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UK Student Loan debt collector


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If she has PR your sister can celebrate as she basically will never have to pay it off unless she decides to move back to the UK and work there. It's possible to chase her down here in OZ and make her pay but I haven't heard of this ever being accomplished (can ANYONE provide me a link to an article where this happened?? Probably not.)


I know a Canadian man that got PR in OZ, he bragged about not having to pay a six figure student loan back home. Since it is a civil issue, the police are not concerned with it.. Only NZers can be arrested for doing such things.


I don't know how you'd trust a link provided by me, anymore than you should trust the brag of a Canadian man with dishonesty problems? A life time is a long time to keep running from a debt, or to say will never move back to the UK...

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I don't know how you'd trust a link provided by me, anymore than you should trust the brag of a Canadian man with dishonesty problems? A life time is a long time to keep running from a debt, or to say will never move back to the UK...


extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence...bragging about running from a debt is not an extraordinary claim and does not need much evidence for one to believe. If anyone were to at least provide me with a link I could follow it up at least.


Like I said before, you can come back to the UK but it is only if you work and collect a wage I imagine it will be a problem, that and getting any loan (since your credit rating would be terrible after defaulting on loans). I imagine that if his sister worked in the UK they might garnish her wage until the debt was completely settled.


This problem is more widespread than many of you might imagine. 4/10 default on their student loans in England


reference: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2312702/Four-students-default-loans-Treasury-fear-funding-unsustainable.html

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If she has PR your sister can celebrate as she basically will never have to pay it off unless she decides to move back to the UK and work there. It's possible to chase her down here in OZ and make her pay but I haven't heard of this ever being accomplished (can ANYONE provide me a link to an article where this happened?? Probably not.)


I know a Canadian man that got PR in OZ, he bragged about not having to pay a six figure student loan back home. Since it is a civil issue, the police are not concerned with it.. Only NZers can be arrested for doing such things.


They contacted my granddaughter and God knows how they got her address here, and she now provides them with statements of her earnings 4 times a year. She wasn't avoiding the debt as she knew that she was below the income level and is not yet paying it back.


It is a government debt and as such can be pursued in Australia. I know of 2 cases where attachments to earnings have been made against UK fathers resident in Oz who were not paying maintenance for their children back in the UK. If the gov't can pursue that, so can they pursue student debt.

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They contacted my granddaughter and God knows how they got her address here, and she now provides them with statements of her earnings 4 times a year. She wasn't avoiding the debt as she knew that she was below the income level and is not yet paying it back.


It is a government debt and as such can be pursued in Australia. I know of 2 cases where attachments to earnings have been made against UK fathers resident in Oz who were not paying maintenance for their children back in the UK. If the gov't can pursue that, so can they pursue student debt.


They got the address here because she unwittingly volunteered the information or someone in your family did.


Government debt can be pursued in Oz, but this doesn't mean they will get anything overseas. Getting a foreign judgement is very difficult and very expensive.


The only reason the UK father is pursued to begin with is because he co-signed his child's loan which is big no-no. Never cosign someone else's loans under any circumstance.

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They got the address here because she unwittingly volunteered the information or someone in your family did.


Government debt can be pursued in Oz, but this doesn't mean they will get anything overseas. Getting a foreign judgement is very difficult and very expensive.


The only reason the UK father is pursued to begin with is because he co-signed his child's loan which is big no-no. Never cosign someone else's loans under any circumstance.


It wasn't a loan it was child maintenance and illustrates fully that the UK gov't can, and will, pursue that whch is classed as gov't debt if they so wish. No information was volunteered from here in my granddaughters case as she knew that she didn't need to yet repay back the debt which further illustrates that they can and will pursue with the help of the Australian Gov't if they wish. She didn't even volunteer information to any agency about her emigration other than leave a forwarding address with the Post Office

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extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence...bragging about running from a debt is not an extraordinary claim and does not need much evidence for one to believe. If anyone were to at least provide me with a link I could follow it up at least.


Like I said before, you can come back to the UK but it is only if you work and collect a wage I imagine it will be a problem, that and getting any loan (since your credit rating would be terrible after defaulting on loans). I imagine that if his sister worked in the UK they might garnish her wage until the debt was completely settled.


This problem is more widespread than many of you might imagine. 4/10 default on their student loans in England


reference: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2312702/Four-students-default-loans-Treasury-fear-funding-unsustainable.html



I believe Johndoe is correct that government debt can be pursued overseas, as opposed to private debt which cannot be. I have no idea if this occurs in practice. But the main point to note is that this is a debt that will not go away after six years like other debts. It will just grow and grow forever.


Most people like to retain the option of being able to return to their country of birth in the future. OPs girlfriend is effectively ridding herself of that option or would be returning to a very much larger debt than she has now. That is her issue, I wouldn't even bother to mention anything about honesty and stealing off other people (in this case taxpayers) as you wouldn't understand.

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  • 3 months later...

Just a note for anyone interested. The repayment threshold is not the same as in the UK for when repayments are due. Also interest on student loans started after 2012 (from start of £9000 per year tuition fees) are no longer at 1% above Bank of England base rate but now 6% so grow very quickly. The UK repayment threshold however went up from £16.5k to £21k for these newer loans. The current Australian re-payment threshold (for old scheme) is approx $45k AUD. So only 9% above this.

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