extremely difficult to get.


It it does look like your only option would be a none contributory parent visa lodged on shore. This visa does have very long processing times - potentially decades. However, a bridging visa would be applied automatically. I would though strongly recommend you take some professional advice on this route as there can be issues including financial planning - you would not be entitled to a Australian pension and your UK pension would be frozen at the level it is currently at. There are other issues and some that may be unique to being on a bridging visa for long term.


There are a number of very good migration agents that should be able to assist such as Go Matilda

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My husband is 65 I'm 60 can we apply if only one of us 65 do you know ...


Yes I believe it only requires the first applicant to be over 65. This visa will have a visa fee but it will be a few thousand not the $100k of the contributory visa.


So sorry for your loss it's not a club we want to be a member off but we all feel each other's pain .....don't think this is going to happen re finance issues if pensions frozen thanks for reply


Do you live entirey off state pension now? What about private pensions, these wil not be frozen.

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So sorry for your loss it's not a club we want to be a member off but we all feel each other's pain .....don't think this is going to happen re finance issues if pensions frozen thanks for reply


Dont give up straight away, take some advice.


The very worst case scenario is the 600 visa. This is a visa that is meant to be for people like you. It is not a migration visa, but is for up to 3 years with each stay for up to 12 months. So, you can stay a year, pop out of the country and come back in for 12 months. You can have this multiple times.

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Dont give up straight away, take some advice.


The very worst case scenario is the 600 visa. This is a visa that is meant to be for people like you. It is not a migration visa, but is for up to 3 years with each stay for up to 12 months. So, you can stay a year, pop out of the country and come back in for 12 months. You can have this multiple times.


But you can't stay for longer than 12 months in any 18 month period on that visa. The OP would still need to maintain a residence somewhere else for the 6 months they need to be out of the country. So not really suitable.

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Yes I believe it only requires the first applicant to be over 65. This visa will have a visa fee but it will be a few thousand not the $100k of the contributory visa.




Do you live entirey off state pension now? What about private pensions, these wil not be frozen.



Get by on state pension very small private plus industrial injuries .....don't think hiusband can claim that in Australia ...think we have to be realistic and wonder if it can be done ...

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