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Your insights, knowledge or advice will be a big help regarding my conviction case. Thank you.


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Hello everyone,


Good day to all of you. I was looking for anyone who have the same experience or knowledge regarding my conviction case and our chance on our visa application. It has something to do with my fraud case, falsification of documents. I submitted a fake educational diploma while working abroad but was caught and got convicted last June 2015. However, I was given a consideration and was ordered by the court to pay a fine and was able to avoid jail time. I was deported a month later back to our country. I submitted a form 80 and declared every detail of my conviction and repatriation. Our case officer required us to submit a letter from the court which stated my conviction case, the dates when it happened and the outcome of the case which I already submitted last December 2015. By the way, we lodged a visa last September 2015 and until now, we haven't received any results regarding our visa. I was hoping someone can give me some insights or any knowledge on what chance do I still have with our visa. Hoping for your response. It will be a big help and somehow relief that I was able to share my experience to all of you.


Thank you,


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Really hard to tell with such a recent conviction. Did you get advice from a MARA agent? Did you submit evidence that you are a reformed character etc.


They are definately being stricter with this issue and are refusing more visas, but each case is looked at on its own merits so I guess you just have to wait.


Plenty of people will tell you they got visas with convictions no problem, but the more recent the conviction the harder it is. Plus as I said they are now tightening up.


Do let us know the outcome as it can help others. Sounds like it was a one off reckless moment so I hope it doesn't come back to bite you.

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Thank you for the information, rammygirl. Before I was repatriated, I consulted a migration officer and stated my conviction case. He advice me to declare everything when we lodge our visa application and that's what I did. He said that there is still a chance though it is still up the Australian Government if they will grant us the visa or not. When I return home to our country, I was able to talk to a Consul from the Australian Embassy and he also advice me to do the same thing which is to declare everything. We are still praying that our application may be given a consideration. I will keep you updated and thanks once again for your response.

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Your post is a little vague in one or two areas. Is it fair to say:


You were in Australia on a visa obtained by providing fake documentation.

You were convicted of fraud in June 2015.

You were deported in July 2015.

You applied for another visa in September 2015.


If this is correct then it is hard to imagine a thought process that would conclude that you met the character test.

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Hi Quinkla. My apologies if I wasn't able to explain it clearly. I submitted a fake document when my employer applied for my working permit and it was from another country, and not in Australia, where I was repatriated back to our country. I stand trial last June 2015 and was given a consideration by the court and was ordered to pay the fine and the case was closed. I didn't spend any jail time. It was late June 2015 so I was repatriated on early August 2015 already. We lodged our visa in September 2015 and until now, we haven't received any updates yet. Please let me know if I was still lacking some information so I can explain it furthermore. Thank you for your response.

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  • 5 months later...

Good day. After so many months of waiting and providing every requested document and declaring everything, our family permanent visas was finally granted. The case officer requested for all the court files with regards to my conviction case containing all the information such as the type of conviction which is forgery, what's the consequence and the outcome of the case which I was ordered by the court to pay the fine in default of jail time. I also declared that I was repatriated and banned for 1 year. Finally the long wait is over. Thanks to all your comments and information. It was a big help.

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