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First Time Poster:Lots Of Questions!


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Hey everyone!


Im a first time poster with lots of specific questions! Sorry if this is a bit long but Im really struggling.


Im a 29 year old welshman who wants to move to Australia to be with his father,stepmother and sister.They have citizenship and my Dad owns his own company (he's a floor layer). They want me to live with them and my Dad wants to train me up as a fitter and maybe one day hand me the business.They will house me and keep me looked after tim I can get on my feet.


As I have no skills that are needed,I was told the best option is a 12 month WHV and that I can apply to extend it before it finishes. All well and good,but today I hit a snag...


I rang a visa agent to get the WHV and they asked if I had any criminal convictions. I was truthful and told them I had a ABH charge back in 2003 that ended with a 3 month referral order to a Youth Offending Team,a Common Assault Charge in 2006 that had 12 months probation and then two cautions for ABH in 2003 and 2005.All over 10 years ago


Upon disclosing this,the agent told me I would not be able to get the visa. This has destroyed my dream to get away as I am no longer the same person I was over 10 years ago and just want to better myself. I have been to Australia 4 times since and its never an issue,they just have a 2 minute chat with me at the airport and then I go.


Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is causing all sorts of upset!

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Australia is not as black and white over criminal convictions as say the USA is. However even ignoring your past record, I am struggling to see what visa you would qualify for anyway. A WHV is for one year and at most two years. In order to qualify for a work related visa you need to be in an occupation on the skilled list and you and the employer would need to meet certain criteria in order to qualify.


Your track record may indeed present some problems, but if you won't qualify for a visa anyway well...

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Even if you qualify for a WHV, it will be just that - a holiday. On a WHV you can only work for any one employer for a maximum of 6 months. So, you wont be able to get a skill that would qualify you to stay longer. Also, to get a second year, you would need to do 3 months designated work in a regional area such as farm work.


It is hard to say if they would grant a WHV as they have a very broad criteria, all you can do is apply and submit extra details to try and explain that the offending was some time ago and you are not likely to re-offend and give any mitigating circumstances.

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if ure gunna apply for any visa surley it would be a family migration visa, the only thing that might stop it is the conviction but i cant see it after 10 years, i think ure family would have to give u a sponsored reference anyway


There is no such thing as a family migration visa. The closest thing is a 489 through the family route. That requires an occupation on the SOL - the CSOL isn't enough, so actually as hard as a 189, but with added complications as the family must live in a regional area

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Bloody hell wish our country was this strict, i thought u could easily move out if u have family over there


No, and it's the same if you want to join family in the UK (speaking as someone who's recently had to jump through the hoops to get my hubby into the country).


British rules are just as strict, but they make exceptions for refugees just the same as Australia does - and of course EU citizens are able to enter freely.

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As Marissa says, you would be very surprised how hard it is to get into the UK. For example, someone who wants to bring their spouse will need to have over 60k in the bank or a job paying £18.5k minimum and then there is a ban on them getting any state assistance

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