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parent migrant visa


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just heard yesterday after one year and 10 months our parent migrant visa is finally moving we have been asked to get things in place ie police checks medicals and all of the forms our daughter i Sydney is dealing with it for us to try to make it easier for us does anyone know now about how long the process will take and will we now have a case worker getting scared now its becoming real excited as well

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I have been waiting since February 2014 for a caseworker. I am beginning to get impatient but I know the wait will be worth it. I was told it would take 18 to 24 months to complete the process so I am hoping it is complete by February 2016. I was told to get my police check by December 2014 and my medical by February 2015 which I have done. I have also had to complete a Form 80 which is completed and ready to go. Hopefully I will hear something soon. Both my children live in Oz and I miss them terribly. Good Luck and hope your visas come through soon and you have a good life in Sydney which is where I will be moving to very soon fingers crossed.

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thank you littlelegs i do understand and you do get impatient we applied september 2013 and have just heard this week to start getting things in place , we were told to get police checks and medicals ready last september but someone told us if you get them to early ie six months before the visa is granted you have to do them again at a cost to us so we waited now we have been told we have 28 days to submit them so im glad we waited police checks are do medicals next week . We are also like you boyh children in australia our son in Brisbane and daughter in Sydney and four grandchildren all under six we just want to see more of them as you miss such a lot but thank god for skype , im sure we are doing the right thing we have no one in the uk now well only friends who i will miss but feel we have to be with our family ,good luck with your visa hope it wont be much longer

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  • 3 weeks later...

Would you both mind confirming which Parent Visa subclass and process you have followed and indicative costs? I am looking at kicking off the process for my mother. She meets all the requirements, just looking into best option to go...

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Hey folks... you may already know about it, but I thought I'd point out this thread...




It has been running for years and has tons of really helpful POI'ers on it - both sat in the waiting room as well as those already granted and living the dream. Might be worth heading on over to that thread if you have any questions you want answered.

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Would you both mind confirming which Parent Visa subclass and process you have followed and indicative costs? I am looking at kicking off the process for my mother. She meets all the requirements, just looking into best option to go...


I have applied for 173 Temporary Contributory Parent Visa. Cost so far has been £1300 which I paid when submitting my initial application. I have paid £45 for police check and £319 for medical. My son advised me to do it this way not sure why he didn't choose the 143 permanent. I will be applying for the permanent one within the two years, the temporary one allows for you to decide if you can settle permanently I suppose. I am not sue of the total payment I need to pay for the 2nd VAC. Anyone out there know the answer to this? TIA.

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The 2nd VAC for the 173 is $29,130. Many people go the 173/143 path to spread out the payments. The 143 step will have an initial application fee of $325 and then a 2nd VAC of $19,420. If you'd applied for the 143 from the start, the 2nd fee would have been $43,600.


Thank You very much.

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Hi we applied for a 173 parent contributory visa not sure of the total cost but up to now it has been about 2,000 dollars for the application to get started police checks 50 ukpounds each medical 320ukponds each then the next payment of just over 50,000 dollars when the visa is granted then in two years the final payment not sure what it will be but think it will be 30,000 dollars plus . We first applied in September 2013 so its quite a long process , you can wait in Australia for the visas to be completed but as we are semi retired so still earning we decided to wait in the uk as we can still be earning and saving a bit more , I am already get my state pension my husband will get his next January and these will be frozen when we finally move to OZ so every little helps for the future . We will have to rent or buy when we get there . but I suppose if you lived with your children the costs wont be as much . im feeling really scared but know we are doing the right thing hope this helps cookfoody PS that might be a 143 visa not 173 ?

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think that what we have applied for the 173 you the have two years and if you don't settle or like it you don't pay the 2nd instalment its all very confusing my daughter is dealing with everything for us so we don't have to worry to much

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Hi have any of you applied for the 143 contributory parent visa? I am getting conflicting advice as to how long these take at the moment. We applied April 2015 for NSW where our children are resident.



We find that 143s tend to take between 20 and 22 months at the moment, but much depends on how many people have applied for the same visa type in the year to 18 months before you lodged your application.


Applications lodged in Oct 2013 are presently being allocated and progressed - but there was a surge in visa applications in August and Sept 2013 which means that applications lodged around that time are taking longer than is typical.


Best regards.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All


I was just looking at the 143 visa (on the off chance my inlaws / outlaws want to come over in a few years). The visa fee estimator was suggesting this would only cost around $3 - $4k.... not $30 - $40k.... I am clearly missing something - can anyone direct me to a link which shows the fee's ?

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