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How long to sort stuff out before we leave?


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Did anyone rent temporary accommodation after moving out of their house and flying back to the UK and if so, how long was needed?

We have to sort out cancellation of utilities etc and arrange to get our bond returned - I suspect like most agents, despite the house being in better condition than when we moved in (due to our hard work) our agency will try to nick a little bit of it, so am prepared for a fight - but this may be problematic if we leave straight away.

So we have decided to book around 2 weeks in temporary accommodation - Should this be sufficient if we are organised?

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When we moved out of our last place for some reason the agent thought that we were returning to the UK. He tried pulling a few fast ones on us when he did the final inspection but we out smarted him. He was very shocked when we said that we were only moving a few hundred metres away. We then asked for the bond release form to be filled out there and then but he said he forgot to bring it. It took another 2 weeks of chasing him to get our money back. So never tell them that you're leaving the country or going interstate.


The final inspection can take place up to 14 days after you move out so push them to do it on the day after you vacate. We've been advised that if you're going for good don't pay the last months rent and that's the end of the matter. It may not be an easy thing to do but it cuts out the final insult of being a second class citizen who has to sweat, worry and beg to get their own money back.

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Did anyone rent temporary accommodation after moving out of their house and flying back to the UK and if so, how long was needed?

We have to sort out cancellation of utilities etc and arrange to get our bond returned - I suspect like most agents, despite the house being in better condition than when we moved in (due to our hard work) our agency will try to nick a little bit of it, so am prepared for a fight - but this may be problematic if we leave straight away.

So we have decided to book around 2 weeks in temporary accommodation - Should this be sufficient if we are organised?


Is the bond worth two weeks in temp accommodation?


We didn't pay the last months rent and negotiated from the UK. They played hardball all the way.

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Bond is 4 weeks, very rare they allow you to erode this by not paying last months rent as they otherwise have no hold on you. Agents are mostly kids working for the landlord so will always try to keep the bond however by law it is now independently lodged so is easier to recover assuming everything is ok at hand back.



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I am in the same situation. I am leaving the country on 22/11 and the rental property about a week prior to that. I asked the agent to come and do an inspection a couple of weeks ago. We went through the house together and I asked her to point out anything she forsees as being a problem whilst I have time to fix it. I have also insisted on being present when she does her final inspection and will take scuffy's advice and ask for the release form being filled out there and then.

I had considered withholding the last months rent, but (maybe naively) I am hoping that if I do the right thing, they will too.

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I have asked for an inspection on the last day - I'm willing to bet they won't be willing to bring the bond release. We have an older house which was in a bit of a state when we moved in so no doubt they'll blame all the problems (scratched floors etc) on us, even though we have 'cover your arse' emails and photos, it's always a fight and I dearly wish I could find an honest bloody estate agent so I didn't have to go through this palaver every time we move.

We are taking a holiday in Aus/somewhere for the 2 weeks whilst my UK property is vacated so will return after the holiday to Brisbane for a couple of days before flying back. If I have to contest with the RTA from the UK, I don't fancy my chances.... I have to say one of the driving forces behind our return is the shitty way tenants get treated in this country - My tenants in the UK would have to probably burn the place down before they have to pay any of their bond....

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I have asked for an inspection on the last day - I'm willing to bet they won't be willing to bring the bond release. We have an older house which was in a bit of a state when we moved in so no doubt they'll blame all the problems (scratched floors etc) on us, even though we have 'cover your arse' emails and photos, it's always a fight and I dearly wish I could find an honest bloody estate agent so I didn't have to go through this palaver every time we move.

We are taking a holiday in Aus/somewhere for the 2 weeks whilst my UK property is vacated so will return after the holiday to Brisbane for a couple of days before flying back. If I have to contest with the RTA from the UK, I don't fancy my chances.... I have to say one of the driving forces behind our return is the shitty way tenants get treated in this country - My tenants in the UK would have to probably burn the place down before they have to pay any of their bond....


I agree. Tenants are treated with no respect especially in Sydney by greedy landlords/agents. I saw some of the places my sons and their friends rented. One place had the most awful mould problem and it was never treated. The wall not only had black mould but a fungus type of stuff growing too :shocked: They moved out as soon as the lease was up. They left the place in better condition than when they moved in but didn't get a percentage of the bond back. The problem was, there were too many people looking for somewhere to rent and basically not enough rentals. I hope things have improved since then. This would have been about 10 years ago. Since then my sons are buying their own flats.

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I have asked for an inspection on the last day - I'm willing to bet they won't be willing to bring the bond release. We have an older house which was in a bit of a state when we moved in so no doubt they'll blame all the problems (scratched floors etc) on us, even though we have 'cover your arse' emails and photos, it's always a fight and I dearly wish I could find an honest bloody estate agent so I didn't have to go through this palaver every time we move.

We are taking a holiday in Aus/somewhere for the 2 weeks whilst my UK property is vacated so will return after the holiday to Brisbane for a couple of days before flying back. If I have to contest with the RTA from the UK, I don't fancy my chances.... I have to say one of the driving forces behind our return is the shitty way tenants get treated in this country - My tenants in the UK would have to probably burn the place down before they have to pay any of their bond....


I couldn't agree more! I have rented since my marriage broke up, but have previously owned substantial properties over here when agents were bloody falling over themselves to get business. Rental Agents are either bits of kids with no idea when you need something fixed or hard nosed battle-axes. I resent being treated like a second class citizen and have had to fight tedious battles even to the point of taking one agent to court...(they agreed to release my bond the day before the court case.)

Best of luck Chortlepuss, it's an added stress neither of us need on the eve of returning to the UK, and I hope it goes well for you.

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