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In A Huge mess Need to talk to a stranger.

Guest Unregistered

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The worry here is that the OP (because she is very understandably stressed) is now going to stick her head in the sand and forget about it all because of advice from a call centre. Seriously, would a real immigration person say 'true blue'?


I do hope she speaks to a reputable migration agent who will formulate a plan for her, because at some point she IS going to need a valid visa to stay in Australia. The fact that she has a baby here will not take that need away. Last year there was a case where a British Mother was being threatened with deportation from Australia, away from her husband and children, because she had not obtained the correct visa years before. Education is the key here. Good luck to the OP.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Im going to write what happened when i went to immigration department on lee street.

Spoke to a expert immigration adviser.

She said because baby daddy is full true blue australian going back generations baby so baby is his dependant and will not affect my WHV.

She told me to concentrate on the baby and stop reading this forum so thank you all and goodbye.

I can stay here until July 22nd 2017 so I we have time to decide what we want to do.


The worry here is that the OP (because she is very understandably stressed) is now going to stick her head in the sand and forget about it all because of advice from a call centre. Seriously, would a real immigration person say 'true blue'?


I do hope she speaks to a reputable migration agent who will formulate a plan for her, because at some point she IS going to need a valid visa to stay in Australia. The fact that she has a baby here will not take that need away. Last year there was a case where a British Mother was being threatened with deportation from Australia, away from her husband and children, because she had not obtained the correct visa years before. Education is the key here. Good luck to the OP.


If you google Immigration Lee Street then its anoffice of DIBP, no wonder they were no help.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Unregistered


Hi update on the situation

Told his parents not mine yet as my mum would be too worried her baby is having a baby on the other side of the world

As religious as parents can be they do love us when i tell her she is going to just have to deal with it

I will tell her after baby is born she will constantly stressing if I'm ok which I am-

We are up to date with test and classes and appointments.Pregnancy is good baby all good

Im working full time and my boss is great-he just had a baby too maybe he is good at dealing with pregnant women.

A manager position opened up for the company we used work in and my boyfriend got a promotion

we have nice flat in the inner west a little small studio but its finally furnished with baby stuff too and it takes 10 minutes to get into the city and RPA

it is tiny but affordable.We actually saved extra money.Found free stuff/secondhand furniture/baby stuff on gumtree.

His parents are supportive i think it was just very unexpected since we are both normally very responsible

they seem to reckon were at a good age to have a child and money and other things will work out.

They just made fun of us for not realising that we were pregnant after 6 months.

TBH they were more worried when we told them we were not planning on having anymore children after this one - they keep telling us our child will be spoilt.

Visa issue is probably the most complicated especially with both of us working full time

getting all our evidence together is a pain especially with time zone difference everything seems to taking so long to process and get together

when I leave work next month I will fully commit to getting the visa paper work sorted and moving back in with partner parents for a week or so when baby is born so we have help since we know nothing about babies

Advise for others give it time time heals everything

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Hi Unregistered, I've just been reading all the posts to your problem with interest.... I'm so happy to read your latest update, seems like things are coming together for you now, which must be a huge relief for you both.

My daughter is having her baby at the RPA (she is due end of Oct) and she has received brilliant support from the midwives there...like you, she isn't a Permanent Resident yet, but the attention and care are second to none, and fully funded via UK reciprocal system.

I'm really glad your partner's parents are being supportive of you, seems like they're taking the news in their stride, and are probably really excited about their future grandchild!

My only teeny concern - and I can't speak for your mum obviously - but I would have hated to have found out about my grandchild after the birth.... now that you are settled, and have got support, the baby is growing well and you're registered at a great hospital, you have money coming in plus baby stuff, wouldn't now be a good time to break the news to her? You can reassure her that everything is stable and secure in terms of your relationship and support network, so that she doesn't need to stress... perhaps send her photos of the cot/pram etc or nursery if you've prepared one? It will give her a little time to come to terms with the idea of a baby... she would probably love to share your pregnancy with you (once she's got over the shock!!) I know I love getting little updates on my ipad about her midwife appt etc, and photos of my daughter's bump (I've even seen baby kicking over skype!) pics of scans etc; it's definitely a time for bonding with your mum even if it is on skype, she will feel involved if you ask her bits of advice or 'did you have morning sickness, swollen ankles etc....'.


Whatever you choose to do will be the right decision, I just wanted to share my current situation as I'm in the UK, but I wouldn't ever have wanted to miss my daughter's pregnancy, I have loved having this time with her, even from 12k miles away...


Wishing you every happiness, it really will all work out x

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Hi update on the situation

Told his parents not mine yet as my mum would be too worried her baby is having a baby on the other side of the world

As religious as parents can be they do love us when i tell her she is going to just have to deal with it

I will tell her after baby is born she will constantly stressing if I'm ok which I am-

We are up to date with test and classes and appointments.Pregnancy is good baby all good

Im working full time and my boss is great-he just had a baby too maybe he is good at dealing with pregnant women.

A manager position opened up for the company we used work in and my boyfriend got a promotion

we have nice flat in the inner west a little small studio but its finally furnished with baby stuff too and it takes 10 minutes to get into the city and RPA

it is tiny but affordable.We actually saved extra money.Found free stuff/secondhand furniture/baby stuff on gumtree.

His parents are supportive i think it was just very unexpected since we are both normally very responsible

they seem to reckon were at a good age to have a child and money and other things will work out.

They just made fun of us for not realising that we were pregnant after 6 months.

TBH they were more worried when we told them we were not planning on having anymore children after this one - they keep telling us our child will be spoilt.

Visa issue is probably the most complicated especially with both of us working full time

getting all our evidence together is a pain especially with time zone difference everything seems to taking so long to process and get together

when I leave work next month I will fully commit to getting the visa paper work sorted and moving back in with partner parents for a week or so when baby is born so we have help since we know nothing about babies

Advise for others give it time time heals everything


Are you sure its a good idea not to tell your family intil after the baby arrives? Especialy if you are living with your in-laws?


Have you sorted your WHV ? You do realise that unless you have applied for the Partner Visa before the baby is born, then you will become illegal -you cannot have a depedent in Australia while on a WHV?

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What a great update to read. You are clearly working through everything and doing all the right things. And telling his parents was a great step. The 2 posters above have given you a couple of additional things to think about but from what you've written it sounds like you're over the initial shock and are working hard to get a good outcome. Well done! I hope you're feeling 10 feet tall and strutting around like superwoman!

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