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Not recognised PGCE in QLD- what next?!


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Hi Poms in Oz,


I am desperately seeking some advice. I moved here 2 years ago to spend time with my bro, who emigrated 7 years ago, I found out 4 months after I moved (6 months after I started the process!!) that the QCT would not recognise my PGCE in post compulsory education and I could not teach here. By that stage I was already working in hospitality to pay the rent and billls, and was so... annoyed, that I thought Ill take the rest of the year, have fun and do some farm work. I was happy that I had a job that paid the bills and kept food in my belly.


However Im now back for a 2nd year and after a few months travelling have found myself back in Brisbane, living very happily with a fantastic australian partner, spending time with brother and friends.

Im a lot happier than I was last year and would like to stay... except I cant find work doing anything except pouring pints. Its really getting me down. Im starting the process of getting recognition for overseas qualifications and have started to apply for work that is educational or arts (my subject) related.



Has anyone applied for recognition of qualifications? Is anyone in the same boat or been through this. I cannot help but feel annoyed that my years of education dont mean anything!? At least if I cannot teach there must be something I can do that is related or transferable?

I would love to hear from anyone who has experience with this, feeling there must be some answers but dont know where to look.

Thanks Poms


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I'm assuming you are already working on gathering evidence to apply for a de facto partner visa, since that is your best chance of being allowed to stay once your WHV is up?


It is frustrating that perfectly good qualifications aren't recognised but it's the case in many professions, I'm afraid. You either go through the process of getting them recognised if that's possible, or look into doing the Australian qualification (you can often get exemption from parts of the course based on your UK certificates).

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A teaching registration board in another state may recognise your qualification, Queensland and NSW are notoriously strict about what they accept.


However, I feel that your issue is that your PGCE is far too limited. I assume it only caters for 16 to 19 year olds? To register as a teacher at secondary level you need to be qualified and able to teach from year 7 to year 12.


You do have some options. You could undertake a one year grad dip in secondary teaching (gradually being phased out nationwide though) or a two year Master of Teaching qualification (becoming the norm across Australia). International fees are not cheap though.


You could also investigate TAFE. You do not need to be registered as a teacher to teach TAFE and you could be well qualified to do that, with most likely a short certificate course first to undertake.

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Assuming you have a visa which allows you to stay longer then a Cert iv in TAA (Training and Assessment) would probably be the best way to go - doesn't take that long, you'd probably get RPL (recognition of prior learning) and it might set you up for post school training delivery. If you're relying on it to get a visa then probably not going to be of much use to you.

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