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Can it get any worse?


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I have posted on here over the last week or so as I'm meant to be moving to Oz on 10th December.

Firstly, I had a 'mini breakdown' the day after I had my leaving party and have been up and down for the past week. Then on Thursday I had the removals come to pack up the contents of the house - again feeling up and down and emotional. Normal, I'm sure, however I just see is it as as sign that I'm not ready.


Then today, my mother is taken to hospital and and is unlikely to recover so now I have that stress too and really don't know what to do.


I have already exchanged on my house and I and my Aussie partner have just finished at our jobs.


Don't know what to do. If we back out of the house then we could be sued or financially taken to the cleaners but if I go ahead with the sale I'll be homeless. Or I go to Australia on 10th and then have the stress if my mother passes when I get there.

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Aww hon,I really feel for you atm.Ive been reading your posts,and I know you've been worried.Is it possible to change your flights to a later date,and perhaps stay at your Mum's place or other family members?Not sure accomo wise you were going to do when you arrive in Oz and if that's changeable?Personally hon,if it were me,I would want to stay with my Mum for as long as possible if she is seriously ill and doesn't have much time.How on earth are you going to try and settle if you go being so far away?I think I would postpone the move myself.Thoughts are with you,and whatever you decide,will be the right decision.Take care and good luck.

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Oh no MelanieJS


My thoughts are with you, I'd second Jacarandas point about staying with your Mum, given the circumstances.


You were already worried about the move, Its possible you could be a nervous wreck being so far away, with this additional worry?


Best of luck for what ever you decide, gut feelings are always a good guide when decisions are so difficult x

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I'd continue with the move but maybe consider delaying your leaving date to spend some additional time with your mother if you can stay at hers or another family members. Maybe your partner can go ahead and start getting things set up in Australia while you stay here for a few weeks.

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I'd continue with the move but maybe consider delaying your leaving date to spend some additional time with your mother if you can stay at hers or another family members. Maybe your partner can go ahead and start getting things set up in Australia while you stay here for a few weeks.


I think this a good suggestion.


I'd go on with the house sale if it means serious financial implcations for you, then delay your leaving date and stay at your mothers or another family members for a while so you can be with your Mum. And if need be your partner can go ahead at some point.


Also, please remember the feelings you experienced, the mini breakdown after your leaving party (emotions run high at these things quite often) and feeling emotional and up and down are what pretty much all of us felt in the run up to migrating as the departure date gets closer. It is perfectly normal and not a sign you are not ready I don't think. If you had been feeling ok about things prior to this, had no big doubts about the move and were in fact feeling positive about it all, then I don't think last minute wobbles are a reason to not make the move. If you want to take these feelings as you not being ready, of course, do so but please know it is perfectly normal and human nature to feel upset and sadness in such situations. If you have been having big doubts or worries all along, don't really want to go, have been dragging you heels or feeling panic about migrating since the early days, are truly unhappy at the thought or really falling apart during the process at the prospect of moving, then I'd say those are clear signs you are not ready. Wobbles after a leaving do and feeling up and down as departure date nears, those things are part of the migtration process as much as filling in the forms and packing up the boxes.

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Sensible comments- I think a delay would be the thing. Depending on where you live in the Uk,perhaps you could rent for a few weeks? Do you still have a job- if so I would delay leaving or take a part time job just to keep you going for a few weeks. Maybe aim for a certain time, perhaps Easter? That is a good time of year for Australia anyway as regards weather and work- just before Christmas is not so good.

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All depends on how hard hearted you can be. Personally I wouldn't be leaving if my mum was on her last legs but you do what you have to do in this life. If you took out travel insurance you may be covered for a family tragedy and so lose nothing by delaying. Shame about the house - sounds like you don't have an alternative there but you should have the proceeds of the house to find a short term rental if you can't stay at your mum's place. So sorry to hear that it's going pear shaped for you before it begins! I'm sure it will all sort itself out one way or the other!


BTW - airlines are generally quite helpful if you need to change a departure due to family extenuating circumstances.

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I have posted on here over the last week or so as I'm meant to be moving to Oz on 10th December.

Firstly, I had a 'mini breakdown' the day after I had my leaving party and have been up and down for the past week. Then on Thursday I had the removals come to pack up the contents of the house - again feeling up and down and emotional. Normal, I'm sure, however I just see is it as as sign that I'm not ready.


Then today, my mother is taken to hospital and and is unlikely to recover so now I have that stress too and really don't know what to do.


I have already exchanged on my house and I and my Aussie partner have just finished at our jobs.


Don't know what to do. If we back out of the house then we could be sued or financially taken to the cleaners but if I go ahead with the sale I'll be homeless. Or I go to Australia on 10th and then have the stress if my mother passes when I get there.


Hi As someone who had the same serious doubts as you but went ahead with the move anyway and is now regretting it daily (it was the reverse moving from Aus back to UK) I would go with your gut. If backing out of your house sale costs you money it will probably be much less than going to Aus and then coming back again within a short timeframe which is what is likely to happen. Maybe you can get your jobs back too (if you want them). Basically go with your gut - if it isn't feeling right then it isn't right and it is such a long way - it sounds like its not the right time for our adventure - but that doesn't mean you should never do it.

Good luck - no doubt you will get conflicting advice on this forum so may or may not help you :)

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