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SUNSHINE COAST - questions galore...


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I have been battling it out with the whole immigration thing for the past X years. Fiiinally my wife decided to give it a shot, so we can go and see how it goes. We have already paid for and submitted the application for the partner visa. Our children, as I have aussie citizenship get the citozenship by descent, so the process of getting them there is fairly simple.


For the past half a year atleast, I have been battling it out where to take the Family, where do we make the move? The most important things for me are safety for the family, a great family environment (good schools etc). Night life and booze are the last things we are looking for. When we come down next year our kids will be under 3 and 6years old. So the perfect age to start kindie and school. They will feel like fish in water very quickly I feel.


I have taken really two locations into account: Perth and the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.


The reason? And please - all of the info I have below is stuff that I have managed to dig up of the net, so if anybody knows different than polease let me know.


The reason is that I am looking for a laid back life. Meaning nothing like a rat race. We are not looking for hustle and bustle or city life. We want far from it. We want sun (preferably most of the year round) and beach and friendly peopel. A place which is safe and pleasant to live in..


Recently I thought Perth was the place to go. A quickly developing city, nearly 2mln people, situated by the beach practically. BUT, after going to a Perth forum and reading info there, my jaw dropped as to the amount of crime people are talking about. According to people who live there, there are 10 year olds who are breaking into cars, break ins practically everywhere and Perth has apparantly very serious drug problem. If thats the case - I think its also time to take into account other places.


I did consider the Sunshine Coast before, but was afraid that a population of 350thousand may give meproblems with work, allthough I am in the sporting field. I have been working as tennis coach for the past 15 years, and practically anything to do with sport and teaching kids sport is what I love (I completed the Academy of Physical Education here in Poland). Have also some managing experience but in Poland and is probably worth about as much as teh paper it will be printed on down under.


But how s the Sunshine Coast when compared to Perth? Is it really such a battle with work? To be honest I am not afraid of any work, but would like to eventually work in the coaching field. Is the SC a Family environment? Lots of kids etc? Or more retired people enjoying the fishing and barbie? And most important - does anybody know how in practice the SC compares to Perth when it comes to safety (for example walking with the wife and kids in a street, or taking a jog thru the streets at 10pm).


Theres no point going into which suburbs at the moment as first I need to figure out which region (allthough I have visited places like Noosa and Maroochydore 6years ago and absolutely fell in love with it!).


Or maybe there are other places worth taking into account?


Am so sorry for the forum slosh. Forum slosh meaning a question which is so wide that its difficult to pin point, as I am sure that there are better and worse places on the SC..


All in all though, any, and I mean absolutely any info would be kindly seen. I would like to make some decisions within the next month as I want to start searching for work online, but first would like to know where to look..


Thanks up front everybody :)

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Ok, ill try and shorten the question. Looking at what i Had written before i know that someyimes its difficult to go through a essay consisting of 2million words :P


To keep it short and to the point, what are your opinions of the pros and cons of Perth vs Sunshine Coast when it comes to job opportunities, laid back lifestyle, Family living?


Am taking all things into account as it looks like i will not be flying down in 6 Months but in 3! Things are moving ahead, and fast!


Any opinions kindly seen.


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Perth has declining job opportunities and expensive to boot. Never been to Sunshine Coast but there must be plenty of forums on living there.

Make yourself very aware of realities on the ground here.


I understand that the realities, especially financial in Oz is a completely differnet ball game than here in Poland. BUT, in Poland the salaries are a joke compared to Australia. Monthly average wage is around 800 AUS...per month just reminding...


The kids have citizenship by descent and even if we decide to return after a couple of years, the kids will return to Poland english speaking which will be great. Also the whole immigrant situation in Europe here is getting worrying. I have Family in Sweden for example so I know first hand what is going on. Dont want to go into politics though.

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Your posts frighten me a bit, Wojtek - because although I've only been on this forum for a couple of years, I've already seen several marriages break up because one partner nagged the other (who didn't want to go) into moving to Australia, convinced that he/she would love it because it's such a great country - and it didn't work out that way.


I know that sounds dramatic but I just want you to understand that migration is tough at the best of times - if you're not both 100% committed, it will be even harder, so I hope your wife is wholeheartedly looking forward to the move. If she's just giving in to make you happy, then the first time something goes wrong (and it will!), it will be all your fault, she'll start to resent you and blame you for dragging her away from family and home. Things can fall apart pretty quickly once that happens.


But, I'm going to assume that's not the case and that you're both champing at the bit to get to Oz. Personally I would suggest starting off by renting a place in Brisbane for six months, even though you'd prefer a quieter location. It will give you a much better chance of work, and it will be easy to travel up to the Sunshine Coast or down to Northern NSW in search of that perfect job.

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Your posts frighten me a bit, Wojtek - because although I've only been on this forum for a couple of years, I've already seen several marriages break up because one partner nagged the other (who didn't want to go) into moving to Australia, convinced that he/she would love it because it's such a great country - and it didn't work out that way.


I know that sounds dramatic but I just want you to understand that migration is tough at the best of times - if you're not both 100% committed, it will be even harder, so I hope your wife is wholeheartedly looking forward to the move. If she's just giving in to make you happy, then the first time something goes wrong (and it will!), it will be all your fault, she'll start to resent you and blame you for dragging her away from family and home. Things can fall apart pretty quickly once that happens.


But, I'm going to assume that's not the case and that you're both champing at the bit to get to Oz. Personally I would suggest starting off by renting a place in Brisbane for six months, even though you'd prefer a quieter location. It will give you a much better chance of work, and it will be easy to travel up to the Sunshine Coast or down to Northern NSW in search of that perfect job.


Hi Marisawright


Unfortunately it is like you write - only one side wants to go. We have a very hard situation. Let me put some light one our difficult life scenario..


I was brought up in Oz. Lived there for 12 years from age 6 - 18. So pretty much all of my childhood memories are from Australia. When I returned to Poland at age 18, it was not a decision I was greatly fond of. Far from it - I didnt want to come. In short though, as the years passed by, Uni, house, jobs, Family - I have always dreamed of the day when my Family and I fly to Oz for the better life. My wife always knew this, she knew that I had always wanted to return. But when the heart goes into the equation, you dont write somebody off when you feel something for them because they might one day, or might not one day want to fly to Australia.


So our marriage developed, we have two wonderful kids who we dont see the world without. We support each other, argue at times and love each other - just like every marriage does. The Australia thing has been something I have been managing to convince my wife into for the past 3 years or so (as about 3 years ago I started to REALLY want to go back, and it is getting more and more intense). Honestly? There was never a sitdown before we tied the knot at church and we never asked the other person "will you be wanting to fly back", or "will you want to stay in Poland for ever". It was just never discussed concretely..


I always explained to my wife that the life we can have in Oz can be something COMPLETELY different than the one we have here. Here we have it tough. Financially its difficult to make ends meet (in Poland expenses compared to wages are tight, and throw two kids into it and all expenses associated than you have a tough cookie to crack). I always stated that becaise I have citizenship, our kids have citizenship by descent automatically. My wife because of our marriage status will automatically get the parner visa without a worry, and after that - citzenship also. My wife was always very hesitant to agree, she always said that she wants to stay here as we have Family, friends etc. She simply doesnt want to leave Poland as she enjoys the life that we have here. But she has always admited that the main reason for her huge ANTI to the whole thing is that she is just plain scared of such a huge move. Its a country which is so far from where we are, she knows that the contact we will have with Family will not be hugs or kisses but skype or phone, we will suddenly be in a country which operates in a different language (one she doesnt feel very confident in, yet! I hope as we now talk in english every day), and one where people even drive on the wrong side of the road! I understand all of that, I really do. But I also understand that we have to give it a try. She was also hesitant to make up our own place after we had been renting for nearly two years as she simply gets attached to places. Now she doesnt want to leave where we are living now, even though she didnt want to leave the rented apartment to live here...


Like I said. I understand it. But I know that I will crack if I dont come home. It has always been a dream of mine to return home with the Family, as I simply feel that we and most importantly, our kids, will have a better future here.


I presented a solution which I thought was fair and she finally after all these years agreed. We fly to Oz one way where we will live and both give it a 100%, we will both work and function as a Family. The kids go to school etc and we do this until my wife receives her citizenship. After that time we sit down and see where we are at. If anyone of us wants to return to Poland, than we come back. And Im OK with that. If after my wife gets her citizenship she will not want to live here, we pack our bags and return to Poland. We are leaving our situation here at a stage where we will have a place to live and jobs practically straight away. I look at it this way, that atleast we come back to Poland with kids speaking english perfectly, and what we had was one fantastic adventure as a Family.


But the truth is that Im scared as hell and dont know how my wife will take it. There is not a day that I dont think that the worse situation will be if after that time, one side will definately want to stay and the other will definately want to leave. Like we arranged, I will leave as promised but have no idea what will be going on in my head. I only wish that either both of us will want to stay in Oz, or both of us will want to leave back to Poland. I really hope they are the only possible two scenarios on the table..


Now this is going to sound dorky, but that is also why Im looking for places which are laid back and beachside. I love the beach, always have. I always thought that for my kids and wife to live close to the beach is somethuing that they will absolutley love, I know my wife will as she admitted numerous times that she absolutely loves the beach and sun! Besides we had holidays in Italy and Greece and you couldnt get her off the sand! So that is my ace of cards in a way. I know my wife will fall in love with it! Im trying to find all the solutions to try and give her a life which she will not find here. Besides, if we are to come back home in a few years than I want my Family to have memories of beach spent holidays. We are never after hustle and bustle, never have been. We are definately a laid back seeking Family. Also the job profession I have I dont need the CBD to find work.


So yes, I know. Its a really difficult situation. And thats an understatement.


Has anybody else had something like this, where the second half who didnt want to fly down, but ended up being happy there?

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My gooood. Another essay. Sorry about that folks but once I started writing it all just flowed out...


Will try to keep future posts a little bit...eeeerrrr...shorter :)


Not necessary - write what you have to write! There have been many, many people in the same situation as you, some have ended happily and some have ended unhappily. At least you have an awareness and understanding of you wife's fears and just assuming she'll be fine when she gets here, as some people do.


You say your wife "will automatically" get a spouse visa and your children will get citizenship by descent - just checking, you do know that you have to get them all approved before you can leave for Australia, don't you?

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Not necessary - write what you have to write! There have been many, many people in the same situation as you, some have ended happily and some have ended unhappily. At least you have an awareness and understanding of you wife's fears and just assuming she'll be fine when she gets here, as some people do.


You say your wife "will automatically" get a spouse visa and your children will get citizenship by descent - just checking, you do know that you have to get them all approved before you can leave for Australia, don't you?


Yes, we have already submitted for the partner visa. The kids citizenship by descent is around 4 weeks from what I understand.

I will be leaving for Australia in around March/April to find work, house etc. I realise that I will be here for about half a year alone before my Family flies down, but in that time I can work my butt off and do all that I can to secure what I can for the Family. This is going to be a difficult ride, but if all falls into place will be a fantastic one.

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I realise that I will be here for about half a year alone before my Family flies down


In that case, I would certainly recommend starting in a hostel or lodgings in Brisbane. I think it's possible that Northern NSW towns like Ballina or Coffs Harbour would suit you better than the Sunshine Coast as they are less touristy, and if you start in Brisbane you'll be able to travel both up AND down the coast to check them out. I would recommend budgeting to buy a car as soon as possible so you can research areas more easily.

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There are plenty of great places for families to live in SE Queensland/Northern NSW not too far from a beach but the best places naturally come at a price. Nearby beaches were not important for us so we located in The Redlands, south east of Brisbane. Be realistic about your likely earnings and potential budget whether renting or buying. Easy to fall in love with a beatiful location but then realise you cannot possibly afford to live there.


You have provided a lot of personal background but you may get more practical help once you are able to narrow down your questions. You may find that easier when you are actually here and you start to get a feel of the place.

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I understand that the realities, especially financial in Oz is a completely differnet ball game than here in Poland. BUT, in Poland the salaries are a joke compared to Australia. Monthly average wage is around 800 AUS...per month just reminding...


The kids have citizenship by descent and even if we decide to return after a couple of years, the kids will return to Poland english speaking which will be great. Also the whole immigrant situation in Europe here is getting worrying. I have Family in Sweden for example so I know first hand what is going on. Dont want to go into politics though.


I agree with below post. If one partner is against moving all the way to Oz then it is fraught with danger. Family first. Not some pipe dream. While wages are higher, obviously in Australia, it is a darn expensive country.

It has a declining economy. The housing market is insane. Sure it might work, but only if both sides are willing it to. You have other options closer at hand, like England. Ireland. Germany. Sweden.


Do you think immigration is not a matter of discussion in Australia as well? Having one of the highest immigration periods in its history. The sheer business of migration as part of government policy to shore up the housing market and lower costs. The abuse of 457 visa's. The numbers of young on the dole. Hardly all joy here either.

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I agree with all comments so far. I would seriously consider your move considering the reservations of your wife.


If you do decide you want to go for it, I don't think either option that you've offered up is ideal. Perth is isolated and the city is in a downturn - it's been widely reported on this forum. The crime aspects that you've commented on happen in most built up areas as in low socio economic environments so you would need money in any place to make sure you don't end up in an area like this.m The Sunshine Coast would offer limited opportunities academically and vocationally for your children beyond secondary education I suspect - it may be fine when they are young. The coast represents a large area that on balance is not that populated. So I would agree with Marisa and give Brisbane a go first for all the reasons that she's already stated.There will be far better opportunities for your children to integrate and it is a very family friendly city.


That said, my tennis coach in Brisbane is an ex top 300 world ranked player, he is a great coach and I get he feeling that there is a lot of competition out there for work. He only gets paid when he works and he generally works very long days...7 until 7 is not unusual. He works 5.5 days per week. I think he does at least 50 hours a week, if not 60+. So, be prepared for a lot of competition for work.


Maybe what you have in Poland isn't so bad after all?

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srh82 - I perfectly know what a pain in the butt coaches work can be financially. Ypou get paid when you play. All holiday seasons etc when there is less work - automatically there is less pay. I lead tennis lessons in english here, and because all of my clients are expats, christmas holidays mean longer absences as they visit Family in Japan, Korea etc. I will be having 3 weeks without clients this Christmas. One siode of the coin is that great, I spend 3 weeks with the Family. the other side is I earn 1/4 of my usual pay this month. Unfortunately thats how it works.


As for other opinions to take UK or Germany nto account. There is no point. First of all we have allready submitted the the partner visa which cost 7thou AUS, but even if we wouldnt have yet - Australia is the only logical option. Me and the children have citizenship and my wife automatically has it a lot easier.


We had a long chat with the Ms yesterday and we will give it a shiot. I assured her that when she gets her citizenship, we sit down and see where we are at. If she will feel that she does not want to be in Oz, we will return to Poland. I told her that if we decide to stay than it will mean that both of us want to. So it will be a risk for both of us, but all in all I will just keep on reminding her that if she doesnt like it, we return here.


Thanks everyone for the opinions. I fully agree that the best option is for me to come down and just check everything out on the spot. It might turn out to be a completely different ball game once Im there.


Now, seeing as we have European time of 31st December 6.20pm, would like to wish everyone all the very best for 2016! May it be a better year than the previous one!!



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The sunshine coast is absolutely lovely to look at but I am not sure whether or not you may find it a bit dull after living in Poland- personally I would prefer it to the West though. Have you thought of looking at areas that have Polish clubs? There are a few around and maybe that would help your wife if she has people to chat to and make friends with quickly?

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Where did you used to live in Australia? Is that an area you would consider returning to?


I'm the wife of an Australian and I moved here for my OH rather than because of any burning desire to live in Australia. When we met I always knew he wanted to move back at some point and 13 years later he finally made it back. It is slightly different for us as my OH's family are still here so we moved to be near them and have some family support here. It's good that your wife is prepared to give Australia a go but if she is close to her family you need to be prepared for her to struggle without them in Australia. I hope it all works out for you all.


(Oh and Adelaide is much better than Perth or the Sunshine Coast :wink:).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Where did you used to live in Australia? Is that an area you would consider returning to?


I'm the wife of an Australian and I moved here for my OH rather than because of any burning desire to live in Australia. When we met I always knew he wanted to move back at some point and 13 years later he finally made it back. It is slightly different for us as my OH's family are still here so we moved to be near them and have some family support here. It's good that your wife is prepared to give Australia a go but if she is close to her family you need to be prepared for her to struggle without them in Australia. I hope it all works out for you all.


(Oh and Adelaide is much better than Perth or the Sunshine Coast :wink:).


I lived for 12 years in Sydney with the whole Family. Sydney is out of the question as forst of all I am completely in love with the weather all year round option, and also - Sydney real estate has gone thru the roof!!

Adelaide, will look into it! But from what I undrstand Adelaide has a bog problem with employment and development?

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Sounds like you've fallen for the UK based Australia propaganda.... If you've never been here then just imagine the north of England spliced with the USA. Only way you're gonna get what you want champ is to either;

1) Move to a proper regional town (Mount Gambier, Bendigo, Tamworth etc)

2) Move to anywhere in Tasmania

3) Move to the south island of NZ


Australia is, in many ways, now MORE of a rat race than the UK and even the certain parts of the US. It's all to do with demographics and unreal hyperinflation of some asset classes (mainly houses). That combined with an unhealthy concentration of activity in the state based cities..............

Surfndirt, telling it like it is since 2012

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