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Best home flour mill


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We are soon having our own home on rent in Sydney. We want to buy a small flour mill made for home use since we prefer the flour coarse rather and fresh rather than fine. I don't mind if its electric or manual but I'd prefer having it made of stone rather than blade. Which would do you recommend? There are many options on the internet. Ideally I'd like to goto the shop, see a demonstration and then take it. And if it comes with a warranty, nothing like it.


Have you used any?

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That's a really specific not common item you are asking about. I've yet to meet anyone who does their own flour. As said above, you may have more luck with some online reviews and stuff and go with what you like and suits your needs. I can't think I've ever seen one sold anywhere tbh.

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OK thanks everyone! Won't bother again. It was still a pleasure to be a part of this forum.



........I have quoted these posts to address a point....! (1 quote removed as post deleted)

........weird questions....?

........so won't ask again...!


.......I have pm'd the op with home flour mills....

.......yes they are available....

.......and just as important as where to get your favourite gravy granules or washing up liquid....!

........moving to a new country many of us like the familiar things of home....

........and Pio has usually been a place to find it.....

........so ask away......

.........usually someone has at least an idea......

.........and maybe will learn something of others ideas of living......tink

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I'm also pretty sure you could buy coarser flour in more ethnic shops or local markets too. I noticed many different flours not just wheat flour in a store recently that had lots of Asian (Indian and Pakistani), Middle Eastern and Turkish products. This was in Adelaide but surely there must be places near you. Many are not on the internet though, I just came across this one by chance.

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