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Migration Agents


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Advice needed please!

My partner and I are just about ready to start the visa process along with out two young sons. We feel pretty prepared to gather everything we need for trade assessments, medicals, the visa etc. However my partner recently contacted a migration agent (Destination Oz Ltd) as to see if it would suit ua. Both working full time and two little ones anything to help it go smoothly! We are looking for advice from anyone thats used an agent or even this agent to see if you found it usefull, recommendations etc really anything is helpful!

Thank you

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Just did a search and Destination Oz LTD is not listed with MARA.


Although it not a legal requirement to be registered when the company is outside of Australia, in Australia it most certainly is.


There are plenty of registered agents in the UK to choose from and you are actually spoiled for choice.


You should consider that using an unregistered agent is like driving a car without insurance, you might not crash, but if you do, you'll need it. Registered migration agents must afford you that protection by law.


Also don't be taken in by pretty and colourful websites that claim to be registered, if they aren't on the MARA website then they are not.

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As above, use an agent that is MARA registered as there is no come back if they are not, as for the no visa no fee promise, the other costs of the visa process the agent fee is nothing compared to the rest of the costs, you will be almost £1000 for the medicals alone.


Go Matilda is a well respected agent and one of their MARA agents often posts on the forum.

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Thank you, totally aware of that, I did a bit of a dig a found that they are a branch of an aussie based company called visacorp which is MARA registered but still wary for obvious reasons. I feel we are clued up enough and done a lot of homework regarding our visa, medicals, checks etc. We know the process inside out, what we would hope to gain from a migration agent is the security that we are submitting everything correctly and on time. I will do some research on other companies as well to compare to.

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Advice needed please!

My partner and I are just about ready to start the visa process along with out two young sons. We feel pretty prepared to gather everything we need for trade assessments, medicals, the visa etc. However my partner recently contacted a migration agent (Destination Oz Ltd) as to see if it would suit ua. Both working full time and two little ones anything to help it go smoothly! We are looking for advice from anyone thats used an agent or even this agent to see if you found it usefull, recommendations etc really anything is helpful!

Thank you


We are at the start and narrowed down between visa bureau and immigration2oz, please see my post and responses :)

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  • 2 months later...
Thank you, totally aware of that, I did a bit of a dig a found that they are a branch of an aussie based company called visacorp which is MARA registered but still wary for obvious reasons. I feel we are clued up enough and done a lot of homework regarding our visa, medicals, checks etc. We know the process inside out, what we would hope to gain from a migration agent is the security that we are submitting everything correctly and on time. I will do some research on other companies as well to compare to.



We have just used Michael and Visacorp in Australia.

Visacorp have representatives in various companies including the UK to set up potential clients.

We dealt directly with Michael here in the UK who set up our agreement with Visacorp who are based in Sydney ( they are MARA registered).

Michael was available at first to answer queries and questions and point us in the right visa direction.

Once our contract with Visacorp was arranged Anthony dealt with everything swiftly.

Sponsorship, Nomination and Visa application were submitted together ( everything was triple checked) for our 457 application (myself, husband and daughter)

6 weeks and 3 days later we had sponsorship,nomination and visa approved within minutes of each other. ( looking at other threads this was very quick)

No requests for medical records,police checks or further documentation.


We are now planning to immigrate - very quick, thorough and a personal touch with a phone call to congratulate us.

I would not hesitate to use them again.

hope this info helps, please don't hesitate to contact us with any queries.


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I am sure there will be plenty of folks who disagree with me, and I respect that.

What I would say, as tuppenceworth, is that unless you have a specific and special set of circumstances outside of the "norm", there's no need to use an agent.

I can understand wanting the extra security; however, the DIBP's guidelines are pretty crystal.


Admittedly, I am a skinflint and wanted to save the pennies. However, the entire process didn't take me more than about 14 hours of my time (including research).

If you have the confidence in yourself to follow things step by step, you should be fine going it alone.


ETA: As for timelines, I went from submitting skill assessment to visa grant in 27 days.

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I am sure there will be plenty of folks who disagree with me, and I respect that.

What I would say, as tuppenceworth, is that unless you have a specific and special set of circumstances outside of the "norm", there's no need to use an agent.

I can understand wanting the extra security; however, the DIBP's guidelines are pretty crystal.


Admittedly, I am a skinflint and wanted to save the pennies. However, the entire process didn't take me more than about 14 hours of my time (including research).

If you have the confidence in yourself to follow things step by step, you should be fine going it alone.


ETA: As for timelines, I went from submitting skill assessment to visa grant in 27 days.



Actually, the majority of people refused had what they thought was a clear simple case. One of the issues is that DIPB like all legal depts operate on the principle that ignorance of the law is not an excuse and not their responsibility. To put that in context, there are a couple of thousand changes to immigration law passed every year. Immigration might add one change - if your lucky - to their web site. In fact, there are more of them published on here by different MARA agents than are published on the border web site.

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I think it depends on your circumstances, I know some do it all themselves without enlisting an agent. I wanted to use them for peace of mind as much as anything else. I'm also someone who tries to save money wherever possible as things are tight, but this was a worthy expenditure in our opinion. As others have already said, it's easy to make a tiny mistake which would be much more expensive in the long run, and things change all the time so having an agent who knows their stuff is invaluable in my eyes.

We're using Go Matilda. I'm just waiting to receive my positive skills assessment and then it's onto the good stuff. They've been amazing so far. Always respond really quickly to emails, no question's too silly, and really friendly and efficient service. Good luck! :) x

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I've always considered myself to be a nerd/geek at filling any kind of form, given we have had to do that for years and when you have the experience of filing some of the crazy forms that UKBA require for their visas then everything else seems easy. While quite a few of my friends advised doing it on my own, as a couple we felt it was worth the extra money to have a reputable MARA agent with us through the way, and we haven't regretted it one bit. I knew a lot but Greg knew even more especially with calming me down at times


I did a lot of research and tried to balance reputation with fees which is why we decided to go with Greg Veal, Taylor Hampton, in the end (a quick google and you can find all his details). I am assuming you are in the UK of course as he is based in London. If not, then Go Matilda has amazing reviews and they were on my shortlist. It was my personal choice to go with Greg


All the best


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Under the current regulations only individuals, not businesses or other types of organisation, can become registered migration agents.


The fact that an organisation retains the services of a registered migration agent on some basis or other does not ensure that a registered migration agent is managing a case.


Some entities retain the services of a RMA as window dressing and unqualified staff manage applications.


Prospective applicants should insist on receiving a service agreement confirming that a RMA is conducting the case.

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Guest Guest115110
Under the current regulations only individuals, not businesses or other types of organisation, can become registered migration agents.


The fact that an organisation retains the services of a registered migration agent on some basis or other does not ensure that a registered migration agent is managing a case.


Some entities retain the services of a RMA as window dressing and unqualified staff manage applications.


Prospective applicants should insist on receiving a service agreement confirming that a RMA is conducting the case.


I second that. There's a misconception among people intending to migrate that companies are MARA registered. It's only the individual and not the company. Unfortunately there are some MARA agents who are offshore and hire assistants who often times provide immigration advice when they aren't supposed to. It's up to the registered agent to ensure this doesn't occur. Furthermore, staff who work under registered agents need to be trained on the requirements of the Code of Conduct. If you signup with an agency, there should be a responsible RMA providing you immigration advice and nobody else.

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Guest Priscilla101

Just to put my two cents in- I'd feel more apprehensive leaving all my plans in someone else's hands. That risk was too heavy for me. I have a complicated case (taking my child while my ex with no photo ID stays and was being funny about the forms) but I have still been granted a visa by negotiating the process myself. Didn't take too long. There have been a few cases on here and other sites where even registered agents have taken people's money and buggered off. That to me is a greater risk

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