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Go to state sponsor or not???


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We are currently in the process of getting a 190 perm. Visa for Oz. The only thing is its for NSW. We have family in Perth and this is our preferred area but obviously the visa states u need to live in the sponsor area for 2 years. We will be moving over with 2 young children (currently 2 and 7 yrs), and don't want to have to move again to a new area after 2 years. Has anybody gone to another state other than the one that sponsored them?? If so does it have any repercussions when applying for citizenship etc??? We don't want to really move the kids from the UK to `NSW then to move again 2 years later to have to resettle somewhere else., and make new friends and new schools etc. Any help would be much appreciated. (I am a fully qualified Graphic Designer so just wondering what the job situation would be like too)

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The job situation is pretty dire in WA at the moment compared to the rest of Australia, so that would be the only concern. However if you're going to NSW as a graphic designer I assume you'd be heading for Sydney, which means you've presumably got a generous stash of savings to be able to afford it - and that money will tide you over for much longer in Perth while you job-hunt, especially if you can stay with friends at first.


Get on seek.com.au to check for vacancies, notice which agencies are advertising the kind of jobs you do, and phone them up to interrogate them on job prospects (don't email them - they probably won't bother answering).

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