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Emigration help needed!


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I am a 35 year old financial adviser from the UK wanting to emigrate to Brisbane. Due to my age I am unable to qualify for a work visa and my occupation is not considered a skilled job. As such I am struggling to figure out how I can make the move to oz. Any help with this would be much appreciated. Further background, I am single, no kids and my brother and family live in Brisbane and have citizenship - if any of that helps! Thanks guys

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Your occupation is on the Western Australian shortage list for the 190 residency. You would need a 12 month job offer from a Western Australian employer to be able to get approval from that state.


You would also need to meet the point score, base on age, qualification, work and English test scores. But there is hope!



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Hi Matt , you may be better having a chat with a registered migration agent (we have a few who post in the migration section here), the above 2 posts are certainly helpful so it may be worth following up on the info. If you do have to go to WA for a year or two ,you can always move on to Brisbane at a later date if that's where your family are, but at least its (hopefully) a way in to Aus for you.


Lots of luck with everything

Cal x

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I wasn't aware of that! Thanks for the information. WA not ideal but at least it's an option.


It's a start, you don't have to stay there forever so it would be a way in.


BTW I think you mean you don't qualify for a working holiday visa due to your age - that wouldn't have helped you anyway, since it's only for a maximum of two years and gives you no right to stay in the country.

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