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Countdown to Abbottmageddon


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You don't like Morrisson because he was successful in his assigned portfolio beyond anyone's expectations.


He is in a different portfolio now and doing well again.


He is obviously extremely capable and most importantly a good communicator.


His time as leader will come, but not yet. Turnbull would be next if Abbott happens to lose the election.


A Morrison apologist. Only a hero I'm afraid among right wing cultists. High hopes of high office and will be cut throat in obtaining the top position. Probably the worst of a particularly awful government.

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I wonder whatever happened in your life to make you suggest such a thing? Morrison would take this country down a path of likely no return. How far right is right enough for you?

Do you read the papers? Watch the news? Which parts of the world do all the awful things happen? In democracies?

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The party that abolishes negative gearing will get my vote.


And the others'…. No party will currently suggest its abolition, but Labor would be wise to propose restricting it in some fashion as a first step. The arguments against it seems to have been won, it is just a question of how to dismantle it gradually and as painlessly as possible.

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And the others'…. No party will currently suggest its abolition, but Labor would be wise to propose restricting it in some fashion as a first step. The arguments against it seems to have been won, it is just a question of how to dismantle it gradually and as painlessly as possible.


When political collateral fall out allows it. Unlikely before though most know what is required.

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In that case name shine democracies where people flee from oppression fit sanctuary in undemocratic regimes.


Plenty flee too undemocratic regimes or semi democratic regimes be that Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, Yemen, Ethiopia, and so on. The largest number of people fleeing their home countries are housed in semi democratic countries many laden with corruption along with a inability to host for the main part a massive number of outsiders.

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Plenty flee too undemocratic regimes or semi democratic regimes be that Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, Yemen, Ethiopia, and so on. The largest number of people fleeing their home countries are housed in semi democratic countries many laden with corruption along with a inability to host for the main part a massive number of outsiders.


Not one of those countries is a 'true' democracy, in the Western sense, and most of them are outright dictatorships.

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Shows the determination of seekers of asylum then doesn't it? Which is what I was attempting to point out.

Turn those dictatorships into democracies and there woukd be no need for people to flee, so Western foreign aid should only be given to countries that are doing the right thing.

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Turn those dictatorships into democracies and there woukd be no need for people to flee, so Western foreign aid should only be given to countries that are doing the right thing.


Western foreign aid is used to purchase influence few are really interested in the right thing. Well people do flee democracies just more regulated. They are called economic migrants.

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At least David Cameron is educated!


Cameron Educated you must be on drugs.Cameron and his Conservative government.Are the worst Government in British History , Next to the Thatcher Government.I honestly can't believe how another Tory would ever get back into office after Thatcher.We can blame the Lib/dems i suppose.Thatcher was the reason i and thousands like me left home.She was a Tyrant if ever there was one.Strange how she was given a 10 million pound send off,when her own party kicked her out of Office.The Damage that woman did to Britain can never be Repaired.And Cameron declared,She was Britain's Saviuor,Words of a retard.

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Western foreign aid is used to purchase influence few are really interested in the right thing. Well people do flee democracies just more regulated. They are called economic migrants.


No Flag, they are called economic migrants when they have had safe passage through half a dozen safe countries but then want to get into the UK for economic reasons. France is certainly not a dictatorship from which they need to escape.

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No Flag, they are called economic migrants when they have had safe passage through half a dozen safe countries but then want to get into the UK for economic reasons. France is certainly not a dictatorship from which they need to escape.


France is sharing the burden. (in French eyes) These people hardly in the main arrive in France. They transverse from arrival EU country. Be that Greece, Italy, Spain or even Malta. Hardly fair in a Union that any one of these nations be solely responsible for resettlement. Hence the need for sharing, (until a more practical solution can be arrived at)something UK will not agree to.

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The sad and ironic thing is that if all these Third World dictatorships and corrupt and economic basket cases WERE colonies of Western countries again, people would not need to flee, but then that is un-PC to say so.


In the main that would hardly be true. Natives of colonised countries are hardly going to be content do the rubbish jobs of their colonial masters. Kipling times, I'm afraid and The Burden Of The White Man, are well placed in the dust bin of history.

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Cameron Educated you must be on drugs.Cameron and his Conservative government.Are the worst Government in British History , Next to the Thatcher Government.I honestly can't believe how another Tory would ever get back into office after Thatcher.We can blame the Lib/dems i suppose.Thatcher was the reason i and thousands like me left home.She was a Tyrant if ever there was one.Strange how she was given a 10 million pound send off,when her own party kicked her out of Office.The Damage that woman did to Britain can never be Repaired.And Cameron declared,She was Britain's Saviuor,Words of a retard.

Thatcher had sure a lot to answer for. Reason I left London as well. I don't see much difference these days with the forces from the right, be it Cameron or the dreadful Abbott lot here in Australia. In some areas they are advocating to go where Thatcher did not even tread.

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In the main that would hardly be true. Natives of colonised countries are hardly going to be content do the rubbish jobs of their colonial masters. Kipling times, I'm afraid and The Burden Of The White Man, are well placed in the dust bin of history.

But after indeoendence, they still have to do the rubbish jobs, but for home grown rulers who actually treat them far worse, hence them all fleeing to Europe to live under their former colonial masters. That is the hypocrisy of it all. Zimbabwe is far FAR worse under Mugabe than it ever was under white rule, and the elite is even further removed from the "Plebs."

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Thatcher had sure a lot to answer for. Reason I left London as well. I don't see much difference these days with the forces from the right, be it Cameron or the dreadful Abbott lot here in Australia. In some areas they are advocating to go where Thatcher did not even tread.

Read about Saint Malcolm in Fairfax on Sat. In 1980 Zambian security forces murdered an ABC journalist because they thought he was a white Rhodesian.


Fraser connived with the Zambian dictator Kaunda to keep it quiet so as not to embarrass Kaunda.


Still the lefties adore Fraser as an"Good" Liberal.

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But after indeoendence, they still have to do the rubbish jobs, but for home grown rulers who actually treat them far worse, hence them all fleeing to Europe to live under their former colonial masters. That is the hypocrisy of it all. Zimbabwe is far FAR worse under Mugabe than it ever was under white rule, and the elite is even further removed from the "Plebs."


Don't always pick on Zimbabwe as a example to how black independent nations don't work. Just look at Greece in the European world or the lot of Aboriginal Australians in remote locations.


Now look at the countries that work very well in Africa. Botswana being a shining example of a better off country. Plenty of others are taking steps forward as well. Namibia, one of my favourite you would think you were in Australia with a European flair due to buildings in the cities. As with many cities in that continent where a black middle class has certainly taken root.

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Read about Saint Malcolm in Fairfax on Sat. In 1980 Zambian security forces murdered an ABC journalist because they thought he was a white Rhodesian.


Fraser connived with the Zambian dictator Kaunda to keep it quiet so as not to embarrass Kaunda.


Still the lefties adore Fraser as an"Good" Liberal.


If you knew history you would know white liberals (lefties in your vernacular) were most certainly not supporters of Fraser. In fact most detested him, his privileged background, his use of vowels and so on.

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