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UK Jobs Market


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It all depends where you live in either country.


It's all very subjective exactly. FIFO in Perth often seems to get extrapolated as being the truth for the whole of Oz. Like saying London is doomed due to Welsh steel closures.

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It's all very subjective exactly. FIFO in Perth often seems to get extrapolated as being the truth for the whole of Oz. Like saying London is doomed due to Welsh steel closures.


Exactly. The whole time the mining boom was happening in WA, we were never affected by it at all in Sydney. We would never have known it was happening if we hadn't watched the news.

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I would honestly try and find a job here before you comeback I wish I did.. The problem in the NE is there is a hell of a lot of people applying for jobs. The best website you can go on and job search to get an idea of what your up against is www.reed.co.uk, the reason for this it details the amount of people who applied for the role. I have applied for jobs in my field, I'm degree qualified and I tend to have about 40 other people applying for the roles I go after. I also apply for lower jobs and there is at least 100 applying. So its tough.. I don't think my WA work experience counts for much at all.. Ironic really because it was the same when I moved to Perth.


I am in the process of moving back to Perth. The reasons for me include, job market is poor in NE and I don't want a SE mortgage. Miss the sun and beach..


will you be able to sort out a job before you go?

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Yes exactly, it isn't easy everywhere in either country.

Important point. Loads of job vacancies here (SE UK) Many minimum wage and impossible to work for that if you want to buy or rent somewhere to live. I'm in IT and the bulk of the work I see advertised is near Reading/M4 or in London. Huge daily rates in London which you pay for with a long commute. Trick is to live somewhere lower living cost/high wage - Cardiff and Edinburgh seem to have a decent ratio for IT work...the news over here is so London centric that it's hard to imagine unemployment and negative equity but this is the reality for some areas of the U.K.

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There are areas in both countries that are bad for jobs and there are jobs that are better suited to particular places in both. Though, purely based on friends, there seems to be good demand for IT people all over - my best friend is a programmer based in Leicester. So, very good balance of cost of living to earnings - he makes 50k a year plus bonuses for a easy 37 hour week. A fiend is in Middlesbrough and works as a project manager for Microsoft and earns a very good income and a very good mate is in Cumbria as a software engineer.


My game is certainly doing well UK wide and everyone I know in the geological business is doing ok and employed in their profession. But I imagine if you are someone that works in heavy steel industry life is not easy at the moment in either country.


The area where we are in the SE is very expensive and even though I earn a good salary, we couldn't afford to buy a house here. But, that doesn't worry us as we will buy in a cheaper area and let it until we retire - might actually even look at my old home town of Middlesbrough as housing is incredibly cheap - my parents place is a 3 bedroom modern demi and is only valued at 85k.

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Hi, can anyone who has already moved back tell me what the jobs market is like in the UK? We're currently living in Perth and its so tough here. We're contemplating moving back to England's North East but were wondering about the availability of jobs? Can anyone give me some idea? Would really appreciate it.


Its patchy Judi ...you will here all sorts of bs on here ,but it is area and job dependant ......london and the s.e are doing well ,but I wouldn't want to live there ...i love the s.w but all the work pays peanuts .

My worry for all western countries is this zero hours contract rubbish .

The young people have got work alright ,but what future ?

Can they afford a house .

Then I heard about a relative working in the mines ...w.a to Queensland ,then to Darwin .

The last site they were on had 2 Aussies and 28 Chinese....bonkers .

Selling the workers rights down the toilet for profit .

Getting back to my point ...locally everyone is working ,but its getting the job ,with the pay so you have a chance .

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