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I bet this has never been asked before ;-)


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You sound like you've got the right attitude to make a go of it so good luck with it - but I don't know why people think that moving to Australia means working less hours. It doesn't. If you want to make the same money you're making now, then you'll have to work just the same hours.


There are two possible differences. One, if you currently live in London, then you'll have a shorter commute in Queensland which will give you an extra hour or two a day. Two, it's more likely to be warm and sunny when you do get some free time.


Shorter hours for me would be less than what I'm working now which is 14 per day 6 days a weeks then a sunday morning, I have done this for 11 years now just so we can get to Australia in the 1st place. Have some cash for a house deposit if we decide to stay and buy over there but once there I just want to work 50 / 60 hrs per week would do me nicely.

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Ok, got PR family visa all sorted and we're heading out in March for a 2 week sussing out holiday. The question is where?

It's in QLD we have agreed that but what part. Has to be near the coast line so somewhere like Victoria point or right up the sunshine coast area. I know it's our choice but is there a site that gives true point scoring rather than public hear say. We are a family of 4 with 1 daughter aged 5 and 1 aged 18.

Any help or feedback from own experience would be fantastic.

Thanks in advance.



I was in Capalaba at the weekend and noticed a large truck garage called 'Sheehans' they would be local to Victoria Point so maybe worth a look at. they come up on Google search.

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@Adidasandy - this is from a page on FB i am a member of, it was a well known migration agent who put it on so will be genuine, let me know if you want the agencies name.


An opportunity - a client of mine is looking to employ several Diesel Motor Mechanics, preferably with experience on Buses. The client is happy to sponsor suitable applicant for a work visa. Please PM me if you are interested or know someone who is. This is a very reputable company and the positions are genuine, and based in Sydney.

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The benefit of the coastal areas around Brisbane is the slightly cooler weather and more Poms (don't knock it - you'll appreciate the benefits to your social life). It is better value if buying a house compared to inner West say, where I live. I know nothing about mining per se as work in IT but do know that most IT workers in the Brisbane mining companies have taken a hit on work, rates are down and jobs are few.... no more gravy train, sadly but I am sure there are opportunities outside mining.


As others day, be flexible to where you are willing to live and prepared to do anything and you should be allright. Many of us (myself included) have struggled to get work here in Australia when we were previously very much in demand so as long as you bear in mind that it takes effort and a lot of networking to get a job then you're on the right track. If you have someone who is willing to offer you a job, I would seriously bite their hand off - 'Australian experience' is very much sought after here.

Alas you will be working the same hours here for the same effort - Australians like to work long hours (in offices this is taken as being highly productive) so no drifting off to the beach to surf early afternoon!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's not a lot of work on the Sunshine Coast,in fact there is supposed to be 60% of the population unemployed.It bears that out, as when we go shopping during the week,the shops are always full.I keep saying to my wife, does anyone work here that's at Hervey Bay.Gympie ect.And there's so many houses for sale.And there's talk of recession, the Conservative Government has no answers.Just cuts,and more to pay,they are hitting the health service.Plus there is a exodus from Australia to New Zealand,where the economy is booming.

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You ever consider there's a lot of retirees in these places? 60% unemployed? Don't be ridiculous.


Also pretty sure the sunny coast has a shiny new big hospital...

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