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Letter to school - re leaving


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We will be finishing at Xmas so end of term but no reports as not the end of school year. Do I not need to take any reports with us then?

Not really, unless you're planning on a private school. They just bung the kids with age peers and make up their own minds about progress.


If you have a kid with learning disabilities then bring every assssment and report ever written

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Write to the head of your school to let them know they're leaving. If your school is oversubscribed it'd be nice to let them know asap so they can plan for next term, but otherwise really no need to give notice until you're ready.

Reports aren't really necessary especially for primary, but we found it useful to take some of the girls' work (I keep a selection anyway). The teachers in their secondary school did want to see them when there was some question about the level they'd been working at and what they'd been studying. It was easier for the teachers to look at the work than for us to try to explain - it meant more to them than it did to us!

The only other things we needed were references from teachers or people who'd known us a long time, but that was for a private school. A bit ridiculous imo, but something to think about if you're applying to one. You won't need them for a public school.

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Some private schools requested the last three school reports when we were looking out here. Ask the school to send them digitally to you - then you've got copies easily accessible if anyone does ask.


Also, if you are going down the private route, we were asked for a reference from my son's UK school - but he went into Year 12, so they wanted to check his character and that he'd be a good fit for the school.

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