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Uni lodge?


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Hi! Just looking at rental availabilities to see what the quality is on our budget... Not brilliant, very basic but house share is an option too.

Just found 'uni lodge ' and wondered if anyone knows if these kinds of lets are available to anyone?



Sounds like a good option - private space but with the opportunity to meet others ?

Maybe it's not a good idea, dunno... Anyone's thoughts?

It's for my hubby, he'll be on his own when he goes over.

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I can imagine that with their "duty of care" hats on they would (probably quite rightly) not be encouraging non student residents who could be heavens knows what but with a penchant for living amongst young people. Back to the mainstream rental market I should think but he won't get anything until he has boots on the ground anyway (except holiday lets)

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The Uni I work for was recently advertising the student accommodation to staff so they may well let to none students. Someone made a comment above about people wanting to be around young people but older people are allowed to be students as well. It certainly never hurts to ask. Let us know what they come back with so we know for the next time someone asks about it on here.

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Totally agree with you NicF, just didn't respond to that part simply because I just presumed it wasn't intended in any malice....it did make me twist though- sorry Quoll but it did.

Never mind, I think what Quoll meant is the world is full of weirdos....and some professionals have a duty to be very cautious of how they conduct things....I understand that.

I really hope he does get one as it will be ideal...loads of people to meet, help get to know the area, even do a bit of Youth work with....and sooooo cheap!!

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Totally agree with you NicF, just didn't respond to that part simply because I just presumed it wasn't intended in any malice....it did make me twist though- sorry Quoll but it did.

Never mind, I think what Quoll meant is the world is full of weirdos....and some professionals have a duty to be very cautious of how they conduct things....I understand that.

I really hope he does get one as it will be ideal...loads of people to meet, help get to know the area, even do a bit of Youth work with....and sooooo cheap!!

So sorry, it definitely wasn't meant with any malice - I'm sure your DH, working with kids as he does, would appreciate the need to keep tabs on who (and what motives they may have) is wanting to live in student accommodation if they aren't students. Sadly, there are weirdos in this world (and they're not all old either!). I think as a parent if we were choosing Uni accommodation it would be because there was just that extra bit of care and protection for vulnerable kids leaving home for the first time and some vetting of the other residents (be they students or staff) would be the bottom line.

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Thanks Quoll, and yes you are very right there's sadly a lot of weirdos lurking about.... And I know where you are coming from.

Luckily they have returned my message and are sending us some information.... Which sounds very promising.

When I really think about it I really think it'd be a fantastic place to start with loads of opportunities for networking and doing Youth Work! Never know...could get a foot in the door through it....positive thinking and all that!

Hopefully they won't lead him astray with grog and all night parties.....hahahaha:laugh:

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