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Hi, I am desperate to move to Oz as I worked there many years ago. I have looked at all the visas and really confused but have worked out that my skills are not on the SOL list. I am a business development manager for a large company and wondered which visa - if any is worth trying. Many thanks in advance for any help. Manji

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Sadly, if your job is not on the SOL and not on the CSOL, you have no chance of getting a visa to move to Australia permanently. You will need to retrain in a skill that IS on the list, then work for a few years to gain the necessary experience - and then hope that the job you've chosen is still on the list by the time you have the necessary requirements (the lists do change).

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Hi, I am desperate to move to Oz as I worked there many years ago. I have looked at all the visas and really confused but have worked out that my skills are not on the SOL list. I am a business development manager for a large company and wondered which visa - if any is worth trying. Many thanks in advance for any help. Manji


It might pay you to take professional advice from a registered migration agent about whether the duties you perform correspond with those disclosed for an occupation on the 'lists'. Job titles are relatively unimportant and there are 'hidden' lists.

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