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Anyone moved a cat to Aus from the UK?


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I completely adore our cat but I am concerned that the stress of a move across the world might be cruel. She's only 3 and in excellent health. My husband doesn't want to fork out the £2k (is that correct) to relocate her and would rather rehome her. I'd rather take her but feel a bit selfish in doing so.

Advice appreciated.

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Guest Priscilla101

you need rabies shot and blood tests £150-200 depend on vet

a few check ups £50-60

crate £50

flights (I got quote for £550 from emerates)

insurance is variable.

Melbourne quarantine £800 ish I think as long as it's only 10 days (you have to wait 180 post rabies test for this)


mine is worth it

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We moved a cat the other way and do not consider it was stressful for her at all. I was very reassured by the pet transport people about how they are treated in transit. I don't think it's selfish at all, I would ay it's more selfish to re-home her. That said we did re-home a cat when we moved out, she was 18 and the vet advised us to - although the pet transport company said she would be fine and if a very good friend hadn't offered to take her we maybe would have.

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I completely adore our cat but I am concerned that the stress of a move across the world might be cruel. She's only 3 and in excellent health. My husband doesn't want to fork out the £2k (is that correct) to relocate her and would rather rehome her. I'd rather take her but feel a bit selfish in doing so.

Advice appreciated.


My heart goes out to you. We love our 2 year old cat so much too. She is part of the family and it would break our hearts to leave her. If we get our visa granted (hopefully soon), we will be going in July. However, the £2kish is a lot of money when we have other priorities and a limited amount of money. I have no idea what to do, but I do think the cats will be ok in transit. They may be a little scared and lonely at first, but it would be worth it.

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Our cat was a teenager and coped with the move to Aus, had the vet said it wasn't in her best interest our in-laws would have had her - but as my hubby said we'd had her longer than the kids so didn't want to leave her behind lol ... she was 21 before she died.

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I completely adore our cat but I am concerned that the stress of a move across the world might be cruel. She's only 3 and in excellent health. My husband doesn't want to fork out the £2k (is that correct) to relocate her and would rather rehome her. I'd rather take her but feel a bit selfish in doing so.

Advice appreciated.


I haven't moved my cat to Aus from the UK....however I have moved my cat from Aust to the UK years back. He was 5 ish at the time. He was a rescue cat when I got him so I never knew exactly how old he was .... it was always a guesstimate as to his approx age. He was such a special boy to me who never left my side during my serious illness. There was no way I would have left him behind :) He coped really well with it and the quarantine time that he had to then have. it is a lot of money but for me it was worth it :) He passed away a couple of years back after a decade in the UK...he was my one in a million special boy ...I do not ever regret bringing him over or the many happy years we had together. I'm shortly returning home to Australia and bringing my 3 dogs with me ...again wouldn't leave them for the world!!


There's an old saying the proof is in the pictures...the 1st pic is My Tal just before I left Aus and the second my Tal pictured in 2009 having been in the UK 5 years :wink: as you can see alive and fiesty and well... :wink:




My advice would be if you can afford it and can find a way take your adored cat with you




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Our 12 yrs old cat, who by the way is very nervous, has coped very well with the move. He has been here 6 months and is very settled. I think he has helped us to settle too. Only thing is, back in the UK, he had a "girlfriend' who lived next door. She would sit by our kitchen door and wait for him to come out to play :wink:. He looks a little lonely sometimes when I see him sitting in his shady spot all by himself. We might get him a new playmate kitten when we get out of our rental and into our own place.

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Hi, we've decided to return to Canada from Sydney, and just gave up our cat. I cried much more than I thought I would. Same thing, hubby didn't want to spend the $2400 to send her. I couldn't blame him. It's a logic vs emotion thing. Logic won in our case, and we found a lovely family to take her, so I don't think it was selfish to give her up, more like selfLESS! We are going to get new pets when we return. I guess the other thing we thought was how would we feel if 3 months after getting back she ran away and we spent $2400 for nothing. But still upsetting. Heart vs head, so take your pick! :-(

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It is really a tough decision to weigh up all the angles. If you have someone here in UK who will have your cat and you can go away and know that they will be loved and spoilt then that is actually a great option for your cat and for you.

Whatever you do, deffo get the rabies work done anyway as then it means you can put the final decision off for the future (i am a big fan of burying heads in sand!). If you dont get the rabies work done, then at the last minute you then cant decide to take her. We see so often that people have a home lined up and are let down at the last minute and then you have to wait the 6-7 months for the rabies work to kick in.

I think the £2k mark is about right by the time you have the bits and pieces all done - and yes it is a stack of money, but your cat will settle back in with the family really fast and the stress of it all will pass even for the super nervous ones.

Best of luck

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I completely adore our cat but I am concerned that the stress of a move across the world might be cruel. She's only 3 and in excellent health. My husband doesn't want to fork out the £2k (is that correct) to relocate her and would rather rehome her. I'd rather take her but feel a bit selfish in doing so.

Advice appreciated.


I think rehoming a cat would be a lot more stressful than a 24 hour flight and there is definitely nothing selfish about bringing a cat to Australia, quite the opposite in fact. We moved two cats out and three back. I am sure they don't particularly like the journey, any more than we do, but as far as I can tell they are all back to normal within a few hours or a day or so.

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