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Why, why, why, Chris Bryant?


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LOL!! Well I find that insulting to be honest with you. What have I said about Muslims and immigration to give you this view of me? Please quote me.


I changed my politics during the Bliar debacle. The more I looked at what I valued in life, and in politics, the more it seemed the Labour party had moved away from me and my working class roots.


I found, to my surprise, that many working class people were now shunning Labour as it had become middle class dominated, yet uncaring about the WORKING man and woman, and fixated with minorities and dole claimants.


Corbyn may have some ideas that fit with my 1970's socialism and ideals, but they are not appropriate for 2016.


You just mentioned immigration, that's all you have to do in the eyes of the left to be branded a racist bigot, remember the Gordon Brown incident, if you don"t advocate an open door policy you are a fascist.

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So which party represents the white, male, heterosexual, non-middle class working male these days in your view.


Does it matter? Any party that intends to appeal to less than 5% of the population is never going to get elected.

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Just a selection - but the impression is left not so much by any single post as by the sheer, unrelenting volume of it.


Well it is a burning issue of the day, and I am a bit of a political junkie, so I tend to comment.


I still find your NF comment rather insulting, would you care to retract it?

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