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Your experience or views for Islamic schools in Australia


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I would guess that you would follow the same criteria picking an Islamic school as for any other school. Just because it is Islamic does not mean you will get a good education there, and in some cases, you might be better off sending your children to a non-religious based school. I live in Sydney and I was just about to post information related to NSW. I'll do it anyway, as it might be useful for you. There have been some controversial things happening in some of the Islamic schools and not necessarily to do with anti-Islamic feeling.




This report below relates to schools across Australia.




Thanks Maryrose You are right there are problems with islamic schools of management. And most of Muslims are not sending their children to islamic schools but its a long debate having pros and cons.




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Always wondered about religious schools. Do they teach science properly? Or history? I wouldn't send my kid to anything but a secular school personally.


In fact that is my concern my son is good in maths and science and sending to a religious school will affect his studies or not I am not sure but thats why I asked it here. Because religion I should tell at home and other subjects he should learn properly in school. My husband want to send him to public school as he already is studying in one and though its in suburb its too good. But i am thinking to research first then decide.




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im a teacher & i have children in my class who were at islamic school in south oz before they moved to nsw & came to our school. both children who are twins are behind their peers. also the little boy thinks he can boss female teachers & other little girls around & is having a lot of trouble because of this. im not sure if he learned this bad behaviour at school or at home or maybe both but it is causing a lot of problems for his learning.


Hi Booma,

he must have learned that thing at home because in school they don't teach that behavior but if that's so I will never send my child to islaimc school and in SA there was only one islamic school now another has started but that already existing is not a good one. My husband's friend works in that school but his children go to public school which mean even employees there think its not worth it. Rest God knows best.




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I think Muslims are afraid to talk even about islamic school because of negative feedback they instantly get on different social networks about islam? Just a personal thing ;) And now I hardly expect that I will get a feedback from any muslim about his or her kid studying in religious school. Have to vist all ov them and extract my own results....


Best wishes for everyone,


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I have no personal experience of Islamic schools (or schools of any other religion for that matter) but there has been a lot of stories in the news here in SA about parents of kids at an Islamic school being very unhappy about how it is being run, to the extent that they have been protesting outside of the school. It does strike me that the easiest way for these parents to send a message to the school would be to move their kids to another school but very few seem to want to. I'm not sure if this is a reflection of the other schools in the area or how strongly the parents feel about having their children educated in an Islamic school.


Hi NicF,


In fact in SA problem is there is no competition in islamic school one or two schools we have and they are also not so good that's why i feel its better for me to choose public school otherwise my children may not be competitive in studies as I want them to be and working hard on them by helping at home.




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We are not religious in any way. Nor do me and my wife have children.


However, we did live in a predominantly Muslim area of the UK. There were several Muslim schools in the area. However, most of our Muslim friends would not send their kids there because they felt it was important the kids grew up with a understanding of their non Muslim peers and friends from other / no faiths.

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We are not religious in any way. Nor do me and my wife have children.


However, we did live in a predominantly Muslim area of the UK. There were several Muslim schools in the area. However, most of our Muslim friends would not send their kids there because they felt it was important the kids grew up with a understanding of their non Muslim peers and friends from other / no faiths.


Good point, they have to live Australia and not Saudi Arabia

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It makes me sick that religious schools are subsidised by Oz taxpayers. Why should we pay for the brainwashing of kids with that primitive sick garbage.


At least in Australia there is a choice in the UK all

givernment schools are religious.

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It makes me sick that religious schools are subsidized by Oz taxpayers. Why should we pay for the brainwashing of kids with that primitive sick garbage.


Another good point but i think most of funding for school is extracted from fees and not by govt. Because we have to pay thousand of dollar there while in public school its almost free. If my thoughts are right?

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Another good point but i think most of funding for school is extracted from fees and not by govt. Because we have to pay thousand of dollar there while in public school its almost free. If my thoughts are right?


Actually this isn't true. The government give private schools as much, if not more than public schools.

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Another good point but i think most of funding for school is extracted from fees and not by govt. Because we have to pay thousand of dollar there while in public school its almost free. If my thoughts are right?


I think Catholic and Islamic primary schools are almost fully funded by the Australian taxpayers.

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The current situation with the Islamic school council is that all but two of the nations Islamic schools are under federal investigation for both mismanagement of federal funds and poor management of teaching etc. The school in Adelaide for instance has fired all non Muslim teachers and teachers who do not share the radical beliefs held by the boards....so that a large majority of classes currently have no teachers and are run by administration staff.




is one link but you can find many reports of what is going on....so bottom line would be a strong suggestion to avoid sending your child to an Islamic school for a while.

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Actually this isn't true. The government give private schools as much, if not more than public schools.


No they don't, I thinkit is one of those long running myths! The reason private faith schools are still around and haven't been closed/converted is because they save the taxpayer money. Parents pay a percentage of what would be provided to a school if it was a public school. The difference in faith schools is the amount the state and federal governments pay per person. This article explains it well.



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