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From 600 or 573 visa to 457 visa


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I am thinking about migration to Australia. I did assessment of my accountant skills and I got a positive result from CPA. I dont have enough points for GSM, so 457 is my only chance.(This is all based that accountant stays in SOL list for next year)

I had talk with one agency that has Labor agreement with government and they are ready to sponsor me when I find work, so this mean I can find it easier (I hope at least).


There are 2 possible way to come to Australia to search for job:


  • Visitor visa 600 because I have uncle who is Australian citizen. This is cheap version, to come and look for job. Is this legal? I will get probably condition No further stay, but I can get to my country and apply from there for 457 immediately or I need to wait to visitor visa expire? I dont think to work with this visa, just to try to find employment.
  • Visa 573 - I found a course at one University and it lasts for 10 months and its around $ 12.000. Is it possible to leave course when I find job and change from 573 visa to 457 visa ( I dont expect no further stay - my country is level 2, but If I get it I can get back to my state and apply) or I need to wait course to end?



Thanks in advance!!!

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I don't quite understand what you mean. If you find work, then your employer will sponsor you. An agency cannot sponsor you, or find a sponsor for you. Are you sure they are genuine?


There are agencies that will rent you to potential employer. They gave a eligibility letter where they say they will sponsor you and take all risks. Potential employer pay your salary to them and agency pays to you. They ask for 13%, but we will see about that. Do you have advices regarding this two visas?

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There are agencies that will rent you to potential employer. They gave a eligibility letter where they say they will sponsor you and take all risks. Potential employer pay your salary to them and agency pays to you. They ask for 13%, but we will see about that. Do you have advices regarding this two visas?


Sounds like a scam to me.

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I'm not very familiar with the Labour Agreement stream for a 457, but hopefully this agency has provided enough credentials to show they are genuine.


A student visa is a possibility, however it does specify that you meet the Genuine Temporary Entrant criteria so that may be an issue if you're intending to use your time here to find long-term employment. The 600 visa is intended for tourists, so again it could be an issue when your intent is to find employment. Is a WHV (417 or 462) an option for you?

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I'm not very familiar with the Labour Agreement stream for a 457, but hopefully this agency has provided enough credentials to show they are genuine.



Is this the one we're talking about?



It just seems a bit strange to me that an agency has a Labour Agreement in place, but it's still up to the OP to find the job. Surely it would be the agency's job to find and put forward the applicants?


Besides if the agency "has a Labour Agreement in place", surely they'd have to know who the employer is already? Or is the agency just saying they can arrange a Labour Agreement if the OP can find an employer who'll take him on?

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Ayers are privileged to have been approved our On Hire Labour Hire Agreement by The Department of Immigration which allows us to sponsor and on-hire contractors in Australia for up to 4 years on a business 457 sponsorship visa.

This is agency. My friend went with Lester.com.au Didnt respond to my query yet. I can put pictures of letter and contract if you want.


I dont meet requriment for whv, Bosnia is not on list :)

I know what are my obligatins as student, but can I leave course when I find job?

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First, you do realise that the reason it is flagged for removal is because there are locals unemployed? So, you have to ask the odds of a company happy to spend hundreds maybe thousands and then have to wait months for you to be able to commence work while the visa is granted, when they could just employ an Australian.


Second, you say you don't have enough points, have you included points for English by doing ILETS - that can give up to 20

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OK I have learned a lot thanks to this thread!


Ayers and Lester are both contract management companies and they are legitimate. When you work as a contractor in Australia, you must operate as a business not an individual. Some people do not want the hassle and paperwork of that, so they use a company like Ayers or Lester to manage all their invoicing, tax, insurances etc. In return, the company charges a % fee.


It looks like they offer an extra service for contractors from overseas who want to work in Australia, by sponsoring them for a visa. They're not recruitment agencies so they won't help find the job - the applicant has to do that.


And this is where there might be a problem. Although the agency handles all the paperwork for the visa, the employer will still have to prove that he can't find an Australian to do the job. Immigration may require the employer to advertise the job for some time and then explain why none of the applicants was acceptable, for instance. That will take time - and as there is a good supply of accountants in Australia right now, they're quite likely to find an acceptable applicant! I would also be worried what employers will think if they know you can't qualify for full migration - they may think that means you're not qualified enough or not good enough, and that may discourage them from hiring.

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Both Ayers and Lester look quite legitimate labour agreement providers, so likely would be fine. If you find a job, you would need to still comply with your existing visa, i.e. either student or visitor, until a 457 visa was granted, and then once you have a 457 you need to comply with the conditions which include only working for your nominating employer (I assume under a labour agreement, this would mean only working through the agency).

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  • 2 months later...



I was wondering how long does it usually take for visa to be granted after nomination approval? My timeline is:


18 December 2016 - Nomination lodged

15 January 2016 - Visa application lodged

25 February 2016 - Nomination approved


I am starting to get anxious cause I am on a 573 student visa and next term start at March 21. Currently working part time for the employer who sponsored me and they are just waiting for my visa approval so that I can work full time for them.

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