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Backpack or suitcase?


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Hahahaha "gap yah" [emoji23] I hope I don't bump into people who are on gap jahhhhhssssssssssss


oh we will!!! Gap yahhh darling lol. When i watched the inbetweeners I cracked up at some of the stuff especially the guy with the long dreadlocks. I'm more like will or Neil :laugh: probably more like will - walking around with my suitcase worrying about everything :laugh:

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Stacey if I ring up tomorrow before you I'll let you know what they say!![emoji636][emoji636][emoji636]


thank you! I just don't have any time this week. I'm at work tomorrow from 9am till 4pm Friday :cry: then Manchester at the weekend. 4 days off next week so I'd like to say I'd get everything sorted then but that's probably a lie

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Yeah I'm hoping it's good. Will be good to hopefully break the ice before sharing a hostel room with them in aus. It's supposed to rain though :( The apartment we've rented down there looks lovely. I think it's in the northern quarters. Hope it's not as bad weather as it sounds if you're at a festival!

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I'm sick of looking at luggage. I think I'm giving up and just going to fork out the extra for the osprey. Then at least I know it should be Stacey proof. I found one for £130. I just can't find a suitcase that I can trust 100%.



I don't think you'll regret it! Good luck!

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So update on my suitcase!!! I've more or less packed, just got the usual things to go in last min- pair of shoes jeans underwear hairdryer straighteners etc!! Its so light and I'm so glad I got it. Definitely the correct choice!! Even if I had to lugg it up a mountain I'm sure I'd survive with it ;-) I'm taking my backpack to a festival this weekend and I never want to see it ever again!!! Lol.


Stacey I'm surprised!!

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Alix- Just had chance to use my case for the first time, in the worst conditions. I'm going to Devon tomorrow but staying at work tonight as it's nearer the Train St. So I've brought my case to work with me and i go to Toys 'R' Us first(for presents-not for me lol). I come out and its raining so hard- My jacket is in my case and I have bags, my case and my heavy handbag and not far off a mile to walk to work, which is nothing if the rain wasn't near enough torrential haha. Except from a few seconds of frustration(more my fault than the cases) it just glided along beside me so smooth, was fab. I'm slightly in love :P xx

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