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Snakes in Brisbane City


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I like snakes. But even I would have a melt down at finding a snake like this (21 feet!) on my daily bush walk.


That snake isn't close to 20 feet long, that bloke is clearly a fisherman lol. I pulled one about that size off the road one night up near Cairns.

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Serious question but why ? Why would you be petrified ? If you found yourself even 6 feet away there would be nothing it could do to hurt you.


Bit of a snake phobia I'm afraid. I really, really don't like them at all. I don't mind any sort of spider or lizard but snakes just make me shudder.

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Bit of a snake phobia I'm afraid. I really, really don't like them at all. I don't mind any sort of spider or lizard but snakes just make me shudder.


That is totally a learned fear, we are told from an early age that snakes ae bad or even evil and that stays with us. Fortunately that wasn't the case with me and I fell in love with them from a very early age. I have seen literally 1000s of snakes in the wild over the years and every time I get the same thrill.

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Bit of a snake phobia I'm afraid. I really, really don't like them at all. I don't mind any sort of spider or lizard but snakes just make me shudder.


I sympathise. I do not fear snakes per se and find them beautiful creatures to look at (and touch if safe to do so obviously) but I have an irrational fear of spiders. They are, to me, such ugly looking creatures but I think the fear stems from the way that they move (as I also cringe when seeing crabs and lobsters crawling). BM may be right that it is a learned fear though not sure where I learned mine, but I sense it may be a bit more primal than that.

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There must have been enormous numbers when you were a kid. We used to go out at night at a local koala reserve and it wouldn't be difficult to collect over 100 in the space of a few hours. They were incredibly common near us.


There were a lot, but my comparison has little relation to yours as nothing like your local koala reserve or area. I see the odd one about now, usually when cycling along dark paths. I can sometimes go a long time without seeing one, whereas as a child the front garden might have 5-10 obvious toads most summer nights.

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