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Visa granted...where to start??!


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Hi there! We are a family of five migrating to Perth! I've just started putting a list together of everything we need to do before we leave and was wondering if anyone would like to advise?! I'm sure there are plenty of things I haven't considered! Thanks in advance :)

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Besides the obvious things, de-clutter like mad. We still ended up paying for things to be shipped that we haven't unpacked (admittedly not a lot!) It's a stressful time so reducing the contents within your home can reduce one stressor!

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Yes that would make sense! List so far....


1. Declutter

2. Rent house

3. Sell cars

4. Organise container/move cube

5. Cancel direct debits/close bank accounts

6. Register for teaching

7. Random one but recommended - write a will!

8. Open Oz bank accounts - here/Oz?

9. Health insurance - here/Oz?

10. Organise all paperwork - passports, birth certificates etc


As you can see my list isn't very long!

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Yes that would make sense! List so far....


5. Cancel direct debits/close bank accounts



Cancel direct debits by all means, but DO NOT CLOSE YOUR UK BANK ACCOUNTS! You will find you need them for all kinds of odd things for some time after you leave the country. Also you may take a while to get a credit or debit card in Oz, so your UK cards will be essential.


If you can change your address to a relative's in the UK and just keep your UK accounts open, that's the best option. Many migrants keep them for the long term because they're handy for holidays etc. If necessary, change your accounts to ones that don't have a monthly fee.

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You absolutely need to cross 5. off the list. Keep your bank accounts. I have seen so many people in tricky situations because they did not keep a bank account open! It would be my absolute top tip over the whole move to maintain your accounts, it is perfectly possible to change your address on the account to your overseas address.


Other than that, I think you are on top of it. It is definitely a good time for decluttering!

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You absolutely need to cross 5. off the list. Keep your bank accounts. I have seen so many people in tricky situations because they did not keep a bank account open! It would be my absolute top tip over the whole move to maintain your accounts, it is perfectly possible to change your address on the account to your overseas address.


Other than that, I think you are on top of it. It is definitely a good time for decluttering!


I would still recommend using a relative's address in the UK if you can. Some banks (Barclays is one example) are closing accounts when the address is permanently changed to an overseas one

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In HSBC you can keep UK account plus you can have HSBC Australian one and very useful global view for your both accounts.

Also you can have either UK or Australian address.


To the list I would add:


- search for temporary accommodation after your arrival and book if you know when you are traveling

- research of area where you would like to live

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