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Fair Dinkum Aussie Facts - apparantly


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Well i never knew some of these facts ,lol,,as a migrant you never stop learning...


I didnt know it was the law that you cannot walk on the right side of the pavement,lol and is wombat poo really square ? not to mention that it would take 29 years to visit every beach in Australia if you went to a new one each day..... Neither did i know, an Aussie invented the selfie ,lol



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Oddly enough when we came back to the UK I ,out of habit asked ,for a flat white and only one place knew exactly what I wanted the rest it's Que lol


We don't drink much of it and have only ordered once since being back - at a little café in the village we were staying and they knew it straight away. It riles my wife as she is Peruvian and that is how the Peruvians have always drank their coffee - a very long time before Australia or anywhere else.

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Oddly enough when we came back to the UK I ,out of habit asked ,for a flat white and only one place knew exactly what I wanted the rest it's Que lol


I never drank it in Australia but just to be perverse I have started here, mainly because the coffee sucks in most of the chains here and at least you can taste it in a flat white - I've not found anywhere that doesn't do them even if it;s not on the menu.

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Well i never knew some of these facts ,lol,,as a migrant you never stop learning...


I didnt know it was the law that you cannot walk on the right side of the pavement,lol and is wombat poo really square ? not to mention that it would take 29 years to visit every beach in Australia if you went to a new one each day..... Neither did i know, an Aussie invented the selfie ,lol




You never stop learning. I was fascinated to read in the UK Daily Telegraph that Australia has a very low population density because everyone just lives in one of the large coastal cities like Sydney, Perth and...Canberra....

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Well i never knew some of these facts ,lol,,as a migrant you never stop learning...


I didnt know it was the law that you cannot walk on the right side of the pavement,lol and is wombat poo really square ? not to mention that it would take 29 years to visit every beach in Australia if you went to a new one each day..... Neither did i know, an Aussie invented the selfie ,lol



My sister has a lot of wombats on her property and I've never heard her say wombat poo is square - but she has told me wombats always find a rock to poo on.

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